Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
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Development of Training Skills in Students as the Precondition for Educational CompetenciesAigul Medeshova, Gulmira Amanturlina & Elena Sumyanova
pp. 9649-9656 | Article Number: ijese.2016.684
Abstract Assimilation of educational content aimed at gaining competence requires changes in the educational process. Education should improve personal qualities of students while teaching new material. In the developed countries, teaching and learning process aims at the development of practical skills. In the developing states, such as Kazakhstan, educational modernization continues and implies student-centered learning. This article deals with the development of educational competencies through active approach to the content of modern Kazakhstani education, research opinions on student training skills and interconnection between personal skills and competence of students. Assimilation of educational content by the students presents a complex process. Because of this process, students expand their knowledge, develop their abilities and skills and thus competence is formed through the development of relevant knowledge and skills. Keywords: Educational activity of students, activity means, integration of learning, competence building, innovative education References Аrenova, А. (2001). Theoretical Foundations of independent educational activity. Elementary schools, 4, 22-24. Beysenbaeva, A.A. (1996). Training Humanization of High School Students based on Intersubject Communications. Thesis synopsis, 48. Bonato, V., Fernandes, M., Cardoso, J., Marques, E. (2014). Practical education fostered by research projects in an embedded systems course. International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, 7. Chuang, M.A., & Ming-bao, W.E.I. (2015). Study on the Practical Education System for Environmental Engineering Specialty under the New Economic Normality. Guangzhou Chemical Industry, 18, 69. Dianbo, C. et al. (2013). Research on innovative practical education system of cultivating students' innovative ability. Experimental Technology and Management, 3, 44. Dobson, H. & Tomlinson, B. (2013). Practical education for sustainable development through interdisciplinary problem-based learning. Enhancing education for sustainable development in business and management, hospitality, leisure, marketing, tourism. New York: Higher Education Academy. Dzhadrina, M.Z. (2004). Result orientation as a precondition for the implementation of competence-based approach to education at school. Almaty: Altynsarin Kazakh Academy of Education. Kornilov, K.N., Fridman, L.M. & Platonov K.K. (2003). Pedagogy. Lecture course. Abai National Pedagogical University. Light of the World, 368. Koyanbayev, Z.B. & Koyanbayev, R.M. (2000). Pedagogy. Аlmaty: Atamura. Kunter, M., Klusmann, U., Baumert, J., Richter, D., Voss, T. & Hachfeld, A. (2013). Professional competence of teachers: Effects on instructional quality and student development. Journal of Educational Psychology, 105(3), 805. Lebedeva, L.A. (2002). Methodology of mathematical skills development in younger schoolchildren based on the activity approach to learning. Training and education theory and technique (mathematics). Thesis: Candidate of pedagogic sciences. Almaty. Maximova, V.N. (1988). Intersubject Communications in the Learning Process. M. Education, 190. Medeshova, А.B. (2015). Flexibility of elementary school students in terms of information technology development and teaching. Monograph. Ural Publishers, 13. Mukhabetzhanova, A.M., & Mukanbetova, S.T. (2006). Theoretical Foundations of personality-oriented education, training and guidelines. Oral: M. Utemisov Publishing Center, 50. Mulder, M. (2014). Conceptions of professional competence. International handbook of research in professional and practice-based learning, 107-137. Springer Netherlands. Nasharipova, S.K. (2003). Development of educational skills as a component of the projected education content at school. Thesis: Candidate of pedagogic sciences. Almaty. Pustovoitov, V.N. (2014). The model of pedagogical support of cognitive competence development in high school students in the teaching and learning academic subjects. Modern problems of science and education, 3, 77-82. Sharma, A., Bisht, D., &Chopra, V. (2013). Professional competence and commitment of teachers: Need of the hour. Shikshan Anveshika, 3(2), 50-55. Stepashkina, L.Y. (2005). Development of common training and skills as key educational competences.Eidos.September.http://www.eidos.ru/journal/2005/0910-09.htm Svetlovskaya, N.N. (1990). Integration as a methodological phenomenon and its functions in the initial training. Elementary school, (5), 59. Yuanxiang, G. (2014). View of Practical Education and Educating People through Practice. Zalutskaya, S. Yu., Panina, S.V., Makarenko, T.A., & Nikonova, N.I. (2016). Professional and Creative Formation of the Federal University Teacher. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(5), 1215-1229. Zverev, I.D., & Maximova, V.N. (1981). Intersubject Communications in Modern School. M.: Education, 68-71. |
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Geodynamical Nature of the Formation of Large Plates of Platforms, Jointed in North Caspian Oil and Gas BasinNassipkali Seitov & Gulmira P. Tulegenova
pp. 9657-9668 | Article Number: ijese.2016.685
Abstract This article addresses the problems of tectonic zoning and determination of geodynamical nature of the formation of jointed tectonic structures within the North Caspian oil and gas basin, represented by Caspian Depression of Russian platform of East European Pre-Cambrian Craton and plate ancient Precambrian Platform stabilization and Turan (Scythian-Turan) plate of Cimmerian (Mesozoic) folding. It is stated that the principle of zoning according to time of the final phase of folding in practice is used more often, although this principle was established by geosynclines concept, which was a major paradigm of fixism geotectonic school. It is noted that the main reason of the demand for the fixists principle of zoning, while ignoring main provisions of a more progressive mobilistic concept of plate tectonics, is explained by the inability to discover the interdependence of folded structures of the regional continents formation and isometric forms with closing of ocean basins, comparable with modern (Mesozoic-Cainozoic) oceans. Although almost all the researchers on this region associates the establishment of the abovementioned plate structures with the development of a hypothetical large oceans of the Paleozoic – Paleo-Uralian ocean and Paleo-Tethys Ocean, respectively. The article specifies the divisiveness of such an interpretation, as the results of research allow us to defend the idea of the regional character of the plate tectonics in pre-Mesozoic stage of development of the planet. From such point of view, the Paleozoic history of the formation of Caspian Depression platform cover and folded basement of Turan (Scythian-Turan) plate cannot be associated with the global plate tectonics. Keywords: North Caspian; geotectonic zoning; ancient platform; Caspian Depression; young platform. References Ajzenshtdat, G. E.-A. et al. (1967). Oil and gas sequences of the Caspian Depression. Proceedings of VNIGRI, Moscow: Nedra, vol. 253.
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Kazakhstan and Russia: Experience and Prospects of Transfrontier Cooperation (1991-2015)Nurlan Zh. Issabayev, Tlegen S. Sadykov, Kuralay О. Seitkazina & Umyrbai Zh. Bekmaganbetov
pp. 9669-9677 | Article Number: ijese.2016.686
Abstract After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan had to re-build their bilateral relations, and today this process continues. Both countries face up to a number of objective difficulties, such as crisis and the need to develop new foreign and domestic policy doctrines. Nevertheless, several bilateral agreements show the governments’ desire to establish closer co-operation and to look for new integration method. Cross-border cooperation presents one of these methods. This paper deals with specific features of interterritorial and cross-border cooperation between border regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation, basic problems of cross-border cooperation in these regions. The authors identified the most important areas of further cross-border and interregional cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia. Relevant legal documents show intense cooperation development between the countries; this is confirmed by the participation of Kazakhstan and Russia in a number of international organizations, in particular, SCO, CIS, and the Customs Union. Development of cross-border cooperation presents a new stage in bilateral relations. Currently, the main difficulties that hinder such cooperation include inadequate legal framework, which requires improvement in order to meet the requirements of bilateral relations, the need to extend state funding, as well as the need to attract foreign investment. Keywords: Transfrontier cooperation, region, international cooperation, interregional cooperation, cross-border cooperation References Anon. (1980). European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities (21 May 1980, Madrid). Council of Europe. Moscow, 35 p. Anon. (2000). Bilateral Cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia. Report 1999. Astana. Anon. (2006). Bilateral cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan in the economic sphere. Moscow. Anon. (2008). Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On ratification and formation of the customs union” dated June 24, 2008, No. 44-IV. Archive of the Senate of the Kazakh Parliament. Documents to bills, 4-5(1), 100-102. Archinbaev, S. M. (2002). Customs Union: reality and prospects. Almaty. Balibar, E. (2004). We, the People of Europe? Reflections on transnational Citizenchip. Princeton. Baubоck, R (1994). Transnational Citizenship: Membership and Rights in International Migration. Brooksfield. Benhabib, S. (2003). Claiming culture. Equality and diversity in the global era. Moscow: Era. Gavrilyuk, U. S. (2002). SCO: achievements and challenges. Оmsk. Godunova, N. (2011). Russia – strategic partner of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of industry and trade, 4, 40-44. Hernandez, C. G., & Pattugalan G. R. (1999). Transnational Crime and Regional Security in the Asia Pacific. Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific and Institute for Strategic and Development Studies (273 p.) Karibzhanov, E. S. (2012). Eurasian idea of Kazakhstan. In Kazakhstan – Russia: economic and political factors of strategic partnership. Astana. Katyrin, S. (2013). SCO: strengthening business reputation. Presidential Advisor, 3, 9-16. Lahteenmaki, K. (1995). Cooperation of the European Border Regions. In C. Archer and O. Jalonen (eds), Changing European Security Landscape. Tampere Peace Research Institute: Research Report, 63, 270-271. Magomedov, A. (2001). Oil and Caspian Pipeline Consortium, as Instruments of Astrakhan and Kalmyk Leaders. Central Asia and the Caucasus, 2(8), 87-95. Mikula, N. (2004). Interterritorial and cross-border cooperation. Lvov: IRD NAS Ukraine. Mottola, K. (1996). Security in northern Europe - combining and reinforcing national, regional and wider European policies. In Visions of European Security. Focal Point Sweden and Northern Europe (p. 91.). Stockholm: Olof Palme International Center. Segbers, K. (1997). Transformations in Russia: a neoinstitutionalist interpretation. Arbeitspapiere, des Osteuropa-Instituts, 11. Berlin: Frei Universitat. Sultanov, B. K. (2006). Ural forum of border regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation and its role in deepening bilateral cooperation. Kazakhstan-spectrum, 3, 13-16. Тursunbaev, A. Т. (2010). СIS and SCO: today, tomorrow. Almaty. |
