Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 12657-12667 | Article Number: ijese.2016.938
Published Online: December 19, 2016
New trends in the formation of a strategy and the analysis of industry competition are considered in this article. In classifying the concepts and insights of foreign and Russian researchers in the sphere of strategic analysis, the authors relied upon the continuity criterion assuming that new approaches to strategic management complete the known methods. The focus was made on the changes in structural groups of strategies and estimating the impact of the resource potential of a company on its competitive advantages, as well as new sources of innovation and risks. The authors highlight the most important aspects of the development of successful strategies in modern Russia. The use of internal innovative advantages, the formation and support of an actual ‘use value’ taking into account eco-factors as well as the development of competencies, innovations and partnership in the context of technological ecosystems become the key conditions for Russian companies. The main conclusions that were obtained as a result of discussion in this article can be structured as follows:
1. The world economic situation leads to a decrease in the stability of companies’ competitive advantages and reduces their life cycle. The main sources enhancing their stability and viability are the organizational and environmental innovations;
2. The process of creating strategies for oligopolists implies mandatory use of environmental components;
3. Modern environmental conditions create the prerequisites for the expansion of the scenario analysis and technology forecasting and achieving universality of the methods;
4. The combination of the known methods based on the specifics of production and the market, and the increasing spread of the concept of creating value together with customers and the DART system can be noted as the dominant trends in the formation of a strategy.
Keywords: strategic management, external environment, ecosystem, customer value, innovation, strategy, competition, competence, competitive advantage, resource-based approach
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