Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 11709-11720 | Article Number: ijese.2016.850
Published Online: November 25, 2016
Present article explores the characteristics of the influence of creative influence technologies for school and college students on their professional and personal self-identification.
The aim of the study is students’ creative development, which represents the process of integration of mental, emotional and physical personality components, which is corrected by the psychological technologies.
Methodological bases of the study are the ideas about an integrative nature of development within the inseparable emotional, intellectual and personality domains; about creative work as a cultural-historic and social-cultural phenomenon; about aesthetic and creative cultures; and about creativity.
The result of the study consists of revealing the following directions of creative development as self-identification factors: students’ professional orientation, development of communicative skills and overcoming the difficulties in communication, exploring oneself and the world, adaptation to the educational environment and motivation towards creative activity.
The novelty of the study consists of developing a model and technologies that facilitate students’ creative resources actualization, which helps their creative development. Using the technologies of creative self-expression in the process of working with school and university students allows improving the level of students’ acquisition of the new knowledge and expands the field of application of this knowledge in further professional activity.
Keywords: creativity, students, school students, self-identification, creative technologies
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