Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 6246-6254 | Article Number: ijese.2016.461
Published Online: August 27, 2016
The basis of assessment tools selection for performance of control and evaluation of training results subject to requirements of modular-competence approach has been disclosed. The experience in implementation of assessment tools during "General and professional pedagogy" course has been observed. The objective of the study is rationale of assessment tools selection for evaluation of results of students' training. The methodology basis is modular-competence approach, which determines the review direction of all components of education process and the system of control and evaluation of specialists training, which is of major importance. The basis for assessment tools choice for control and evaluation of students' training results was offered and analytically substantiated. Results and experience in implementation of assessment tools in pedagogical disciplines can be used in institutions of professional-pedagogical education. Development of educational and research project "The law of future professional education" demonstrated students' creativity as well as formation of analytical and research skills.
Keywords: Modular-competence approach; training results; competences; professional competence; national qualifications framework
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