Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 12947-12958 | Article Number: ijese.2016.963
Published Online: December 22, 2016
I examined the effectiveness of self-directed learning and English learning with computer applications on college students in Bangkok, Thailand, in a control-group experimental-group pretest-posttest design. The hypothesis was tested using a t test: two-sample assuming unequal variances to establish the significance of mean scores between the two groups for the pretest and the posttest. Both groups studied under normal classroom conditions; however, the experimental group supplemented their learning by using English language learning computer applications outside normal class hours in a self-directed manner. In addition, I reviewed usage and performance metrics with the students at the start of each class to activate and maintain momentum in the learners. At the conclusion of the experiment and after the posttest, the experimental group was surveyed using a semantic differential rating scale to better understand their computer learning experience. The findings were significant; the experimental group learning with the software outperformed the control group in terms of posttest mean scores. The students felt the software tool was “effective” and rated it highly; however, finding time to use the software was scored as “easy” but with a bias toward “hard.”
Keywords: Computer language learning, self-directed learning, English software learning applications
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