Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 6162-6177 | Article Number: ijese.2016.452
Published Online: August 27, 2016
The relevance of research problem is due to the need for music teacher with a high level of formation of professional competence determination of the content and principles of an interdisciplinare approach to its formation. The aim of the article lies in development and testing of complex of the pedagogical conditions in formation of professional competence of future music teachers on the basis of an interdisciplinare approach. The leading method to the study of this problem is a modeling method based on the principle of interdisciplinarity. The article presents a scientific ilea of inter relationship of the major positions of interdisciplinarity, cultural and competence-based approaches to the formation of professional competence. The article can be useful both for students and teachers in higher professional educational. Al institutions proposed content, forms, methods and technologies of formation of professional competence can improve training of future music teachers.
Keywords: Interdisciplinary approach, professional competence of a future music teacher, interdisciplinary competence, artistic and cultural component of professional competence of a future music teacher
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