Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 12471-12485 | Article Number: ijese.2016.923
Published Online: December 19, 2016
The article is devoted to analysis of actual problems of subsurface use rights in Russia with relation to doctrine and practice We can also observe an upward trend in the quantity of litigation processes in regard to the subsoil use rights. Thus, the issues of understanding this phenomenon acquire particular importance. The purpose of the work is to carry out a legal scientific comparative analysis of the subsoil use rights in Russia basing on scientific works and court practice material. Methods: empirical methods of comparison, interpretation; general methods of analysis, formal logic; specific scientific methods: legal dogmatic method, legal comparison and method of legal norm interpretation. Results: the analysis of legislation, including the Law of the Russian Federation № 2395-1 "On Subsoil" (Law on sub-soil) and practice in the application of it, its scientific interpretation shows that the subsurface use right is in the nature of a right in rem. It has its own unique characteristics and exceptional nature. Its special features are being reflected at power of sequence resembling "droit de suite", exclusivity and perpetuity. The author reveals the secondary power, which is intrinsic to the subsurface use rights, and criticizes the provisions of the Law on Subsoil to deal with subsoil block turnover. Besides, the author analyses the problem of using consumable property during mining (quasi-usufruct), the problem of specifying the bearers of public interests and also considers antitrust paradox. Additionally, the author puts forward a thesis that mining licenses are given, in terms of civil law, for the gratuitous use of property. Conclu-sions: It is necessary to suspend the mineral right from the number of subsoil use rights in order to individualize it as a distinct mineral title. It has also been concluded that the title of subsurface use is being based on special concession act. It is recommended that the appropriated provisions of the Law on subsoil need to be amended.
Keywords: subsoil use right, state, secondary power, right in rem, subsurface, subsoil block, surface mining operations, mining concession, fructus, mining license
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