Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 6357-6372 | Article Number: ijese..001
Published Online: September 04, 2016
The relevance of the study is due to the development of a new stage of prevention and the need to justify new educational goals and objectives of the pedagogical prevention of addictive behavior in the educational environment. The purpose of this article is to examine the totality of the necessary and sufficient individual resources, that are protective factors for teenagers from different types of addictions. The leading method of research is the analysis of psychological and educational literature and legal acts in the field of prevention of addictive behavior, psycho diagnostic methods. The paper theoretically justifies the formation of the person’s resilience as a task of pedagogical prevention of addictive behavior in the educational environment, shows the results of psycho-diagnostics for coping strategies, personal resources and resilience of adolescents, reveals the relationship between the models of coping behavior, the development level of the individual resources and the level of teenagers’ resilience. The article presents theoretical and practical significance for teachers, social workers and psychologists involved in the development and implementation of educational programs of addictive behavior prevention in the educational environment
Keywords: Russian language, children of migrants, methods, migrants, primary school, multi-ethnic, form, communicative, lingual, linguistic, skill, group
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