Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 7091-7115 | Article Number: ijese.2016.530
Published Online: September 15, 2016
Researches of the last years in the field of ecological epidemiology and the analysis of risk for health allow to claim with confidence that the polluted environment is one of the important factors defining changes of a state of health of the population. Expert opinions on the scale of this influence differ considerably now. These estimations vary from small shares of percent to several percent, reaching in some cases 30-50%. An attempt to elaborate economic approaches to a risk assessment to health of the population has been made in this work. The main reason which demands development of special approaches for an assessment of an environmental risk is that quantitative estimation of risk for health from environmental pollution is difficult to be realized. As a rule, population is affected by the whole set of the polluting substances from the atmosphere, drinking water, food, etc. For effective risk management it is necessary to assess and compare diverse risks caused by action of various pollutants coming to an organism in different ways. The stated methodical materials give an idea of possibility of the stage-by-stage multilevel risk analysis at the solution of environmental problems. Further comparative analysis connected with definition and comparison of various dangers can be done by means of the results received at a risk evaluation stage
Keywords: environmental risks, population health, socio-economic assessment, environmental pollution, methodology
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