Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 8360-8370 | Article Number: ijese.2016.634
Published Online: October 04, 2016
The development of desert areas in the industrial and tourist and educational purposes related to the implementation of physical activity in extreme conditions. A complex set of hot climate causes the body deep adaptive adjustment, impact on health, human physical performance. Optimization of physical activity in hot climates is of particular importance for the tourists and military personnel, the specific activity of which is related to the foot movement with different masses carried goods on different terrain. The methodology is based on the analysis of the results of experimental studies of the optimum speed of movement of a person walking in a desert area, taking into account temperature and weight of cargo carried. The purpose of the study - assessment of the severity of muscle work, depending on the weight of transported cargo, the nature of the soil and the air temperature at the time of walking alone in a desert area. The paper presents experimental data to evaluate the severity of muscle work, depending on the weight of transported cargo, the nature of the soil and the air temperature at the time of walking alone in a desert area.
Keywords: Minute volume of respiration, oxygen consumption, heart rate, energy expenditure, weight of cargo carried
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