Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 1299-1315 | Article Number: ijese.2017.085
Published Online: July 22, 2017
This study featured findings from a three-year National Science Foundation (NSF) funded research project at a STEM focused college. ‘Project Synapse’ was developed to build relevance between disciplines through authentic collaborations between biology and chemistry content. Integrated science practices were explicitly addressed during investigations of interdisciplinary topics such as microscopy and redox reactions. This study focused on the impact of one integrated laboratory- based intervention on student nature of science (NOS) understanding. Using a previously validated survey, Views on Nature of Science (VNOS), student NOS knowledge was assessed at the beginning and end of the academic school year. Structured interviews were conducted to gather a more in-depth understanding of student thinking. Additional qualitative data sets included participant observations of labs, interviews with in instructors, and focus groups with students. Project Synapse students performed better on both the pre and post assessments of NOS understanding. At the close of the academic year, Project Synapse students scored higher in the domains of inference and theoretical entities in science and nature of scientific theories as compared to students not exposed to the model. Students in both the control and experimental group struggled to discriminate between theories and laws or provide specific examples. his integrated model offered a more authentic look at the actual practices of science through investigations that extended beyond a single subject area. Findings suggest that this collaborative instructional model may provide greater opportunities to address NOS content throughout the school year.
Keywords: science teaching, integrated STEM education, Nature of Science (NOS), curriculum development, higher education
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