Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 7880-7887 | Article Number: ijese.2016.555
Published Online: September 30, 2016
According to the survey of experts, the association of non-cognitive skills in groups according to their classification as object of evaluation leads to the fact that one group includes very different skills - both in volume and in the way of they identify and assess. So, the purpose of the research is the development of mathematical model of metathematic and metacognitive skills and abilities’ typology, as well as its subsequent extension to mathematical model of map of the present skills. As the basis for such typology codifiers developed in terms of FGES (Federal Governmental Educational Standard) requirements and corresponding systems of planned results within the framework of research on evaluation of education quality in elementary school, as well as within the framework of instrumentation for monitoring of dynamics of use in educational activity of “ICT as the instrument of activist approach realization” model by institutions of primary and general education and teachers of such educational structures was taken. The specified codifiers have been brought to unified codifier. Some objects of grading in unified codifier have been redefined in conformity with goals of the present research.
Keywords: Codifier, noncognitive skills, objects of grading, model
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