Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 12345-12359 | Article Number: ijese.2016.902
Published Online: December 10, 2016
The purpose of the article consists in representation to discussion by specialists of the revealed didactic conditions of enhancement of preparation of the pedagogical personnel in higher education institution to dual training in the system of vocational and educational training. Modeling, aspect system, comparative and structural analyses allowing considering this problem in the context of improvement of pedagogical personnel training at higher education institution to dual training in the VET system became the leading methods of the research of this problem. The following didactic conditions are characterized in the article: training of the teacher of new type; modular systematization of training content; the technological organization of the public-professional relations in training process; the complex of educational-methodical ensuring continuous professionally pedagogical training of teachers and students in higher education institution. Didactic conditions are oriented on the enhancement of preparation of the pedagogical personnel in higher education institution to dual training in the system of technical and professional education and continuous personal growth of the student taking into account individual requirements and demand to professional training in the context of professional self-determination and strengthening of motivation to work on mastering future specialty. The model of preparation is directed to adaptation of pedagogical personnel to new conditions of professional activity in the system of technical and professional education in the conditions of dual training.
Keywords: Didactic conditions, system of pedagogical personnel training, higher education institution, dual training, system of vocational and educational training
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