Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 5845-5856 | Article Number: ijese.2016.433
Published Online: August 23, 2016
The article considers the psychological peculiarities of judge professional activity and decision-making, judge’s mental set and requirements to ethical and moral requirements and quality. Moreover, this work offers original job analysis and competency model of judge professional activity. The authors have studied the problems concerning the psychological features of professional activity and deformation of judges, psychological features of decision-making, the determination of psychological discomfort or stress causes, and peculiarities of judge’s attitude to his/her professional activity and to the representatives of the parties. The aim of this work is to detect specific emotional states in the course of court proceedings, to describe the stress factors and situations that cause the greatest psychological difficulties for judges, and to find ways of resolving them. Currently, these issues are becoming increasingly relevant, and the results of their successful resolution may influence the efficiency of the justice administration in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Keywords: judicial power, professional deformation, the psychology of the judge, psychological attitude, psychological state
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