Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 11175-11193 | Article Number: ijese.2016.810
Published Online: November 11, 2016
This article analyses the information and communications technology competencies (ICTC) of Master’s degree students in Kazakhstan. It defines the ICTC. Research results suggest that the majority of Master’s degree students have a low level of ICTC. Of prime importance is the fact that the level of research and educational aspects of the ICTC of Master’s degree students in the study is lower than the subject matter aspect. The research shows that teachers and advisers are faced with certain difficulties in organising Master’s students’ scientific research and educational internship. This leads to the need to create additional tools to provide a means of controlling the ICTC-shaping process of Master’s students. The research found that one the most effective tools promoting optimization while working with Master’s students in scientific research, educational and research internship is blended learning technology integrated into the university’s virtual and educational environment.
Keywords: Master’s Degree Student’s ICT competency, internship, virtual and educational environment, research activity, educational activity
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