Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 9549-9559 | Article Number: ijese.2016.677
Published Online: October 28, 2016
The objective of the article is to reconstruct the mental programs, their cognitive, axiological and connotative structures, and construction on this basis of various modal patterns of social behavior in Russian society. Methodology of the article is based on an interdisciplinary scientific approach making it possible to conceptually disclose the contents of reflexive structures of mental programs that determine modal patterns of social behavior. On the basis of the cognitive construction the authors identify the distinctive features of the liberal pattern, liberal-statist pattern, statist pattern and conservative-liberal pattern of social behavior in Russian society. It is shown that in modern Russian society, two alternative modal patterns of social behavior can be distinguished: liberal and conservative. However, in real life these patterns are mostly hybrid: statist-liberal, as they include elements of the liberal behavior pattern.
Keywords: mental program, social behavior, social behavior modal pattern, liberal social behavior pattern, conservative social behavior pattern, liberal-statist social behavior pattern, statist-liberal social behavior pattern
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