Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 8628-8636 | Article Number: ijese.2016.655
Published Online: October 08, 2016
The article discusses current issues related to the implementation of the UNESCO roadmap implementing Global action programme on education for sustainable development. In the context of increasing the professional level of pedagogical workers is a priority area in the implementation of education for sustainable development. Therefore, we believe that the proposed by the authors master program “Environmental issues: the experience of decision” meets the objectives of the global action programme on education for sustainable development. The article substantiates the relevance of the topic, States the purpose, objectives and structure of the module, corresponding to different dimensions of sustainable development. Presented technology training that provides the development of cognitive competence (development of thinking), axiological (values, capacity for partnership, tolerance, empathy, pluralism) and the activity of nature. This corresponds to the competences, proposed by the UNESCO Commission. It defines and explains the educational outcomes of a module of master's program “Environmental issues: the experience of decision-making”.
Keywords: education for sustainable development, road map for the implementation of the global programme of action, vocational education teachers, master's program, educational module, objectives, tasks, structure, technology, educational outcomes of the module
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