Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 729-745 | Article Number: ijese.2017.050
Published Online: May 29, 2017
This research aims at revealing (1) the suitability of physics e-scaffolding teaching media with mathematical and image/diagrammatic representation, as well as (2) the effectiveness of the e-scaffolding teaching media with mathematical and image/diagrammatic representation to improve students’ problem solving ability and scientific attitude. It is a research and development adapting Borg and Gall model which consists of five stages: (1) preliminary study; (2) planning; (3) product development (production, validation & revision); (4) limited trial and product revision, field testing and product revision; and (5) dissemination. The instruments applied in this research comprise validation form, lesson plan implementation observation form, students’ response questionnaire, teacher interview form, problem solving ability test, and scientific attitude observation form. The subject of this research is the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Wonosari. The respondents of this research consisted of six validators, 24 students for thelimited test, and 48 students for field testing. This research produced physics e-scaffolding teaching media equipped with lesson plans, students worksheets, problem solving ability test, and scientific attitude observation form. The result of the validation shows that physics e-scaffolding teaching media developed in this research issuitable to be implemented and categorized as “very good.”The result of the test shows that this teaching media fulfills the criteria of effectiveness. Based on the MANOVA test, it can be concluded that there is a difference between problem solving ability and scientific attitude in the experiment class and the control group. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the gain of problem solving ability and scientific attitude among the students who participated in the learning process using physics e-scaffolding media and other media developed in accordance with the devices used by the teachers.
Keywords: e-scaffolding, problem solving ability, scientific attitude, mathematical representation, image/diagrammatic representation
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