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Labor Factor Efficiency in the Agricultural IndustryInna U. Rеy, Gulzada T. Shakulikova, Gulnar A. Kozhakhmetova, Olga V. Lashkareva, Elena G. Bondarenko, Botagoz B. Bermukhambetova, Zamzagul A. Baimagambetova, Mariyam T. Zhetessova, Kamar N. Beketova & Zhibek Anafiyaeva
pp. 9679-9691 | Article Number: ijese.2016.687
Abstract Agricultural problems associated with prospects of the rural population and agriculture in general have recently become an important factor in the modern economic policy development. The urgency of finding ways to improve the labor resource efficiency in agriculture pursuant to the state tasks is determined by the need to restore the agricultural potential of the country and to keep the state's role in the development of agricultural production. Agriculture requires reformation; it is necessary to change the approach to organizing labor. The main negative factors that affect the agricultural industry are as follows: demographic factor – the younger generation is moving to the cities; ecological factor – the difficult ecological situation affects both the nature and people; natural and climatic factors – changes in weather conditions. The research analyzes the factors that have a direct impact on labor effectiveness: natural, technological, and technical. The experience of experts and researchers is presented and generalized. The results note that in order to improve the effectiveness of labor in the agricultural sector, it is necessary to develop the industry and create new jobs. The main role in the agricultural reform should be played by the government, which should modify the legal framework, including the labor laws. Keywords: Human resources, agriculture, sustainable development, human resource management, potential level, region References Abuhmaid, A. (2011). ICT Training Courses for Teacher Professional Development in Jordan. Alexandratos, N. et al. (2012). World agriculture towards 2030/2050: the 2012 revision. FAO: ESA Working paper, 12-03, 4. Rome. Barrientos S., & Visser, M. (2012). South African horticulture value chains: Opportunities and challenges for economic and social upgrading. Capturing the Gains Working Paper, 12. Berry. W. (2015). The unsettling of America: Culture & agriculture. (p. 234). Berkeley: Counterpoint press. Campbell, B.M., Cooper, P.J.M, Cappiello, S., Vermeulen, S.J., Zougmoré, R., Kinyangi, J. (2013). Copenhagen. Large-scale implementation of adaptation and mitigation actions in agriculture. Working Paper No. 50. A publication of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). http://tinyurl.com/nn9lzfr. Chuenchoksan, S., & Nakornthab, D. (2008). Past, Present, and Prospects for Thailand’s Growth: A Labor Market Perspective. Bank of Thailand Discussion Paper, DP/06/08 De Janvry, A., & Sadoulet, E. (2010). Agricultural growth and poverty reduction: additional evidence. World Bank Research Observer, 25(1), 1-20. Deane, P., & Cole, W.A. (1962). British Economic Growth, 1688-1959: Trends and Structure. Cf. aussi B. ft. Cambridge: University Press. E.C.DG. Agri, Study on Employment, Growth and Innovation in Rural Areas (SEGIRA). (2012). 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“Blame” Concept in Phraseology: Cognitive-Semantic Aspect (Based on the French Language)Tatyana Y. Zalavina & Olesya V. Kisel
pp. 9693-9703 | Article Number: ijese.2016.688
Abstract Phraseology is one of the basic and most important objects of study in cognitive linguistics. The article deals with verbal fixed phrases in their correlation with the cognitive structure of knowledge – a concept. The used definitional analysis method to identify the basic notions of the conceptual content of the concept of blame and basic representative lexical units of the analyzed concept. They also applied component analysis method to identify the semantic features of French phraseological units, containing the concept of blame, as well as to analyze the relatedness of phraseological units to the studied concept. The methods revealed that basic understanding of the “blame” concept demonstrates the direct relationship of this concept with the action. Therefore, it is presented mainly in verbal phrase ologisms. Based on the used methods, the researchers identified a set of basic representative lexical units of the analyzed concept: a reprimand, reproach, criticism, disapproval. Component analysis of verbal phraseological units (204 units) within the concept of blame made it possible to identify the lexical sets, reflecting the denotative situation and denotative cause of the blame process: “Body Parts”, “Food”, “Flora and fauna”, “Household units”. Keywords: Verbal phraseological units, “blame” concept, semantic features, dictionary definition References Arnold, I.V. (2011). Basic Research in Linguistics, 144 p. Ukrain: Librokom. Babushkin, A.P. (2001). The Concepts of Different Types of Vocabulary and Phraseology, and Methods of their Detection. Methodological Problems of Cognitive Linguistics. Voronezh: Voronezh State University Press, 52-113. Delbecque, N. (ed.). (2002). Linguistique Cognitive: Comprendre Comment Fonctionne le Language, 348 p. Bruxelles: De Boeck, Duculot. Forrester M.A.( 1996) Psychology of Language. A Critical Introduction: Nw Delhi. –– 137 p. Godard, G., & Wierzbicka, A. (2010). Semantics and Cognition. Wires: Cognitive Science, 2, 208-219. Godard, G., & Wierzbicka, A. (2014). Words and Meanings: Lexical Semantics across Domains. Languages and Cultures, 352 p.Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. Goodenough D.R.(1982) Cognitive styles: essence and origins field dependence and field independence. N.-Y., . P. 12-33. Guiraud, P. (1969). La sémantique. «Que sais-je?», 118 p Paris: Guiraud. PUF. Kopylenko, M.M., & Popova, Z.D. (2010). Essays on General Phraseology: Phraseological Combinations in the Language System. Edition 2, 192 p. Ukrain: Librokom. Masalimova, A. R., Porchesku, G. V. & Liakhnovitch, T. L. (2016) Linguistic Foundation of Foreign Language Listening Comprehension. IEJME-Mathematics Education. 11(1), 123-131 Maruzo, Zh. (2004). Glossary of Linguistic Terms. Edition. 2nd, rev. 440 p. Russia: Editorial URSS. Popova, Z.D., & Sternin, I.A. (2007). Semantic and Cognitive Analysis of Language. Monograph. 250 p. Voronezh: Istoki. Piirainen E. Phrasemes from a cultural semiotic perspective // Phraseologie: ein internationales Handbuch zeitgenossischer Forschung = Phraseology: an international handbook of contemporary research / hrsg. von / edited by H. Burger, D. Dobrovol'skij, P. Kühn, N.R. Norrick. − Berlin; New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2007. − Hb. 1. − Vol. 1. − S. 208-219. Rat M. (1999) Dictionnaire des expressions et locutions traditionnelles / M. Rat. – Paris: Larousse,– 446 p. Rey A. (2003) Dictionnaire des expressions et locutions / A. Rey, S. Chantreau. – Paris: Le Robert,– 1086 p. Telia, V.N. (2004). Culture Factor and Phraseological Characters-Microtexts Reproducibility. Sokrovennye Smisly. Slovo. Tekst. Kultura: A Collection of Articles in Honor of N.D. Arutyunova, 880 p. Vorkachev, S.G. (2003). Cultural Concepts and Their Value. Proceedings of the Kuban State Technological University, Humanitarian sciences, 17(2), 268-276. Krasnodar. Yarovaya, V.N. (ed.). (2002). Linguistics. Great Encyclopedic Dictionary. Great Russian Encyclopedia, 709 p. Russia. Zalavina, T.Yu., & Shorohova, L.A. (2016). Features of the Cognitive Approach to the Study of Language Phraseological Fund. Modern Trends in the Development of Science and Technology: Periodical Scientific Collection. Materials of XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference, 4-5, 49-53. April 30. Belgorod. |
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Creating Intelligent Computer Workstation of a Freight Officer in a Single Information Space of Railway Transport: Synergetic ApproachSaken K. Malybaev, Nurlan S. Malaybaev, Botakoz M. Isina, Akbope R. Kenzhekeeva & Nurbol Khuangan
pp. 9705-9721 | Article Number: ijese.2016.689
Abstract The article presents the results of researches aimed at the creation of automated workplaces for railway transport specialists with the help of intelligent information systems. The analysis of tendencies of information technologies development in the transport network was conducted. It was determined that the most effective approach is to create an information transport architecture, together with the quality management system of transport services. Automated workplace for specialists of rail transport with this approach is synergistically formed as a local information space and process automation as part of a single intelligent information transport space in accordance with the strategy of transport development, management and information technologies. This approach allows standardizing technological processes of traffic, identifying points of risk of occurrence of security threats and information loss, forming a dynamic information environment decision support. The main problems of the effective operation of intelligent transport systems in general and each automated sites are information security, reliability of information, the stability of data transmission systems, and qualification of the personnel. The basis for the formation of local computer workstations are optional models of technological processes, taking into account the large number of situations on the railway transport options. The paper presents an example of modeling operations and assessment of the costs of the working time of commodity cashier. An analysis found fotochronometry the most appropriate for the study, which serves as the basis for action photography worker per shift with simultaneous maintenance of chronometry observations lasting one or another of his actions. The mathematical apparatus of research, calculation and optimization of logical systems is a simulation pertaining to the theory of probability, mathematical statistics and represented in terms of queuing theory. The proposed changes to modernize the automated place for commercial cashier can be embedded in the enterprises of the railway of Kazakhstan. Keywords: rail transport, intelligent transport systems, automated workstation, information security, Republic of Kazakhstan References Agarana, M., Anake, T. & Okagbue, H. (2016). Optimization of Urban Rail Transportation in Emerging Countries Using Operational Research Techniques. Applied Mathematics, 7, 1116-1123. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/am.2016.710099 Balog, M. et al. (2015). Automation Monitoring of Railway Transit by Using Rfid Technology. Acta Tecnología - International Scientific Journal about Technologies, 1(1), 9-12. Banister, D. & Stead, D. (2004). Impact of information and communications technology on transport. 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Development and Research of Peristaltic Multiphase Piezoelectric Micro-pumpAlexander N. Vinogradov, Igor A. Ivanikin, Roman V. Lubchenco, Yegor V. Matveev & Pavel A. Titov
