Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 6603-6615 | Article Number: ijese.2016.496
Published Online: September 11, 2016
This article is devoted to pedagogical conditions of multilevel foreign languages teaching in pedagogical higher education. The purpose of the study is to form the students' skills in foreign language mastering, to form the ability to operate independently and autonomously in this activity, both in the specific learning situation, and in the context of the further continuous learning a foreign language. The article presents the results of the study of multilevel foreign language training of students of non-linguistic faculties of a pedagogical institute. It describes the pedagogical conditions aimed at optimizing and improving the quality of education. Some advantages and difficulties associated with the implementation of this technology are considered. It refers to the important problems of further researches in psychology, pedagogics and didactic features of linguistic competence formation. It takes into account the regional component and programs for Russian, native and foreign languages that means purposeful work on the teachers’ mutual account of the language knowledge, which gains on language classes. The article states that multilevel training is an indispensable component in the course of the innovative education directed to training of specialists both in the strategic directions, and in a combination of fundamental and innovative training. One of key tasks in realization of professionally oriented language training formation in the innovative model of the professional development is cultural development of the language functional possession that allow to construct various and effective communication process
Keywords: Innovative educational environment of a pedagogical institute, foreign languages, monitoring activities, multilevel foreign languages teaching, pedagogical conditions
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