Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 4025-4039 | Article Number: ijese.2016.312
Published Online: August 05, 2016
Considers the lines of development for ethnic-national values as the driving force of the Kazakh nation’s multiethnic society, characterizes ethnic and national value orientations inherent in the representatives of the Kazakh nation based on a comparison of value orientations of Kazakh living in Kazakhstan and abroad, determines the dominating value orientations that are the basis for the identification of the representatives of the Kazakh nation. The research determines the content, character, and efficiency of ethnic-national values, which significantly depend on the formation conditions of the multiethnic society. The results of the conducted factor analysis allow concluding that the value structure of Kazakhstan’s main ethnic group and that of foreign Kazakhs is multifaceted and has certain similarities and differences. Foreign Kazakhs’ values focus to the search for meaning in religion, faith, destiny, and spirituality; alongside this, foreign Kazakhs value the sense of community and wellbeing, which reflects their collective values and manifests in the balance and harmony with themselves and other people. The Kazakhs who live in Kazakhstan are characterized by individual values, what allows determines the most important value what for their his family and financial status, while collective and social values, in this case, are of secondary importance.
Keywords: Ethnic-national relations, multiethnic society, development, culture, value orientation
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