pp. 9723-9731 | Article Number: ijese.2016.690
Abstract The paper presents the results of a study of existing models and mathematical representations of a range of truly peristaltic multiphase micro-pumps with a piezoelectric actuator (piezo drive). Piezo drives with different types of substrates use vertical movements at deformation of individual piezoelectric elements, which define device performance. The dependences of the maximum micro-pump output pressure from the difference between the phases of voltage drives are established. The dynamic properties of piezo drive, deformation forms of its individual piezoelectric elements were defined by theoretical and experimental methods. The dependence of micro-pump output pressure from the phase frequency and difference was determined. Keywords: Peristaltic piezo micro-pumps, signaling, deformation of piezo drive, piezoelectric actuator, bending vibrations References Au, A.K., Lee, W., & Folch, A. (2014). Mail-order microfluidics: evaluation of stereolithography for the production of microfluidic devices. Lab on a Chip, 14(7), 1294-1301. Beckers, G., & Dehez, B. (2013). Design and modeling of a quasi-static peristaltic piezoelectric micropump. International Conference. IEEE - Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), 1301-1306. Jeong, M.J. et al. (2015). On the Pressurization Characteristics of Small Piezoelectric Hydraulic Pump for Brake System. Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences, 43(11), 963-970. Joo, Y.H. et al. (2015). On the Performance Test of the Piezoelectric-Hydraulic Pump. Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences, 43(9), 822-829. Kim, H.H. et al. (2009). Design and modeling of piezoelectric pump for microfluid devices. Ferroelectrics, 378(1), 92-100. Laser, D.J., & Santiago, J.G. (2004). A review of micropumps. Journal of micromechanics and microengineering, 14(6), R35. Nguyen, N.T., & Wereley S.T. (2006). Fundamentals and Applications of Microfluidics. (p. 497). Artech House. Oh, J.H. et al. (2009). Design of a Piezoelectric Pump Using No Physically Moving Components. Ferroelectrics, 378(1), 144-151. Ren, Y.J. et al. (2016). Elastic string check valves can efficiently heighten the piezoelectric pump’s working frequency. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 244, 126-132. Schilling, K.M. et al. (2012). Fully enclosed microfluidic paper-based analytical devices. Analytical chemistry, 84(3), 1579-1585. Valdovinos, J. et al. (2013). Evaluating piezoelectric hydraulic pumps as drivers for pulsatile pediatric ventricular assist devices. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 1045389X13504476. Vasuk, B., Sathiya, S., & Suresh, K. (2013). A new piezoelectric laminated cantilever resonance based hydraulic pump. IEEE - Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS), 197-201. Zasukhin, O.N., & Bulat, P.V. (2016). Self-Oscillation of Shock Wave Structures. IEJME - Mathematics Education, 11(5), 1023-1032 |
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Matters on Compensation of Moral Damage: Practical AspectsMeruert A. Akimbekova, Saida A. Akimbekova, Zholdasbek M. Nusenov & Fatima A. Tlegenova
pp. 9733-9740 | Article Number: ijese.2016.691
Abstract Matters on compensation of moral damage are one of the most controversial and topical in enforcement practice for today, especially in developing countries, such as Kazakhstan. This is because the matters of protection of the individual, his moral rights and benefits are the same priority as the protection of property rights. In this paper, the authors conducted an attempt to study the matters of enforcement practice related to the definition of criteria for compensation of moral damage, caused by the offenses. The article made a comparative analysis of some aspects of the legislation Institute on arising from the offense (torts) liability for compensation of moral damage, attention is drawn to the different definition of the term "moral damage". As the regulatory basis were used the legislative acts of Russia, Kazakhstan and Germany. The results substantiate the necessity of reforming the legislative basis of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of regulation of the compensation of moral damage. Moral hazard is defined as "moral and physical suffering", which did not disclose fully the term and can be interpreted in different ways. Therefore, it is necessary to consolidate at the legislative level the full concept of "moral damage", as well as to develop a single system for calculating it. Keywords: Moral damage, the tortfeasor, a criminal offense, mental suffering, physical suffering References Article 1382 of the Civil Code of France. (1804). March, 21. online.zakon.kz/Document/?doc_id=30006352 (20.11.2015 g). Bergmann, B. (2006). Civil code of Germany, 2-nd ed. Wolters Kluwer, 322. Blake, C. (2012). Moral Damages in Investment Arbitration: A Role for Human Rights? Journal of International Dispute Settlement, 3(2), 371-407. Erdelevsky, A.M. (2015). Moral damage: analysis and commentary of legislation and judicial practice. http://online.zakon.kz/Document/?doc_id=30981503 Erdelevsky, A.M. (2004). Moral damage: analysis and commentary of legislation and judicial practice. 3-rd ed. Wolters Kluwer, 103. Generalization of court practice on examination of civil cases involving claims of compensation for moral damage in monetary terms. (2015). http://sud.gov.kz/rus/content/za-2015-god Ibrayeva, A., Abdikarim, Y., & Alimbekova, M. (2014). The Legal Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan: New Priorities and Succession. World Applied Sciences Journal, 29(8), 1071-1074. Jagusch, S., & Sebastian, T. (2013). Moral Damages in Investment Arbitration: Punitive Damages in Compensatory Clothing? Arbitration International, 29(1), 45-62. Normative Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (2001). On application of the legislation by the courts on compensation of moral damage, 3. June, 21. http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/P01000003S_ Paragraph 1, Article 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (1995). Adopted at the national referendum in August, 30. http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/K950001000_/ info Paragraph 2, Article 115 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (1994). December, 27. http://online.zakon.kz/Document/?doc_id=1006061 Paragraph 1, Article 1 of the Civil Code, chapters 19-21 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (2011). On Marriage (Matrimony) and Family. December, 26. http://online.zakon.kz/Document /? doc_id = 31102748 Paragraph 3, Article 115 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (2011). On Marriage (Matrimony) and Family. Paragraph 4, Article 116 of the Civil Code 5) Paragraph 2, Article 1040 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (2011). On Marriage (Matrimony) and Family. Paragraph 1, Article 951 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (2011). On Marriage (Matrimony) and Family. Paragraph 823 of the Civil Code of Germany. http://online.zakon.kz/Document/?doc_id=30005486 (20.11.2015 g). Parfilova, G.G. & Karimova, L.Sh. (2016). Teenage Students’ Tolerance Formation. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(4), 513-523. Pushkina, T.N. (2013). The criteria for determining the amount of moral damage as the main problem of civil-law institute of moral damage. Udmurt University Journal Economics and Law Serie, 1, 171. Reale, M. (2015). Moral Damages in Brazilian Law. Panorama of Brazilian Law, 1, 1, 121-127. Uskov, V. (2000). How to compensate the moral damage to rich and poor? Russian Justice, 12, 25. Vorobiev, S.M. (2004). Moral damage as one of the consequences of property crimes. Lawyer, 3, 9. |
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Unfair “Housing Regulation of Major Construction” in the Russian FederationAlexander I. Goncharov, Agnessa O. Inshakova, Olesya P. Kazachenok & Ilya S. Dikarev
pp. 9741-9752 | Article Number: ijese.2016.692
Abstract This research analyzes the illegal and unreasonable practice of court rulings that aim to accelerate the major construction of problematic long-delayed apartment blocks in the Russian Federation. The authors express their critical attitude to the widespread wrongful approach that violates the laws in effect and allows courts to apply branch-specific legal regulation to public relations, which should be regulated by different laws. The authors support the supremacy of law over the administrative and economic expedience, which often prevails in modern Russia, and analyze the legal status of the victims of unscrupulous real estate developers, including that of persons who took mortgage loans and bore additional costs due to increased interest rates, and the financial losses of banks that were forced to create additional reserves for potential losses from bad debts with security in the form of apartments in buildings, the construction of which was delayed indefinitely. Keywords: major construction, apartment block, unfinished apartment, homeowner association, urban planning law References Filippov P.M., Inshakova A.O., and Goncharov A.I. (Eds.) 2016. Housing Law: a textbook. Moscow: Jurisprudence Publishing House. Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated 20.09.2013 No. 403 “On the Approval of the Criteria for Classifying Citizens, whose Funds Were Used to Construct Apartment Blocks and whose Rights Were Violated, as Aggrieved Persons, and the Rules for Registering Citizens, whose Funds Were Used to Construct Apartment Blocks and whose Rights Were Violated” // “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” (Russian Newspaper), No. 286, 19.12.2013. Housing Code of the Russian Federation dated 29.12.2004 No. 188-FZ (revised on 06.02.2016) // “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” (Russian Newspaper), No. 1, 12.01.2005. Government Decree dated 28.01.2006 No. 47 (revised on 25.3.2015, amended as of 02.03.2016) “On the Approval of the Provision for Recognizing Premises as Housing Accommodations, Recognizing Housing Accommodations as Unsuitable for Dwelling, and Recognizing an Apartment Block as Failing and Subject to Demolition or Reconstruction” // “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” (Russian Newspaper), No. 28, 10.02.2006. Urban Development Code of the Russian Federation dated 29.12.2004 No. 190-FZ (revised on 12.30.2015) (revised and extended, in force from 10.01.2016) // “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” (Russian Newspaper), No. 290, 30.12.2004. Government Decree dated 13.08.2006 No. 491 (revised on 12.25.2015) “On the Approval of Rules of Maintenance for Communal Property in an Apartment Block and Rules of Changing the Payment for the Maintenance and Repairs of Residential Accommodations in Case of Delivery of Service and Performance of Works for Management, Maintenance, and Repairs of Communal Property in an Apartment Block of Substandard Quality and (or) with Delays that Exceed the Set Duration” // “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” (Russian Newspaper), No. 184, 22.08.2006. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part One) dated 30.11.1994 No. 51-FZ (revised on 05.23.2016) // “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” (Russian Newspaper), No. 238-239, 08.12.1994. Ruling of the Krasnooktyabrskiy District Court of Volgograd on Case No. 2-4393 / 2015 dated November 30, 2015. Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part Two) dated 26.01.1996 No. 14-FZ (revised on 23.05.2016) // “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” (Russian Newspaper), No. 23, 06.02.1996, No. 24, 07.02.1996, No. 25, 08.02.1996, No. 27, 10.2.1996. Kryukova E. M. et al. Financing of social housing stock in Russia and abroad // World Applied Sciences Journal. – 2014. – Vol. 30. – No. 12. – P. 1746-1748. Borisova E. I., Polishchuk L., Peresetsky A. Collective management of residential housing in Russia: The importance of being social // Journal of Comparative Economics. – 2014. – Vol. 42. – No. 3. – P. 609-629. Mah A. Housing the New Russia // Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews. – 2014. – Vol. 43. – No. 3. – P. 434-435. Stephens M. Housing the New Russia //Housing Studies. – 2014. – Vol. 29. – No. 4. – P. 568-570. Flaming K. H. Review: Housing the New Russia // Journal of Planning Education and Research. – 2015. – Vol. 35. – No. 2. – P. 230-232. Curtin E. Housing the New Russia (Zavisca) // Anthropology of East Europe Review. – 2015. – Vol. 33. – No. 1. – P. 87-89. Moiseev A. K., Cherkovets M. V. Forecast of mortgage-lending development in Russia subject to socioeconomic factors //Studies on Russian Economic Development. – 2014. – Vol. 25. – No. 5. – P. 509-513. Sarsengali A. Abdymanapov, Aigul N. Toxanova, Alma H. Galiyeva, Ainur Sh. Abildina & Anar M. Aitkaliyeva. Development of Public-Private Partnership in the Republic of Kazakhstan. IEJME-Mathematics Education. Volume 11 Issue 5 (2016) pp. 1113-1126 Ulyanova O. A Research Methodology of the Housing Crisis in Modern Russia //World Applied Sciences Journal. – 2013. – Vol. 25. – No. 8. – P. 1209-1216. Zavisca J. R. Housing the new Russia. – Cornell University Press, 2012. |
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Economic liberalization and its impact on human development: A Comparative analysis of Turkey and AzerbaijanMayis G. Gulaliyev, Nuri I. Ok, Fargana Q. Musayeva, Rufat J. Efendiyev, Jamila Q. Musayeva, & Samira R. Agayeva
pp. 9753-9771 | Article Number: ijese.2016.693
Abstract The aim of the article is to study the nature of liberalization as a specific economic process, which is formed and developed under the influence of the changing conditions of the globalization and integration processes in the society, as well as to identify the characteristic differences in the processes of liberalization of Turkey and Azerbaijan economies (using the method of comparative analysis of these countries' development indices). The objectives of this study: the characterization of the liberalization process as a specific economic process; a comparative analysis of the Turkey and Azerbaijan economic development conditions; the improvement of the theoretical justification of influence the process of economic liberalization on the development of society. The article presents the comparative analysis of the Turkey and Azerbaijan economic development conditions by using new research method as index of leftness (rightness) of economy. It was revealed that the Azerbaijan economy compared with the economy of Turkey is using more “right” methods of economy regulation. The Turkish economy is more prone to fluctuations in the studied parameters, at the same time, a main way of Turkish economy development is the direction towards increased liberalization, while the simultaneous growth of indicators of the human development. In this context, the Azerbaijani economy is more liberalized and less regulated. Keywords: Index of Leftness (Rightness) of economy, Human development index, liberalization, state intervention, Comparative analysis, Market relations, Economic freedom References Abdymanapov, S. A., Toxanova, A. N., Galiyeva, A. H., Abildina, A. Sh., & Aitkaliyeva, A. M. (2016). Development of Public-Private Partnership in the Republic of Kazakhstan. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(5), 1113-1126. Acemoglu, D., & Robinson, J. A. (2013). Why nations fail: The origins of power, prosperity and poverty. London: Profile Books. Ahmed, F. Z., Greenleaf, A., & Sacks, A. (2014). The paradox of export growth in areas of weak governance: The case of the readymade garment sector in Bangladesh. World Development, 56, 258-271. Based upon "Doing Business 2014: Understanding Regulations for Small and Medium-Size Enterprises" report designed by the World Bank (See: Doing Business 2014: Dealing üith Construction Permits. Direct access: http://www.doingbusiness.org/data/exploretopics/dealing-with-construction-permits; latest review-August 2014). Bumann, S., Hermes, N., & Lensink, R. (2013). Financial Liberalization and Economic Growth: A Meta-analysis. Journal of International Money and Finance 33, 255-281. Carrieri, F., Chaieb, I., & Errunza, V. (2013). Do Implicit Barriers Matter for Globalization? Review of Financial Studies 26, 1594-1739. Co-convener of "Neoliberalism and Democracy beyond the Economic Crisis" research group. (2015). Van Leer Jerusalem Institute. Direct access: http://www.vanleer.org.il/sites/files/ MANDELKERN%20CV%20updated%2010.4.16.pdf Cohen, J. N. (2010). How Prosperous was the World Economy in the Age of Neoliberalism? Working Paper at Munich Personal RePEc Archive. University Library of Munich, Germany. Direct access: http://ideas.repec.org/p/pra/mprapa/22437.html Cohen, J. N., & Centeno, M. A. (2006). Neoliberalism and Patterns of Economic Performance, 1980-2000. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 606, 32-67. Greenwald, J. (1989, Monday). Harvard Debt Doctor's Controversial Cure. Magazine "Time" Nov. 06. Direct access: http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,958962,00.html Heath, R., & Mobarak, A. M. (2014, Sept.). Manufacturing Growth and the Lives of Bangladeshi Women. Cato Institute. Research Briefs in Economic Policy, 10, 72-79. Hidalgo, J. C. (2014, Janu. 23). Growth without Poverty Reduction: The Case of Costa Rica. Cato Institute. Economic Development Bulletin, 18, 23-28. Hill, R. V. (2010). Liberalization and Producer Price Risk: Examining Subjective Expectations in the Ugandan Coffee Market. Journal of African Economics, 19(4), 433-458. McCartney, M. (2015). Economic growth and development: A comparative introduction. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Musumba, M., & Rajorshi, S. G. (2013). Transmission of World Prices to Ugandan Coffee Growers in a Liberalised Economy. Development Policy Review, 31(2), 219-234. Müzəffərli, N. (2014, Səh. 63). İqtisadiyyatın sosialyönlüyü sağçı və solçu sistemlərdə. Şərq-Qərb Nəşriyyat Evi. Bakı. Sally, R. (2013, June 5). Asia's Story of Growing Economic Freedom by Razeen Sally. Cato Institute. Policy Analysis, 725, 1-12. Direct access: http://object.cato.org/sites/cato.org/files/pubs/pdf/ pa725-revised.pdf Schaefer, P. F., & Schaefer, C. (2014, Dec. 3). An Innovative Approach to Land Registration in the Developing World: Using Technology to Bypass the Bureaucracy. Cato Institute. Policy Analysis, 765, 1-12. Direct access: http://object.cato. org/sites/cato.org/files/pubs/pdf/pa765.pdf State Statistical Committee (SSC) [Azerbaijan] and Macro International Inc. (2008, May). Azerbaijan Demographic and Health Survey 2006. Calverton, Maryland, USA: State Statistical Committee and Macro International Inc. Direct access: http://dhsprogram.com/ pubs/pdf/ FR195/FR195.pdf Swaminathan, S., Aiyar, A., Debroy, B., & Bhandari, L. (2014). Economic Freedom of the States of India 2013. New Delhi: Friedrich Naumann Foundation and Cato Institute. |
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Scientific-Theoretical Background the Organization of Geobotany Employees of the Micro Enterprises Sport and Recreation SectorTatyana V. Andruhina, Evgenij M. Dorozhkin, Ekaterina V. Zaitseva, Svetlana V. Komleva, Alexander S. Sosnin & Valentina A. Savinova
pp. 9773-9785 | Article Number: ijese.2016.694
Abstract The relevance of the research problem due to the needs of the labor market, terms of developing economy of micro-entrepreneurship in sport and recreation sector and the demands of the subject of labour activity to professional training without discontinuing work. The purpose of the article is to understand the current issues aspects of pedagogical learning situation of a potential employee an experienced professional when using the internal resources of micro-enterprises. A leading approach to the study of this problem is systematically-activity, which allows to represent the process of professional learning in conditions of the micro-enterprise as a system activity of subjects for the development of professional competence of the employee sports and recreation sector. The results of the research showed that the process of training and professional interaction of the micro-enterprise employees to be effective if educational-vocational. interaction of the micro-enterprise employees will be considered as a productive mutual agreed actions of subjects of labour, aimed at solving educational and professional problems in the process of joint labour activity. The article can be useful to researchers of the problem of industrial education in the current socio-economic conditions, from a practical point of view – chiefs of micro-entrepreneurship in sport and recreation sector. Keywords: Adult education, micro-enterprise, professional training, training and professional interaction References Babanskii, J. K. (1982). In search of the optimal variant. Moscow: Pedagogy, 183 p.
