Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 9457-9468 | Article Number: ijese.2016.669
Published Online: October 24, 2016
The purpose of the present research is investigating the effects of regular exercise on the physical fitness levels among sedentary individuals. The total of 65 sedentary male individuals between the ages of 19-45, who had never exercises regularly in their lives, participated in the present research. Of these participants, 35 wanted to be included in the exercise group, while 30 didn’t want to attend exercises and formed the control group. Individuals, who exercised for an hour, 3 days a week, for eight weeks, formed the experiment group of the research. Pre-test data were collected by obtaining basal metabolic rate, fat percentages, and circumference measures of some body parts. Post-test data were also collected with the same method and same body parts after eight weeks. Within the scope of the research, age, height, body weight, body circumference measurements, skinfold thickness, bio-impedance and body-gem measurements were taken from the participants. Skinfold thickness was measured on 6 parts (chest, abdomen, iliac, triceps, biceps, scapula) and fat percentage was measured with TANITA brand device. Rested metabolic rates were measured with BodyGem device and circumference measurements were taken with measuring tape. Group were compared on SPSS 20 program with frequency analysis, independent and paired samples t-tests were used to test the differences, and significance level was taken as (p˂0,05). According to the findings obtained in the present research, there are significant differences between pre-test and post-test some circumference measurements, skinfold thickness, fat percentage, and body-gem measurements of experiment group and control group participants. Accordingly, even without a certain exercise program, regular activity and exercise has positive effects on physical fitness levels of sedentary individuals.
Keywords: Regular, Exercise, Physical, Fitness, Training
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