Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 12423-12430 | Article Number: ijese.2016.909
Published Online: December 15, 2016
A theoretical applied research of using social networks as a tool for creating political authority’s image has been carried out, existing options are consolidated into the author’s classification on different grounds: using identification opportunities of social networks, viral activity in social networks, representation of political authority, using fake accounts to fight competitors of political power. The use of social networks, medium for consolidating rebellious electorate, implementation of negative activities in a social network are demonstrated based on particular cases. The main tools and mechanisms for creating political authority’s image: botnets, friending and following, are also studied. The examples of implementing different options of the use of social networks as a tool for creating political authority’s image are given. The use of social networks for implementation of representation with the use of official accounts within the framework of ideological groups, pro-government groups and clandestine work with pro-government national groups is considered one of the most efficient means for creating political authority’s image under conditions of informatization. Social networks make it possible to promptly arrange virtual communication with community groups of political power; and attractiveness of groups and communities for creating political authority’s image is often attributed to users’ initial commitment.
Keywords: Social networks, friending, following, thematic groups, communication, rebellious electorate, political authority’s image
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