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Structural and Functional Model of Future Craftsmen Legal competence Generation during Professional EducationGennadij M. Romantsev, Andrei V. Efanov, Ekaterina Yu. Bychkova & Andrei V. Moiseev
pp. 9787-9802 | Article Number: ijese.2016.695
Abstract Formation of the law-governed state institutions in Russia, development of civil society, need for neutralizing the legal nihilism and generation of public legal culture, state demand for legally competent specialists, representing the public and social value, justify the relevancy of the investigated issue, on the one hand. On the other hand, it is determined by the necessity to perform and protect craft activity within the legal framework in compliance with the professional requirements, representing the personal value. Purpose of this article is to describe the progress of development and testing of structural and functional model of future craftsmen legal competence generation at the institutions of secondary professional education. The principle method to research the issue consists in simulation, which enables for representing the problem as process of task-oriented and deliberate mastering the legal competence by the future professionals during study at the institutions of secondary professional education. This article describes the structural and functional model of future craftsmen legal competence generation at the institutions of secondary professional education which consists of several interrelated components: target component, descriptive component, structuring and pragmatic component, evaluative and effective component; it determines a complex of pedagogical conditions facilitating the implementation of the model, develops a range of evaluation means to assess the level of the generated legal competence of the future craftsmen. Materials of this article can be useful for students learning the professions at the institutions of secondary professional education, for all categories of teachers and specialists in the field of professional craft education. Keywords: Craftsman, craft activities, craft training, craft vocations, legal competence References Anikina, A. S. (2011). Formation of legal competence of the future teacher using a set of professionally-oriented legal problems: PhD Thesis. Nizhny Tagil: Nizhny Tagil State Social and Pedagogical Academy, 188 p.
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The Development of Vocational Pedagogical Education in Russia (Organizational and Pedagogical Aspect)Vladimir A. Fedorov & Natalia V. Tretyakova
pp. 9803-9818 | Article Number: ijese.2016.696
Abstract The relevance of the problem under study is based on the necessity to determine the directions of studying and improving the vocational pedagogical education (the system of training vocational pedagogical teachers) in Russia. The purpose of the article is to identify the periodization of establishment and development of the vocational pedagogical education in Russia depending upon the changes of its organizational and pedagogical foundations that occur under the influence of socio-economic and socio-pedagogical factors. The leading approach to studying this problem is historic-logical one which allows us to identify stages of establishment and development of the vocational pedagogical education based on the qualitative changes of its organization and content that are perceived as a reaction to socio-economic and socio-pedagogical conditions at certain periods of time. Based on the qualitative changes of the organizational and pedagogical foundations of the vocational pedagogical education occurred under the influence of the changes in the society during more than a hundred years’ time, the stages of establishment and development of the vocational education are detailed in this article. It is stated that the main directions of the Russian vocational teachers’ training system development were determined by the requirements imposed upon the system by vocational education and industries. It is shown that the idea of industry-specific vocational and psychological training and training for a worker’s profession is the leading one in elaborating the vocation education development strategy. The article can be useful for academic specialists and practitioners in the sphere of vocational and vocational pedagogical education, candidates for a master’s degree and students of vocational pedagogical universities and faculties. Keywords: Professional training, stages of development, vocational pedagogical education, vocational teacher, vocational pedagogical personnel References Anikst, O. (1922). Growth and crisis of professional training. Bulletin of professional and technical training, 3, 3–4. Barbashov, N. I. (1931). On teacher training in the United States of North America. For Pedagogical Personnel, 2, 57 – 60. Davydova, N. N., Dorozhkin, E. M., Fedorov, V. A. & Konovalova, M. E. (2016). Research and Educational Network: Development Management. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2651-2665. Fedorov, V. A. & Davydova, N. N. (2014). Control of the research and education network development in modern socio-pedagogical conditions. Scientific bulletin of National Mining University, 2(140), 126–133. Fedorov, V. A. (1999). The quality of vocational education. The Education and science journal, 2(2), 189–198. Fedorov, V. A. (2001). Vocational education: theory, empirics, practice. Ekaterinburg: Publishing House of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, 330 p. Hegel, G. (1812-1816). Science of Logic in Three Volumes. Direct access: http://hegel.rhga.ru/filosof/-logik/detail. Ivanovich, K. A. (1958). Agricultural education in the USSR. Moscow: Sovremennaya Nauka. 240p. Kairov, I. A. (1930). On training teaching specialists for secondary- and tertiary-level vocational education institutions. On training teaching personnel: Collected Works. Moscow: Rabotnik prosvescheniya, 37 – 40. Kalimullin, A. M., Vlasova, V. K. & Sakhieva, R. G. (2016). Teachers' Training in the Magistrate: Structural, Content and Organizational Modernization in the Context of a Federal University. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(3), 207-215. Khuziakhmetov, A.N. & Nasibullov, R.R. (2016). Dialectics of Correlation of the School Student Personality Socialization and Individualization in Pedagogical Theory and Practice. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(4), 475-487. Kravtsov, N. I. (1977). The content of methodological support in the vocational and technical education system. Moscow: Vysshaya Shkola, 342 p. Lednev, V. P. (1975). School of pedagogical personnel in the Middle Ural. Sverdlovsk: the Sverdlovsk Engineering and pedagogical Institute, 75 p. Malenko, A. T. (1980). Training of engineering-pedagogical personnel for the professional and technical education system. Minsk: Vysshaya Shkola, 166 p. Masalimova, A.R. & Chibakov, A.S. (2016). Experimental Analytical Model of Conditions and Quality Control of Vocational Training of Workers and Specialists. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(6), 1796-1808. Panachin, G. F. (1979). Pedagogical education in Russia. Moscow: Pedagogika, 216 p. Popper, К. (1983). The logic and growth of scientific knowledge. Moscow: Progress, 605 p. Prokhorovich, P. V. & Kovalenko, I. G. (1975). Review of the Soviet professional and technical education system development. Minsk: Vysshaya Shkola, 160 p. Romantsev, G. M. (1997). Theoretical basics of higher vocational education. Ekaterinburg: Publishing House of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, 334 p. Sakhieva, R. G. & Fedorova, S. N. (2016). Structural-Functional Model of Ethnocultural Training of Future Educators: Competency-Based Approach. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(9), 2785-2798 Shevarev, P. A. (1928). Training of personnel in the sphere of industrial and agricultural education in the United States of North America. Teaching engineer: Collected Works. Moscow: The Moscow Higher Technical School, 113–129. Stepanova, E. I. (1979). The structure of adults’ intellect. Moscow: the Scientific Research Institute of Adults’ General Education, 110 p. Stoyanov, P. (1988). Socio-pedagogical system in the People’s Republic of Bulgaria. Moscow: Pedagogika, 122 p. Tenchurina, L. Z. (1998). History of vocational education. Moscow: Pedagogika-Press, 304 p. Veselov, A. N. (1961). Vocational and technical training in the USSR: a Report on the history of secondary- and tertiary-level vocation training. Moscow: Proftechizdat, 436 p. Voevodin, I. K. (1973). Vocational and technical training of personnel for the USSR heavy industry. 1917 – 1972. Kursk: the Kursk Pedagogical Institute, 260 p. Zakirova, V.G. & Shilova, Z.V. (2016). Integrative Connection of Mathematics and Economics. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 3021-3036. Zeer, E. F. (1988). Professional development of a teaching engineer’s personality. Sverdlovsk: the Ural State University, 120 p. |
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Conceptual Basis of Educational Service Resource SupportOlga V. Ledyankina, Olga B. Akimova & Evgenii P. Fomin
pp. 9819-9827 | Article Number: ijese.2016.697
