Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 6056-6067 | Article Number: ijese.2016.445
Published Online: August 27, 2016
A pupil is in the center of contemporary educational process, and the educational process requires some reorganization, which adds topicality to this paper. The paper considers how pupils use learning technologies helping them to achieve certain personally and socially important goals. The main research method is the method of a pedagogical experiment through which the skills of a pupil which are necessary for learning activity, such as self-analysis, self-goal-setting, self-planning, self-organizing, self-control, self-assessing, and self-correction are revealed. The results are the following. The concept “learning technologies” is explained. The learning technologies called “I want to learn”, “I can learn”, “I know how to learn”, are worked out and tested. Their influence on the process of the pupil's subject-activity, i. e. subjectness, is proved. This paper could be interesting to scholars dealing with contemporary education, as well as to teachers striving to improve the educational process.
Keywords: Pupil's subjectness, pupil's learning activity, learning technologies
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