Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 8858-8872 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Published Online: October 23, 2016
The relevance of research problem due to high growth of information technologies roles in industrial activity and low level of teachers professionalism in topics related with information technology. Purpose of article is to show main components of a learning technology aimed at improving level teachers skills to solve didactic problems associated with computer technologies and issues in field of IT private industry. Main strategy to resolve of this problem are: system and activity approach, which allow model a structure activities of future specialist and activity model which required for learning technologies working with application programs (AP); hermeneutic approach which allows to establish a system of semantic interpretation of the conceptual apparatus of the user interface taking into account the level of users ' perception on different levels of using of applied programs; integrative approach which establish a single semantic component for group of disciplines related to information technologies, allowing to optimize learning process inside framework of application software that underlies this technology. In article presents main components of a learning technology, which works with application software: diagram of activities, which works with PC in office, methods of formation of conceptual apparatus in the field of creation of AP algorithms, minimizing of users algorithms. Article will useful for IT teachers, which implement program of preparation of bachelors of vocational training (by industry), as well as business coaches, which will be create a instructional card for user training.
Keywords: Education models, instructional maps, IT in education, vocational training of bachelors
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