Abstract ABSTRACT Topicality of the issue researched is preconditioned by the need to describe the conceptual basis and significance of educational service resource support of at the current development stage of Russian vocational education, classification of its main components as well as significance of the need to transform resource support from the factor that hinders development of vocational education into a powerful tool for its improvement and modernization. The purpose of the research is to define the conceptual basis of the theoretical and methodological framework of the system of certification of educational service resource support and its structural logic. The leading research method applied to this issue is the multi-aspect analysis and synthesis of information on the issue researched which is studied in national and foreign scientific sources dedicated to pedagogics, methodology, didactics, economics, law, statistics and other disciplines which allows identifying trends for defining the conceptual basis of the system of certification of educational service resource support and means for its theoretical description. As a result of the research, educational service resources have been identified and classified, concepts have been introduced, and their core reflecting their specifics in certification of educational service resource support has been substantiated. The article may be of use for professors and heads of educational institutions when developing vocational educational programs, including for net-wide application thereof in the contemporary educational environment. Keywords: Сertification of educational service resource support, resources, resource support, resource classification, resource modernisation References Akimova, O. B., Dorozhkin, E. M. & Sikorskaya, G. P. (2014). The Concept of Networking of Institutions of Vocational and Pedagogical Education. The Pedagogical Journal of Bashkortostan, 6(55), 24-34. Arefyev, O. N. (2003). Educational Mission of the College on the Contemporary Labour Market. Ekaterinburg: Publishing house of the Russian state vocational pedagogical university, 229 p. Arefyev, O. N. (2007). Self-Organisation as a Basis for College Development. Ekaterinburg: Publishing house of the Russian state vocational pedagogical university, 347 p. Drovyannikov, V. I. (2008). Models and Mechanisms for Managing Competence-Oriented Processes of Vocational Specialist Training. Samara: Publishing house of the Samara Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 153 p. Granichina, O. A. (2006). 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The Education and science journal, 4, 19-32. Pisinger, C. (2009). Five years of lifestyle intervention improved self-reported mental and physical health in a general population: The Inter 99 study Original. Research Article Preventive Medicine, 5, 424-428. Platonov, V. V. (1999). Strategy for Resource Support of Innovation Activities. Saint-Petersburg: Publishing House of Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, 172 p. Pokosovskaya, O. V. (2015). Multifunctional Educational Organisation: Efficient Resource Management Model in the Information and Education Environment. Standards and Monitoring in Education, 3, 3-8. Potashnik, M. M. & Moiseev, A. M. (1998). Education Management Theses: State, Issues, Current Requirements: Guidelines for Authors of Education Management Theses. Moscow: Novaya shkola, 167 p. Ronzhina, N. V. (2014). Regularity Principle in Organisation of Vocational Pedagogical Education in Russia. The Pedagogical Journal of Bashkortostan, 3(52), 35–38. Ronzhina, N. V. (2014). Vocational Pedagogics: Theory, Methodology, Practice: Ekaterinburg: Publishing house of the Russian state vocational pedagogical university, 227 p. Serbulov, Yu. S. (2009). Models for Managing Educational System Development. Voronezh: Nauchnayakniga, 115 p. Vladyka, M. V. (2008). Theoretical and Methodological Framework of Research into the Innovation Potential of the Higher Educational Institution. Saint-Petersburg: Khimizdat, 263 p. Vlasova, V.K., Kirilova, G.I. & Curteva, O.V. (2016). Matrix Classification of Information Environment Algorithms Application in the Educational Process. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(1), 165-171. Zagvyazinsky, V. I. (2006). Training Concept: Modern Interpretation: Study Guide for Students of Higher Educational Institutions. Moscow: Academiya Publishing Centre, 95 p. Zakirova, A. F. (2015. )The methodological unit of scientific research in terms of conceptualisation of pedagogical knowledge. The Education and science journal, 10, 4-19. Zeer, E. F. (2003). Occupation Psychology: Study Guide for Students of Higher Educational Institutions. Ekaterinburg: Delovaya kniga, 336 p. |
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Hardiness of Adolescents with Special Educational Needs: Research ResultsDina Ye. Shchipanova, Nataliya G. Tserkovnikova, Bella A. Uskova, Viktor V. Puzyrev, AnastasiaS. Markova & Evgenii P.Fomin
pp. 9829-9838 | Article Number: ijese.2016.698
Abstract The relevance of the problem under study is due to the fact that the current worldwide trend shows high dynamics of the increase in the number of children with SEN, which requires that society in general and the education system, in particular, should develop approaches to the socialization and adaptation of people with SEN through strengthening their personal resources. The purpose of the article is to explore the peculiarities of the phenomenology and structure of hardiness of adolescents with SEN in comparison with the conventionally healthy peers. The main method applied in the research of this problem is a comparative study based on the cross-sectional method, which makes it possible to identify the specificity of hardiness of adolescents with SEN. The results of the research: the research revealed the peculiarities of expression and relationship of the components of hardiness of adolescents with SEN in comparison with the conventionally healthy peers. The materials of the article may be useful for educational and social psychologists in devising programs for psychological support and comprehensive psycho-social assistance to families with children with SEN, which will contribute to the successful integration of adolescents with SEN in society. Keywords: Hardiness, social and psychological adaptation, psychological and pedagogical program, adolescents with specialeducational needs References Akhmetzyanova, A.I. & Saitgaleeva, G.G. (2016). Education for Parents with Disabled Children: How to Participate in Inclusive Education Support. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(4), 859-865. Akhmetzyanova, A.I. (2016). The Theoretical Analysis of Views on Anticipatory Function of Mental Reflection Development. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(4), 683-694. Alekhina, S. V. (2016). Inclusive education: from policy to practice. Psychological Science and Education, 21(1), 136-145. Angelova, I. А., Le-van, Т. N. & Маntаrоvа, А. I. (2016). 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The study of hardiness and its links with the properties of the individual: PhD Thesis. Yaroslavl: P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University, 225 p. Odintsova, М. А. (2016). Stressovercoming behavior of senior students with a different level of hardness. News of Saratov University. New. ser. Series Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogic, 16(2), 191-197. Petrosyants, V. R. (2011). Psychological characteristic of senior students, participants of bullying in the educational environment and their hardiness: PhD Thesis. Saint Petersburg: The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, 210 p. Seligman, M. (1975). Helplessness: On Depression, Development, and Death. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 250 p. Shchetinina, Ye. B. (2015). Hardiness of students with special educational needs as a factor of successful social psychological adaptation to the environment of a higher educational. News of Caratov University. New ser. Series Akmeology of Education. Psychology of development. 4(16), 306-309. Shchipanova, D. Y., Lebedeva, E. V., Sukhinin, P. V. & Valieva, E. N. (2016). Typology of Strategies of Personality Meaning-Making During Professional Education. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(14), 6999-7015. Shvareva, Ye. V. (2012). Psychological characteristics of image of death in senior students with different levels of hardiness: PhD Thesis. Ekaterinburg: Ural State Pedagogical University, 177 p. Stetsishin, R. I. (2008). Personal and psychological resources of resilience: a case study of the individual clinician: PhD Thesis. Krasnodar: Kuban State University, 177 p. UNESCO (2012). The Salamanca Statement on Principles, Policy and Practice in Special Needs Education. Direct access: http://www.unesco.org/education/pdf/ SALAMA_E.PDF Vanakova, G. V. (2012). Hardiness as a conscious choice of contemporary youth. Public Education, 1, 234-239. Vlasova, V.K., Kirilova, G.I. & Curteva, O.V. (2016). Matrix Classification of Information Environment Algorithms Application in the Educational Process. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(1), 165-171 Volobueva, N. М. (2012). Psychological culture as a condition for the development of hardiness of students: PhD Thesis. Bеlgоrоd: Belgorod State Research University, 186 p. Volodina, Т. V. (2014). Psychological pedagogical model of the development of hardiness of a teacher: PhD Thesis. Samara: Volga State Social-Humanity Academy, 206 p. Vygotsky, L. S. (1934). Thinking and speaking. Direct access: http://profilib.com/chtenie/102194/lev-vygotskiy-myshlenie-i-rech-103.php |
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Portraits of Benvenuto Cellini and Anthropological Methods of their IdentificationOleg Nasobin
pp. 9839-9855 | Article Number: ijese.2016.699
Abstract Modern methods of biometric identification are increasingly applied in order to attribute works of art. They based on developed in the 19th century the anthropological methods. So, this article describes how the successional anthropological methods were applied for the identification of Benvenuto Cellini’s portraits. Objective comparison of facial parameters was used for a scientific method of face-biometrical identification. For purposes of biometric identification of Benvenuto Cellini’s face through anthropological comparison 12 works of art were selected, in each of the selected portraits the following six anatomic points were marked, according to the Perrot’s method were calculated ratio, which were analyzed. The biometric parameters of faces under comparison by the Perrot’s method are represented as an arithmetic mean of the values of angles and indicators. The main characteristic facial details of Cellini’s works, such as the shape of nose, eyes, protruding lower lip and eyebrows are identified. Keywords: Benvenuto Cellini, mannerism, anthropological comparisons, attributions, identification References Agafonov, V.V. & Filippov, A.G. (2013). Kriminalistika. Moscow: Yurait-Izdat, 242 p.
