Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 6178-6184 | Article Number: ijese.2016.453
Published Online: August 27, 2016
The aim of the research was to identify and test experimentally the impact of parent-child relationship on the formation of the primary school children non-violence position. During the research the effectiveness of the correctional and development program "Together with my mom" was verified to promote parent-child interaction, as well as gaming technology aimed on creating a position of non-violence of primary school children. 54 schoolchildren, Kazan, Russian Federation took part in the empirical research. The complex of diagnostic instruments to research parent-child relationship characteristics, non-violent interaction of children has been applied. To identify the correlation between the received data (types of interaction between children and data on the scale of the child-parent relations), we used the method of correlation analysis, based on the calculation of Spearman's Rank Correlation.
Keywords: parent-child relationship, primary school children, non-violence position, formation, correctional and development program, "Together with my mom", parent-child interaction, gaming technology
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