Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 13079-13092 | Article Number: ijese.2016.980
Published Online: December 29, 2016
The world integrity is characterized by an influence of living beings to each other and their places that they take among themselves. That is, it is possible to say that the fauna and flora of the earth take an important place in the life of human being. Kazakh nation pays special attention to two important issues in their decorative applied artistic things: in their handicraft creations and decorative applied things. As the future of the nation is the chief goal of our paper, we should provide national characteristics and spiritual content of education in our accomplishing activities. Research methods: studying of the mechanism in conditions all of the accruing globalization, unification of spiritual and material culture, preserving the originality, cultural values, customs, traditions, expressing the need for spiritual self-determination. Results of the research: scientific and methodical bases of cultural function of training are defined: culture bases in maintenance and processes of training; the process of training at a basis of functional model of culture are considered; didactic conditions, methods and forms of introduction substantial and procedural aspects of training in the context of culture in system of continuous education. Developed model can be used for substantial and procedural aspects of training in the context of culture.
Keywords: Culture; national knowledge education; culture forming function; symbolic model; Great steppe
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