Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 9573-9585 | Article Number: ijese.2016.679
Published Online: October 28, 2016
It would be difficult to preserve the achievements of the civilization and to discuss the future of humanity beyond the structure of ideological knowledge. The objective vision of reality implies the involvement of ideological dimension into the structure of human thoughts and actions as a precondition for national, state and cultural identity and for the movement toward the new humanistic social paradigm that would include the traditions of reasonableness, progress and the capability to “differentiate” between reasonableness and instrumental rationality which, when mixed, make social reflection inadequate to the purposes of social creativity. To what extent are the images of ideology “filled” with social and cognitive tools? What do the images of ideology reflect: reality, knowledge or myth? The authors of this study aim to give answers to these and to other questions.
Keywords: Sociology of the Future, Social Subjectness, Social Thought, Methodological Approaches, Methodological Turn
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