Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 9598-9613 | Article Number: ijese.2016.681
Published Online: October 28, 2016
Information and communication technologies are an effective means of formation of the creative potential of future physics teachers, as with their science-based application in the educational process at the university they allow fully activating learning activities of students, provide conditions for their creative self-realization in the process of professional development. The article examines the scientific and methodological basis for the use of computer models, experiments and demonstrations, as well as virtual laboratory complexes in the formation of creative thinking of the future physics teachers. It is well known that the use of computer models of various physical processes and phenomena contributes to the effectiveness of students learning the physics course, allows them to comprehend the mechanisms of physical phenomena and processes. In this regard nowadays the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Yasawi K. A. pays great attention to the development of the technical base of information and telecommunication technologies in training of future physics teachers, and electronic resources for using them in teaching physics are being developed. Using computer models, experiments and demonstrations, one can compensate for the lack of equipment in the physical laboratory, and thus teach students to independently produce physical knowledge in the course of physical experiments involving virtual models, i.e. there is a real possibility of the formation of students' creative thinking and enhancing cognitive activity in physics, particularly in optics.
Keywords: information technologies, computer models, electronic resources, creative thinking, optics, training of future physics teachers
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