Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 6581-6591 | Article Number: ijese.2016.493
Published Online: September 10, 2016
This article presents the results of a detailed empirical research, aimed at studying the quality of life in the context of extreme climatic, geographical and specific sociocultural living conditions. Our research is based on the methodological approach including social, economical, ecological and psychological characteristics and reflecting objective living conditions and processes as well as subjective assessments of individuals, social groups, the region and society in general. Various objective and subjective factors determining the unique nature of quality of life in severe weather conditions have been examined, leading to the conclusion that objective factors, such as age, place of residence, professional activities, income and particular conditions, have a significant impact on the quality of life and determine its content diversity and its overall integrated assessment. Control, positive self-perception, self-assertion and self-fulfillment opportunities, purposefulness and meaningfulness of specific time frames and emotional state balance are some of the issues that emerge as an impact target and, at the same time, the most probable “point of eventual fracture” when handling the situation in a destructive way. The study revealed that individual activity is one of the most important internal and external factors that affect how respondents representing different groups evaluate the quality of their own lives. In this regard, “internal” activity is treated as a resource for improving quality of life even in disadvantaged circumstances, while “external” activity is understood as an indirect indicator of satisfaction with the quality of life.
Keywords: quality of life, extreme living conditions, objective and subjective factors to evaluate the quality of life
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