Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 8800-8810 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Published Online: October 23, 2016
The relevance of the researched problem is caused by the need of providing the educational organizations of the system of professional education with specialists in projecting and implementation of educational programs of training of workers and specialists of a middle link, and formation of a personnel resource for innovative productions. The purpose of the presented article consists in consideration of the discrepancies arising while introduction of the professional standard "Teacher of Vocational Training, Vocational Education and Further Vocational Education" and changes revelation of a pedagogical personnel which are necessary for improvement of preparation quality. The leading approach to the research of this problem is the system-based approach which allows us to reveal the discrepancies arising by the comparison of the professional standard and educational programs that are developed taking into account requirements of the educational standard for the direction of preparation Vocational Training (branch-wise). According to the analysis results, the option of adjustment of educational programs for the direction of preparation Vocational Training (branch-wise) is offered; it promotes improvement of preparation quality of pedagogical personnel for the system of professional education and further vocational education, and also the corporate educational organizations and innovative productions. The materials of the publication can be useful to heads of educational organizations while forming the personnel potential in educational institutions.
Keywords: Educational standard, professional standard, professional and pedagogical employees, teacher of vocational (professional) training
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