Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 4660-4668 | Article Number: ijese.2016.341
Published Online: August 08, 2016
The relevance of the topic revealed is caused by necessity to update the organization of professional activity for pedagogical higher education institution on a competence-based basis, creating conditions for developing the corresponding professional competences in students of creative pedagogical specialties. The paper addresses the structure, content, organization and methodology of developing the professional communicative competence of future specialists in creative pedagogical specialties. The basic components to provide integrity for an educational process that increases the efficiency of training students and aims to support their personal development are described. The article explains the dynamics of the process of developing professional communicative competence and integrating the proposed system into the educational process as well. The Model for developing professional competence in students of creative pedagogical specialties is developed and experimentally verified. Results and the conclusions gained during research might be used while developing substantial and procedural modules on creative disciplines.
Keywords: Professional competence, creative pedagogical specialties, professionally-oriented aspect, educational system, model
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