Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 12719-12724 | Article Number: ijese.2016.945
Published Online: December 28, 2016
Special aspects of formation of a structure and characteristics of self-consolidating concretes (SCC) with using finely dispersed micro-loadings and aggregates from locally available materials and materials of neighboring regions are disclosed in this article. Results of investigations of SCC for monolithic construction, including high-rise construction, are shown. It is shown that to reach of high operational characteristics of self-consolidating concretes very tough requirements to production materials are imposed. A fineness of a little aggregate is not more 0,125 mm, except that 70% of them have a size 0,063 mm. A coarse aggregate is retified on sizes 10-16 and 16-20 mm. Also, it is allowed using of nonorganic materials with a high specific surface which increase a waterholding capacity of an aggregate (white carbon, kibble spray asbestos, bentonites). It is defined that action of plasticizers of a new type is based on an aggregate of an electrostatic and space effect, which is reached with help of water-repelling polyether chains of a molecule of polycarboxylic ether. By means of that, duration of plasticization effects of polycarboxylates is 3-4 times as compared to sulfate of melanin and naphthalene sulfonate formaldehydes or lignosulfonates. Such capacity allows not just to increase the mobility of the mortar in early terms, but to keep it during of a long period of time, what influences positively on transportation terms of concretes from plants to places of construction. It was discovered, that self-consolidating concrete finds more and more extensive use. It is perspective to use it for production of a prefab reinforced concrete, placement of monolithic extra-strong jointless floorings, air placing, remodeling and enforcement of structure. On the one hand, extension of self-consolidating concretes is limited with expensive additives of polycarboxylates. However, using of this material allows declaring off a vibroflotation that in turn decreases energy consumption and saves time, improving sanitary-hygienic conditions of works labour. A vibration-free technology so much decreases a level of noise nuisance on people and environmental, so that plants of reinforced concrete products can be located in urbanized districts of a city.
Keywords: Self-consolidating concretes; micro-loadings; polycarboxylates; superplasticizer; man-triggered materials; aggregates; formation.
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