Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 8956-8967 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Published Online: October 23, 2016
The objective of the research was to identify the system of attitudes in parents of young people having sensory disorders. The survey covered parents of children aged 17 and older having hearing disorders, visual disorders, and no sensory disorders. The parents' system of attitudes united the attitude of the parents to themselves, to the child and the child's sensory disorder, to family and family values. The complex of techniques used included the multi-purpose three-factor semantic differential by C.E. Osgood (1964), parents’ attitude questionnaire by A.Ya. Varga and V.V. Stolin (1988), and E.Ya. Didenko's (2013) questionnaire form. In conditions of parents and young people living together, it is peculiar to all parents to accept their children and to be able to interact with them as well as to control the organization of their life and activity. Experiencing anxiety and dissatisfaction of life, diverse personal change, understanding the communication barriers of their children and recognizing the value of their future are characteristic for parents of young people having sensory disorders. This creates conditions for symbiotic relationships and infantilization of the young people. The structure of parents' attitudes in case of the children's sensory disorders is distinguished by a high integration of significance of one's own "I", of the value of one's own activity and openness.
Keywords: Hearing disorders, visual disorders, parents, family, system of attitudes, integration
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