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Possibilities of Extracurricular Activities in the Student’s Spiritual and Moral FormationSaule A. Sadykova, Aliya A. Yergazina, Vladimir S. Yeshpanov, Valeriy A. Korvyakov, Akmaral B. Aitzhanova
pp. 9857-9871 | Article Number: ijese.2016.700
Abstract With the purpose of substantiating pedagogical terms of the student’s spiritually-moral becoming it is necessary to expose possibilities of extracurricular activities during this process. Its intrinsic characteristics are described as a factor of the student’s spiritually-moral becoming. The main idea of the article is to reveal possibilities of extracurricular activities in spiritual and moral student’s formation. Extracurricular activities possess a certain set of opportunities in spiritual and moral formation of the student’s identity as it a) the integrated in the contents, technologies and provides mutual enrichment of spiritual ethical standards of the subject; b) issues use of humanitarian technologies, initiation of a reflection of own activity of the subject on the basis of responsibility, conscience, honesty, mutual understanding, mercy; c) promotes inclusion of substantial aspects of spiritual and moral formation of the personality at the level of the subjects mastered by the student. The revealed opportunities allow to improve process of spiritual and moral formation of the student taking into account requirements of modern science and practice. Keywords: Extracurricular activities, student’s spiritually-moral becoming References Abolin, L.M. (2002). Spiritually-moral development of the personality in the event industry. Kazan: Publishing house “Carol”, 452 p. Ananyev, B.G. (2001). On the problem of modern human studies. St. Petersburg: Piter, 236 p. Baier, I.V., Semenov, I.N. & Stepanov, S.Yu. (1998). Reflexive-acmeological diagnosis and the development of creativity. Moscow: RAGS, 284 p. Bazarovaa, L.V. & Sadovaya, V.V. (2016). Religious Ideas in Contemporary Pedagogy: The Specificity of Moral Concepts of God in the Protestant, Orthodox and Islamic Linguocultures. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(6), 1681-1689. Belozertsev, E.P. (1990). Higher pedagogical school in the system of continuing education: PhD Abstract. Leningrad: Znanie, 40 p. Bogdanova, O.S. (1975). Moral formation of younger schoolchildren: PhD Abstract. Moscow, 54 p. Bratus B.S. (1994). Psychology. Morality. Culture. Moscow: Reparentto, 365 p. Chekaleva, N.V. & Tryapitsyna A.P. (2013). Designing the content of programs of training experts in the field of educational innovation. Offline Letters: electronic scientific journal, 9, 352-376. Elkonin, D.B. (1999). Psychology of the game. Moscow: VLADOS, 359 p. Erikson, E. (1958). Young man Luther: A Study in Psychoanalysis and History. New York: Norton, 432 p. Fromm, E. (1950). Psychoanalysis and Religion. New Haven: Yale University Press, 462 p. Il'in, I.A. (1993). The way of spiritual renewal. The evidence path. Moscow: Respublika, 230 p. Ilyazova, L.M. (2005). Formation of culture of pedagogical activity in the reflexive-educational university environment: PhD Abstrct. Orenburg, 18 p. Ilyin, V.V., Kayumov, A.T. & Hajrullin,.A.G. (2016). Values: An Analysis of the Multi-Value World of the Human Personality. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(5), 1393-1401. Kir'yakova, A.V. (1996). Theory of orientation of the individual in value systems. Orenburg: Yuzhnyi Ural, 188 p. Marx, K. & Engels, F. (1978). On upbringing and education. Moscow: Pedagogika, 334 p. Pashaev, S.Sh. (1984). Science and moral formation. Moscow: Vysshaya shkola, 152 p. Prisyagina, Z.N. (1995). Collective and individual in the value system of student's youth: PhD Abstract. Saransk, 26 p. Rogers, K.K (1986). On science of personality. History of foreign psychology. Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 464 p. Rubinshtein, S.L. (2003). Being and consciousness. Man and the world. St. Petersburg: Piter, 512 p. Sagatovskii, V.N. (1979). System approach to the classification of values. Researches and human needs, Moscow, 119 p. Smirnov, V.I. (2007). General pedagogy in theses, definitions, illustrations. Moscow, 188 p. Sokolova, L.B. (2003). Formation of pedagogical activity culture in teacher. Orenburg: OGPU, 352 p. Titarenko, A.I. (1974). Structure of moral consciousness. Moscow: Mysl', 183 p. Treskina, O.V. (2007). Personality oriented pedagogical technology as means of activization of spiritual and moral potential of students: PhD Abstract. Vologda, 21 p. Tryapitsyna, A.P. (2000). Educational program – student’s route. St. Petersburg: UIPK, 228 p Vygotsky, L.S. (2010). Pedagogical psychology. Moscow: AST, 672 p. Zair-Beck, E.S. & Kuzmina N.V. (2002). Basics pedagogical design. System Methods of pedagogical research: studies. St. Petersburg: Education, 234 p. |
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Free Radical Pathology of the Body in the Long-term Period under Combined Exposure to Gamma Radiation and Emotional Stress in the ExperimentGulzhan O. Ilderbayeva, Dametken M. Suleymeneva, Оralbek Z. Ilderbayev, Ainur S. Argynbekova, Gulnar A. Berekenova, Sayrangul M. Syzdykaeva, Symbat K. Kabdykanov
pp. 9873-9881 | Article Number: ijese.2016.701
Abstract We have studied the intensity of free radical and antioxidant processes in organs (liver, spleen, thymus, lymph nodes of the small intestine, and adrenal glands) and cells (lymphocytes) in the long-term period after combined exposure to a sublethal dose of γ-radiation (6 Gy) and emotional stress. Combined exposure was followed by accumulation of LPO CD and MDA (conjugated dienes and malonic dialdehyde) products in homogenates of the studied organs. To achieve the goal set, experiments were conducted on 40 outbred white mature male rats randomized into groups. The results of the study indicate major changes in lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system under emotional and radiation stress. Ionizing radiation has a dominating role under combined emotional and radiation aftereffect. This resulted in inhibition of antioxidant protection enzymes and development of dual-oxidative stress in experimental animals. Impaired functional relationships of catalytic redox system of glutathione accompanied by inhibiting orientation of changes in activity of glutathione-dependent enzymes, and prolonged tension of the links of antioxidant system can eventually lead to a decrease in antioxidant status of the body, which indicates the need for the development of advanced methods for adaptive correction. Keywords: Radiation, emotional stress, free radical processes, antioxidant protection, combined exposure References Abdrakhmanov, Zh.N. & Ermakova, S.A. (1995). Long-term effects of radiation on the human body. Klinitsist, 3, 20-27. Agadzhanyan, N.A., Baevsky, R.M., & Berseneva, A.P. (2006). Problems of adaptation and teaching about health. Moscow: Publishing house “RUDN”, 352 p. Baraboi, V.A. & Chebotarev, E.E. (1986). The problem of peroxidation in radiobiology. Radiobiology, 5, 591-597. Baraboi, V.A., Orel, V.E. & Karnaukh, I.M. (1991). Lipid peroxidation and radiation. Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 256 p. 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The Problem of Higher Education in the Executive System of Russian GovernmentValentina B. Salakhova, Olga A. Ovsyanik, Natalya B. Shmeleva, Elena N. Lvova, Oksana V. Shabanova
pp. 9883-9889 | Article Number: ijese.2016.702
Abstract The relevance of the investigated problem is attributed to the fact that in modern Russian society punishment of crime is not only the punishment for a committed offense, but also a method aimed at correction and discipline of the convict. However, legal and psychological literature, as well as mass opinion has formed the belief that penitentiary institutions are unable to cope with the set tasks. Therefore, this study is aimed problem of finding additional means of influencing convicted persons, for the purpose of correction and re-education in a penitentiary institution. The leading approach to the study of this problem is an integrative one; it is implemented with the help of theoretical and methodological analysis of the national achievements in psychology, as well as and the various approaches to studying the problem of convict correction existing in Western psychology, and executed in the context of the development of the idea of man as the subject of relationships. As a result of theoretical and methodological research the role of higher education in the executive power system of Russia has been distinguished. In addition, the article presents the results of theoretical analysis of penitentiary system methods of the modern executive government. Materials of the article may be useful to Federal Penitentiary Service employees, social workers, psychologists and teachers. Keywords: High education, prisoner's personality, reeducation References Antonyan, Y.M. (1996). Psychology and criminal investigations of crimes. Moscow: Lawyer, 335 p. Asmolov, A.G. (1990). Personality Psychology. Moscow: State Univ. University, 367 p. Bebenin, V.G., Bagdasaryan, L.E. (2008). A study of tolerance in the educational space of the average professional and higher education. Vocational education number, 1, 73-76. Ebbinghaus, H. (1885). Psychologie. Leipzig: Duncker u. Humblot, 169 p. Gabdrakhmanova, R.G., Kalimullina, G.I. & Ignatovich, V.G. (2016). 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Kalinina, N.V., Kalinin, I.V., Oschepkov, A.A., Salahova, V.B. & Sima, M.A. (2016) The Use of Social Resources of Inclusive Educational Environment to Cope Difficult Situations by Adolescents. Mathematics education, 11(7), 2527-2536. Kraynova, N.A. (2005). Some aspects of the interpretation of the concept of re-socialization of convicts. Direct access: from http: //tsn/tmb.ru/nu/kon/arhiv Kudryavtsev, V. (1998). The genesis of crime: experience kriminologo. Moscow: Forum: INFRA, 214 p. Kulebyakin, E.V. (2000). On the problem of the relation of objective and subjective the process of social adaptation in modern conditions (macrosociological aspects). Problems of social adaptation of various groups of the population in modern conditions: Proceedings of the conference. Vladivostok: Far Eastern State University, 28-37. Leontiev, A.N. (1977). Activity. Consciousness. Personality. Moscow: Politizdat, 302 p. Lomov, B.F. (1984). Methodological and theoretical problems of psychology. 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Psychologist in the Educational System: His Role in the Prevention of Addiction and DevianceElena G. Artamonova, Olga I. Efimova & Anjelika V. Khydyrova
pp. 9891-9901 | Article Number: ijese.2016.703
