Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 11375-11383 | Article Number: ijese.2016.824
Published Online: November 18, 2016
This research investigated the prevailing conditions in the bottom water of the sedimentation basin and the degree of their effect on the authigenic mineralization of the Upper Triassic terrigenous deposits in the Kular-Nera slate belt (Northeastern Russia). The analysis of the distribution of rare and trace chemical elements in the studied sample showed significant variations of their composition and the presence of a number of elements in amounts that are higher than the bulk Earth values. Increased, in respect to sandstone, concentration of Li, B, Sc, V, Ni, Zr, Nb, and Mo was discovered in siltstone. A small deficit of Be, Nb, and Mo was discovered in the Late Triassic deposits on average; the concentration of these elements in individual samples exceeded the bulk Earth values by 1.5-2 times at that. Variations of the SCe/SY index (from 2.4 to 6.2) are indicative of either changes in the facies environment (coastal-marine to deep-water) or changes in the composition of the source area. The Sr/Ba0.5 ratio and the increased content of boron are typical for lagoon and highly desalted deltaic deposits. In most cases, the Mo/Mn values do not exceed 0.01; V/Crmean = 1.09, Ni/Co –7.0, while V/(V+Ni) – from 0.23 to 0.85, which is indicative of a prevailing oxygen environment with short-term decreases of the oxygen content and an increasing role of reduction processes. Due to changes in the sea level during the formation of the Late Triassic deposits, the anoxic environment changed to a moderately anoxic one.
Keywords: Northeastern Russia, Upper Triassic, gold fields, metal content, redox environment
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