Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 8890-8899 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Published Online: October 23, 2016
The urgency of problem under investigation due to fact that increasing demand of the information technology infrastructure development in current conditions of educational institutions functioning, including formation of the information-educational environment point of view. Offered organizational and economic model of constructing processes for software development is based on agile project management, regarded as an object-oriented tool for optimizing labor economics. The purpose of article is in model for labor economy processes optimization as a part of software development based on agile project management methodology in departments associated with development of information technologies in educational organization. The leading method to the problem study is in measurement of labor economics key indicators, including specific metrics of technical expert’s human capital growth. As an experimental base of research are considered educational organizations, at different times, using classical approach for software development and agile project management. The article presents research results of educational organizations departments engaged in project activities for development of information technologies, which are in the development of software products using classical approach for software development and agile project management. Article submissions may be useful to create a culture for constructing labor economics and human capital system based on sustainable growth in departments of educational institutions working in the field of information technology.
Keywords: Agile software development, human capital, informatization, labor economics, model for labor economics optimization
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