Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 9222-9238 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Published Online: October 23, 2016
The topicality of the problem under study is based on requirements of the society and the shortage of teachers of vocational education on the labour market, aimed at successful vocational and pedagogical activities by means of the needed level of development of profession-oriented and specialized competences through self-development and self-fulfillment by doing vocational and pedagogical tasks. The aim of the article is to draw up a structural and functional model of development of profession-oriented and specialized competences of students during the studying of profession-related disciplines and to test this model. The leading method to study this problem is pedagogical modeling, enabling us to consider this problem as the process of development of profession-oriented and specialized competences through self-development and self-fulfillment by doing vocational and pedagogical tasks. The article outlines the structural and functional model of development of profession-oriented and specialized competences of students while studying profession-related disciplines, consisting of interconnected components: purpose-oriented, theoretical and methodological, informative, organizational and activity-related, assessment and adjustment, and performance-related; an algorithm to introduce this model was also developed. The results of the study contain the invariable foundation of methodological support of profession-oriented disciplines and can be recommended for use for the entire range of educational disciplines for profilisation. The practical significance to control professional development of students is proved by the factual material illustrating qualitative changes in their need in self-development of professional abilities.
Keywords: Competence, profession-oriented and specialized competences, specifics of training of teachers of vocational education, structural and functional model
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