Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 711-727 | Article Number: ijese.2017.049
Published Online: May 29, 2017
Nowadays, the rapid spread of the interdisciplinary approach contributes to the development of disciplines and scientific developments in many ways. Therefore, how the interdisciplinary approach is addressed in the studies carried out is important in terms of guiding other studies. For this purpose, an attempt to determine how 155 doctorate theses which were written in science departments at a university located in Turkey's south between 2010-2016 addressed the study discipline, subject of study and interdisciplinary approach process was made in this study. Furthermore, the opinions of instructors working in these departments on the interdisciplinary approach were also examined. As a result of the study, it was seen that 140 theses were written with the disciplinary approach, 15 theses were written with the interdisciplinary approach, and they were also associated with economics, sociology, psychology and geography among social science disciplines. The facts that the concept of interdisciplinary is not exactly known and that the necessary conditions for studying have not been provided, the lack of time, the presence of gaps in disciplines and failure to ensure the adequate cooperation are important reasons for the limited number of studies carried out with the interdisciplinary approach. Therefore, it is important to promote interdisciplinary studies and to provide suitable conditions for studying.
Keywords: Discipline, Interdisciplinary, Postgraduate, Sciences
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