Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 4205-4217 | Article Number: ijese.2016.327
Published Online: August 06, 2016
Kazakhstan has a great tourist potential, but it is still partly fulfilled. That is why very important to find the weakness in the state’s policy and to develop this industry in the best way. The aim of the research is to formulate a hypothesis with regard to the possible content of measures to improve the strategic planning and marketing methodology in relation to the specific nature of entities within Kazakhstan inbound tourism industry, recreational potential of Kazakhstan and objectives of its development set forth by the Government of Kazakhstan. As the main method of research were chosen the data collection and its further analysis. The primary data were collected by polling managers of the companies-members of Kazakhstan inbound tourism industry, who had previously participated in the development of strategies and/or in the strategic management process. The characteristic features have been analyzed and the reasons for the systemic imperfection of analytical procurement, related to strategic planning processes in marketing, have been identified. The article represents the results of the poll among the managers of companies involved in Kazakhstan's inbound tourism industry which was conducted by the authors. It is suggested that the use of multi-agent technologies as a new conceptual approach to solving the problems of analytical procurement concerning marketing strategy should be employed.
Keywords: Marketing strategy, analytical procurement, domestic tourism industry, agent-based simulation
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