Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 419-428 | Article Number: ijese.2018.035
Published Online: July 20, 2018
Increasing awareness about the significance of personal preferences is highly important for the sustainable balance of earth, because the underlying reason for today’s ecological problems is always tending to or guiding into more consumption. People’s desire to always consume more brings irreversible harm to all natural systems, whether living or non-living, as well as ecological balance. Consequently, ecosystems will not maintain their sustainability and future generations of people will face very serious problems, in terms of health in particular. To avoid all these, we must adopt a new lifestyle in which organic products are preferred without polluting the environment, unnatural chemical products are refrained from and wastes are recycled, in short a system based on natural healing. Hence, this study aims to develop a scale to identify the level of adult people’s ecological life behaviour. For this purpose, discussing the subjects of overconsumption, industrial products and recycling, we created items involving general behaviours in such areas as eating-drinking, sheltering, clothing, detergents and plastics, transportation and energy use, presented these items to experts in their fields, and made changes in line with the feedback they provided. Purposeful sampling was selected for the candidate 32-item scale and 149 instructors from Kafkas University participated in the study group. Explanatory factor analysis (AFA) revealed a single-factor structure with 15 items. AFA results were also validated with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Goodness of fit index was found to be high. For assessing the reliability of the scale, item analysis was performed while also Cronbach Alpha, Guttman Split Half and Spearman Brown reliability coefficients were calculated. The scale yielded an internal consistency coefficient of .87. The language of the scale is Turkish. It was translated into English, but language validity has not been assessed yet.
Keywords: ecological, ecological life, behaviour scale, validity, reliability
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