Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 12680-12689 | Article Number: ijese.2016.940
Published Online: December 20, 2016
The article attempts to study the role of ecological safety from the perspective of the national security. This paper aims at finding the main patterns that stipulate and restrict the use of nonprofit organizations (NPOs) as an institutional element promoting ecological and energy security. World experience proves high potential of these organizations from both political and economic perspectives. Different forms of nonprofit organizations make it possible not only to concentrate economic power and to boost management efficiency, but to change the business ideology and the staff competence system as well. This work analyzes the possible use of the potential of these or-ganizations for enterprise management, first of all in the energy sector, and their leadership in pric-ing “in a chain” – “pollutant – natural monopolist – consumer”. The NPO can be a supervisory in-stitutional establishment based on commercial principles. The main conclusions of this article can be structured as follows:
• In the process of establishing the ecologization mechanism, it is rational to use provisions of the interdisciplinary concept of social management and the system-structural approach;
• The content of the national security concept and its element, ecological safety, has changed greatly. NPOs participation in ecological safety makes it possible, on the one hand, to make “vertical” power more efficient, on the other hand, to develop innovation activity of energy companies and can be a barrier for non-ecologic behavior; their functioning squares with a long-term development of the country;
• NPOs can successfully keep the balance of interests of the country, energy companies and consumers due to peculiarities of their organizational structure, management system, variety of legal and economic forms of operation;
• NPOs can be an instrument transforming the management model of economic agents on me-so- and macro-level.
Keywords: national security, ecological safety, nonprofit organization, energy company, resource-saving, management, competence, endowment
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