Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 11319-11330 | Article Number: ijese.2016.819
Published Online: November 18, 2016
The range of modern dynamic social changes, globalization of world powers’ economic cooperation, acceleration of technocratic processes have widespread impact on term systems’ variability in language, in particular, on terminological variability for specific purposes. This globalized extra-linguistic factor provokes avalanche growth of terminology, acronyms and abbreviations. This became a natural condition of verbal communication not only in certain language space, but also in everyday speech. The lexiphanic technical and specific terms leading to maximizing abbreviations can be explained primarily by the "principle of least effort" or so-called "the law for speech savings". Nearly each industry terminology is under a particular variation in a state of constant quantitative and qualitative changes. Variability, consequently, provokes corruptions in communication of the meaning of terms, namely, in their translation. The correct interpretation of terms, finding the only correct translation equivalents of a term in language for special purposes(LSP) are one of the central problems of modern terminology. The misinterpreted by a translator preformative factor. The article shows the main forms of abbreviations. The article can be a theoretical source for researches in the field of linguistics.
Keywords: abbreviation; term system; clipping; text translation; scientific-technical text; multi-terminological unit.
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