Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 12681-12686 | Article Number: ijese.2016.941
Published Online: December 20, 2028
The paper presents practice of volcanogenic mineral supplements using for obtaining composite bonding material. Volcanic rocks are formed as a result of an enormous number ejection of melted rock debris and extremely small lava flour particles. Larger particles are dropped on a slope of volcano, and the smallest ones are cooled by air and falls on earth as volcanic ash. On the phase constitution it represents the mixture of partly amorphized glass, silicate and aluminum silicate. It was demonstrated that the sizes of volcanic particles are very small and have vesicular structure so the density is lower as for rock material. This property enables arising to the atmosphere and spreading far through air. They do not dissolve in water forming suspension and mud when wet, which turn into hard concrete after drying. Elementary composition of ash is related to magma composition of which it is formed. Given the fact that the majority of elements found in magma are silicone dioxide and oxygen, generally ash consists of silicon particles. The ash of basaltic ejection contains 45-55% of silicone dioxide rich in iron and magnesium. With explosive rhyolitic ejection volcanoes eject ash with high-silica content (more than 69%). After mechanical activation the volcanic ash was used as an element of composite bonding material. The paper presents the volcanic ash research and describes the test results of composite bonding material for obtaining high-strength concrete. It was demonstrated that using of such materials will bring new class of substances named superplastic bioconcrete, which can be used not only in the construction industry but also in remastering and renovation of premises that are highly depressive nowadays. There are represented ways how to optimize situation.
Keywords: Volcanic ash; mineral supplement; finely dispersed micro filling material; superplasticizer; structure formation; low water content; and mechanical activation.
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