Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 401-405 | Article Number: ijese.2018.033
Published Online: July 10, 2018
For learning chemistry is very important to make connection between theory and practice. Ability to solve problems represents the well learned theory knowledge, and good methodology in work on theory classes. Usually the strategy of solving of the problem consists from three parts: studying the conditions of the task and its analysis, formation of the opinion, solving the task and its check. In order to better understand the significance and advantages which methodical preparation gives during solving of the problem, we have made two groups with fourteen students of the second year high school-course agricultural technician. The first group of the students had the opportunity to have methodical explanation of ways and means of problems solving in chemistry. The second group only got the problems to be solved without methodical preparation. The aim of our experimental work was to establish the contribution of methodical preparation during task solving. Group of the students that got methodically explained exercises have achieved significantly better results, so it serves as a proof of the assumption in theoretical part that methodical preparation in problem solving is inevitable and necessary, and its practical importance is multiple.
Keywords: chemistry learning, methodology, tasks
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