Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 12327-12336 | Article Number: ijese.2016.900
Published Online: December 10, 2016
The importance of the studied problem is determined by a continuous growth of suicidal activity in a majority of economically developed countries of the world. The statistical data on teenage suicides is especially frightening: according to the recent data (2014) among teenagers at the age of 15-19 there are 5,9 suicidal cases for 100 thousand people and Russia remains on first place in the world in the number of suicides among teenagers. In a developed conception of the RF demographic policy for a period up to 2025 (The order of The RF President of October 9 2007, № 1351) it is supposed to reduce the mortality rate from suicides at the expense of raising the effectiveness of preventive work. Thus there is a burning issue of both studying suicidal behavior factors in teenage milieu and development of the preventive measures system. In this connection the article is directed towards the study of value orientations and social mindsets of teenagers who prone to suicidal behavior. The article contains the results of empirical investigation of studying value orientations and social mindsets in teenagers who prone to suicidal behavior. Specific features of interaction of the social mindsets system and value orientations have been identified in teenagers prone to suicidal behavior as a basis of controlling their behavior having influence on the suicidal activity manifestation. The leading approaches in studying this problem are holistic, systemic and dialectic approaches that ensure holism and comprehensiveness of the study based on the holistic personal development that takes into account the history of a personality. The materials of the article are of practical value for psychologists, social workers and staff members of educational institutions which are involved in work with deviant teenagers.
Keywords: Suicidal behavior, teenage years, social mindsets, value orientations
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