Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 9266-9284 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Published Online: October 23, 2016
The relevance of the problem under study is based on the necessity to achieve effectiveness of the learning process aimed at forming a competent specialist and ensuring the quality of training of vocational teacher of a certain subject (design). The aim of the article is to provide theoretical substantiation, to elaborate and to test the structural-conceptual model of forming artistic-design competency of vocational design teacher which is important for successful professional activity within the mobile environment of modern production and learning process. The leading approach to studying the problem is the system approach which allows to review the learning process in interdisciplinary interaction that ensures integration of educational subjects’ content into a united professional field of activity to contribute to formation of professional competencies of vocational teacher. The structural-conceptual model of forming artistic-design competency of vocational design teacher is presented and includes the following blocks: scientific-methodological which includes fundamentals of social, historical and natural sciences, and practice-oriented including educational activity determined by specific features of designer’s activity which requires knowledge and process algorithms that ensure execution of certain artistic and design-creative tasks. The structural-conceptual model is aimed at forming the artistic-design competency of vocational design teachers, ensures effectiveness and quality of students’ education, as well as their adaptation to changing environment of professional activity. The materials can be useful for academic researchers and practitioners in the sphere of professional and vocational education, as well as for candidates for a master’s degree and students of vocational universities, institutes and faculties.
Keywords: Artistic-projection competency, designer-teacher, interdisciplinary interaction and complementarity, vocational education, vocational teacher
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