Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 12337-12343 | Article Number: ijese.2016.901
Published Online: December 10, 2016
The urgency of the problems stated in the paper is conditioned by the need to develop and adopt a new concept of legislation, which would have fixed the starting positions and the principles of legal regulation of relations in the sphere of fuel and energy complex, including the forms of Russia's participation in international projects in the conditions of civilized market relations. The aim of the paper is to develop basic methods and techniques of energy legislation’s systematization, which should be an integrated complex of the Russian Federation legislation, a set of normative legal acts regulating the relations arising in the sphere of organization and functioning of the fuel and energy complex of the Russian economy. The leading method to the study of this problem is the simulation method allowing addressing of this issue as a purposeful and organized process of systematization of energy legislation when activating it in an efficient integrated system. The authors conclude that the modernization of the regulatory framework in the energy sector should be carried out on the basis of the developed general economic and legal concept of energy development and energy legislation of modern Russia and must be based on the accumulated legislative experience of Russia and foreign countries, take into account the successful international practice in this area. The proposals made in the paper are aimed at improving the procedural forms of commercial justice in Russia, first of all - support of and use in the practice of pretrial forms of conflicts resolution, alternative forms, such as negotiations, mediation, arbitration courts, commercial arbitration, negotiations within trial to conclude settlement agreements, including with the use of experts and facilitators, as well as integration with the consent of the parties of simplified, expedited forms of proceedings in a relatively small and less complex cases.
Keywords: Energy, energy legislation, economy, resources
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