Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 6988-6998 | Article Number: ijese.2016.523
Published Online: September 14, 2016
Applicability of the issue under research is preconditioned by the need of practical pedagogics to expand methodological and methodical tools of contemporary didactics. The purpose of the article is to detect the methodological core of reflection as a form of thinking and to provide insight thereinto on the basis of systematic attributes of the didactic method. The leading approach to research into this issue is a conceptual genetic approach which enables comprehensive examination of reflection as a form of thinking that provides for generation of new ideas, knowledge and transformation of activity. The main deliverables of the work are that the main interpretations of reflection, its ontological attributes are provided, the core of the method as a way of research into the object and management of activity is described, the didactic method is defined, and the attributes thereof which enable substantiating the reflexive method as a didactic one and describing reflexive techniques are detected, thus allowing introduction of reflection into the categorical framework of the pedagogics. The contents of the article may be of use for theoretic research and are of practical value for pedagogues as they enable developing techniques on the basis of the reflexive method and introducing them into the pedagogical practice.
Keywords: Didactic method, reflection, reflexive techniques, reflexive method
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