Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 391-399 | Article Number: ijese.2018.032
Published Online: July 08, 2018
The amount of losses incurred by smog encourages all parties to participate in risk mitigation efforts. Law enforcement is one step that is often taken by the authority to reduce the number of entrepreneurs who open plantations by burning land. In addition to the punitive policy, efforts to prevent the burning of land are also required, for example, by providing subsidies for the planters. By utilizing laboratory experiments, this research aims to determine the effect of some treatments that might reduce the proportion of the population who burn the land and increase the proportion who perform manual land clearing, which is environmentally friendly. The treatments given are subsidizing, taxing, and the combined provision of subsidies and taxation. The results from the test of the population differences showed that there is no difference in behavior between the participants working as civil servants and non-civil servants in terms of choosing the investment method. Another finding of this study is that only the provision of subsidies was able to increase the proportion of entrepreneurs who choose environmentally friendly investment activities.
Keywords: taxes, subsidies, land burning, laboratory experiment
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