Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 9206-9221 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Published Online: October 23, 2016
The relevance of the investigated issue is caused by the need to explore new approaches to the development of integration processes in the field of education which are of great interest for the development of an environment conducive to the creation and the active use of innovations in the education system. The aim of this study is the development of organizational and pedagogical bases for the formation of a cluster integration system of educational institutions within the regional educational space. The basic guideline of the implemented scientific study is the system approach, which provides an integrated study of the cluster system of educational institutions as a highly organized and orderly object comprised of interrelated elements. This article presents organizational and pedagogical bases for the formation of a cluster integration system of educational institutions, which will allow adapting the internal processes of educational entities (participants in the interaction) to regional conditions and adapting particular features of cluster participants to external conditions and developments in the market-based educational environment.
Keywords: An education cluster, an organizational and pedagogical model, the development of cluster integration
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