Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 9448-9456 | Article Number: ijese.2016.668
Published Online: October 24, 2016
Background/Objectives: The main objective of the article is to study, analyze and organize the modern German experience in the sphere of social pedagogical and educational work with socially unprotected adults, including youth and the elderly. The retrospective analysis threw light on the background of work with socially unprotected adults in Germany and predetermined the research objective. Methods: The methods of induction and deduction, comparison and generalization of theoretical, practical and statistics data enabled to examine the main strategies of work with the risk-group youth; while the interpretational method and techniques of synthesis and analogy of the data obtained helped to bring to light the most important forms of work with the elderly. Findings: Scientific novelty of the article is represented in the following findings: the authors revealed and characterized meaningfully street social work and prevention programs for the risk-group youth to guarantee their socialization and adaptation in the modern society; they analyzed profoundly such forms and methods as intergenerational, biographical and interactive work to provide the elderly personal transition from pre-retirement to post professional period with due account for their interests and possibilities. The findings prove and stress the need of purposeful social pedagogical and educational work with socially unprotected adults in any society as one of the prerequisites both for the successful educational process and the further development of the society at large. Conclusions: Presently, different age groups and their problems are actively worked with and on in Germany. Social pedagogical and educational work serve various purposes but the most important goal is to socialize and adapt socially unprotected adults, youth and the elderly to ongoing social and economic changes in the society; guarantee a high standard of their life in the best interests of every person. Purposeful work with socially unprotected adults is very important. It is one of the prerequisites both for the successful educational process and the further development of the society at large.
Keywords: social work, pedagogical work, age groups, Germany
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