Abstract The rapid growth of various types of addiction and deviance among children and adolescents has led to the necessity of psychological follow-up of children in the educational environment. Another high-priority task is to create a safe environment for childhood. The purpose of this article is to present the results of monitoring the state of work on prevention of addictive and suicidal behavior of children and adolescents in the educational establishment of Russia, as well as a substantiation of the school psychologists’ role in the work of deviant behavior prevention. The leading method in studying addictive and deviant behavior prevention is large-scale monitoring. The monitoring identifies both the strengths and weaknesses of the work of psychological follow-up in the educational environment of the Russian Federation. The main findings of this study are: a determination of the state indicators of preventive work in the Russian educational system and the development of a model for the work of school psychologists in addictive and deviant behavior prevention. The practical significance of the study is in identifying and generalizing the positive experience of the formation of effective preventive approaches. These approaches should give psychological assistance to children and adolescents in difficult life situations. The results of the article can be used in the work of government bodies exercising administration in education, as a tool for diagnostic and preventive psychologists in schools, and in the system of general and additional professional education. It can be implemented in advanced training for specialists of addiction and deviance prevention of minors as well. Keywords: Addiction, deviance, minors, prevention, model, psychologists References Artamonova, E.G. (2016). Regional experience of educational psychologists of educational institutions for the early detection and prevention of addictive behavior and deviant minors. Electronic Journal "Obshestvo. Kultura. Nauka. Obrazovanie". Direct access: http://cipv.ru/static.php?mode=page_646 Artamonova, E.G. (2012). Social prevention of deviant behavior among adolescents: the role of the media. In E.G. Artamonova, E.A. Rudnev, N.Y. Sinyagina (Ed.). Psycho-pedagogical and social problems of humanization childhood space: Collection of scientific-methodical materials. Moscow, 226-229. Artamonova, E.G. (2013). Prevention and correction of preschool-school exclusion - the question of physiological and psychosocial well-being of children and adolescents. In E.G. Artamonova, N.V. Zaitseva (Eds.). Psycho-pedagogical bases of formation of the value of health, culture, healthy and safe lifestyle in the education system: Collection of scientific-methodical materials. Moscow, 21-24. Artamonova, E.G. & Efimova, O. I. (2014). Save from the abyss. Parental compulsory education: programs to prevent suicide risk. Moscow: AST, 263 p. Belozerova, M.B. (2016). Experience in preventing HIV infection in non-profit organizations. In A.I. Akhmetzyanova (Eds.). Psychology of deviant behavior: Interdisciplinary Research and Practice: Proc. of proceedings of the First International Scientific School. Kazan, 31-34. Efimova O.I. & Oschepkov A.A. (2014). Features of social attitudes and value orientations of adolescents prone to suicidal behavior. Obrazovanie lichnosti, 3,112-118. Efimova, O.I. (2015a). Psychological help for "survivors of suicide": new perspectives prevention. In N.Y. Sinyagina, E.G. Artamonova (Eds.). Education ID: standards and values. Collection of scientific-methodical materials of international scientific-practical conference "Theory and practice of multicultural education in the educational environment", "Actual problems of socialization of the person in modern conditions". Moscow, 153-157. Efimova, O.I. (2015b). Scientific and applied aspects of the study of suicidal minors activity. In N.Y. Sinyagina, E.G. Artamonova (Eds.). Science for Education: Collective monograph. Moscow, 164-177. Efimova, O.I., Salakhova, V.B., Mikhaylova, I.V., Gnedova, S.B., Chertushkina, T.A. & Agadzhanova, E.R. (2015). Theoretical Review of Scientific Approaches to Understanding Crisis Psychology. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. 6, 241-249. Egorov, A.Y. & Igumnov, S.A. (2005). Conduct disorders in adolescents: clinical and psychological aspects. Saint Petersburg: Peter, 245 p. Idobaeva, O.A. (2015). Valuable bases of psychological and pedagogical work with juvenile offenders. Obrazovanie lichnosti, 3, 27-35. Kalatskaya, N.N. & Drozdikova–Zaripova, A.R. (2016). Development of Project Abilities in Primary School Students. Iejme — mathematics education, 11(4), 525-537. Kalyagina, E.A. (2009). Diagnosis and prevention of suicidal behavior in adolescents. Abakan: Brigantina, 362 p. Kazakova, E.I. (2003). Psycho-pedagogical counseling and support development of the children. Handbook for teachers, speech pathologists. Moscow: Nauka, 256 p. Khydyrova, A.V. (2015). Information openness of the education system as a resource for prevention of antisocial behavior: domestic and foreign experience. Electronic Journal "Obshestvo. Kultura. Nauka. Obrazovanie", 3. Direct access: http://cipv.ru/static.php?mode=page_592. Kiy, N. M. (2005). Pedagogical prevention of suicidal behavior in adolescents: PhD Abstract. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 31 p. Pankov, D.D., Rumyantsev, A.G. & Trostanetskaya, G.N. (2001). Medical and psychological problems of adolescent schoolchildren: Talk to your doctor teacher. Moscow: Academia, 442 p. Perezhogin, L.O. (2016a). Multimodal therapy, depending on the personal computer, the internet and mobile access to it. Obrazovanie lichnosti, 3, 22-28. Perezhogin, L.O. (2016b). The dependence on the personal computer, the internet and mobile access to it: nosological identification. Obrazovanie lichnosti, 1, 45-53. Perezhogin, L.O., Emelyantseva, J.V. & Kryukovsky, S.V. (2002). Training prevention of the dependency syndrome in children and adolescents. Mental health and psychosocial support for children and adolescents. State and prospects.Materials of interregional scientific-practical conference. Kostroma, 352-356. Perezhogin, L.O. (2013). Non-chemical based modern teenagers: the socio-psychiatric approach. Obrazovanie lichnosti, 2, 21-28. Podolskiy, A.I. & Pogozhina, I.N. (2013). Analysis of the psychological pressure of the phenomenon in family relations as the basis of the typology of family conflicts. Obrazovanie lichnosti, 4, 122-130. Podolskiy, D.A. (2015). On formation of adolescent social-moral competence. Obrazovanie lichnosti, 4, 60-68. Volkova, E.N. (2008) The problems of child abuse and ways to overcome them. Saint Petersburg: Peter, 352 p. Zaretskiy, V.V., Bulatnikov, A.N. & Severniy, A.A. (2015). Network Innovation Marketplace: "Prevention of initiation to the use of psychoactive substances on the basis of a healthy lifestyle in the development of network interaction of educational institutions". Profilaktika zavisimostey, 1, 1-18. |
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Socio–Pedagogical Alternatives of Modernization of the University Educational Process: the Real and Virtual SpaceIrina V. Sosnovskaya, Viktor V. Drozdov, Tatiana V. Klimenko, Olga E. Roshchina & Daniiar F. Sadretdinov
pp. 9903-9911 | Article Number: ijese.2016.704
Keywords: socio–pedagogical alternatives, the real space of the University, the virtual information space, pedagogical monitoring, models of educational activities References Biktagirova, G.F. (2016). Basic Principles and Conditions of Training Reflective Teachers at University. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(6), 1927-1933.
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The Concepts of Informational Approach to the Management of Higher Education’s DevelopmentElena Y. Levina, Marianna V. Voronina, Alla A. Rybolovleva, Mariya M. Sharafutdinova, Larisa F. Zhandarova, Vilora V. Avilova
pp. 9913-9922 | Article Number: ijese.2016.705
Abstract The research urgency is caused by necessity to develop the informational support for management of development of higher education in conditions of high turbulence of external and internal environment. The purpose of the paper is development of methodology for structuring and analyzing datasets of educational activities in order to reduce informational uncertainty of the higher education system and to improve its controllability. The paper presents the author's interpretation of the informational approach to the management of the development of higher education system, based on the theory of the information field and ensuring the reduction of entropy of management. The implementation of the informational approach allows investigating, modeling and predicting the state of higher education system to enhance development effectiveness, taking into account the dynamics, the lack of equilibrium conditions and interaction of elements of the system. This paper is intended for researchers and specialists in the field of management of education’s development. Keywords: Higher education system, management of development, informational approach, the theory of the informational field, principles of development’s management References Belyakov, S.A. (2009). Foreign experience in improving educational management: the basic model. University Management: Practice and Analysis, (1), 45-63. Bugaychuk, K.L. (2013). Massive open online courses: history, typology, prospects. Higher education in Russia, 3, 148-155. Denisov, A.A. (1998). Information field. SPb: "Omega", 64. Denisov, A.A. (2003). Modern problems of system analysis: Information bases. SPb .: Publishing House of STU, 276 p. Fominykh, M.V., Uskova, B.A., Mantulenko, V.V., Kuzmina, O.N. & Shuravina, E.N. (2016). A Model for the Education of a Student of a Vocational Pedagogical Educational Institution Through the Gaming Simulation. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 2814-2840. Khodanovich, A. I. (2003). Informatization of education as a scientific and methodological problem. Herald Russian state pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen, (No. 6 (vol. 3), 259-268. Khutorskaya, L.N. (2002). Information pedagogy. Internet magazine "Eidos". 25 Aug. http://www.eidos.ru/journal/2002/0825.htm Kirilova, G.I., Vlasova, V.K. (2013). The integration potential of information and environmental approach in vocational education. Literature and Culture, (1), 244-251. Levina, E.Y. (2015). The problem of development of education: stakeholders approach. Kazan Pedagogical Journal, 6(1), 11-15. Levina, E.Y., Bazhenova N.G., Beydina T.E., Denisova R.R., Popova N.N., Makarov A.L., Shakhnina I.Z. (2015). Adaptive mechanisms of management in educational system development. International Journal of Sustainable Development, 6(8), 292-297. Marr, D. (1987). Vision. Informational approach to the study of representation and processing of visual images. Moscow: Radio and Communications, 400. Narikbayeva, L.M. (2016). The Self-Development of Non-Academic Intelligence Forms in a Future Pedagogue. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 2985-2994. Nikitin, N. V., Uvarov, A. Yu. (2008). Telecommunications. Training. Professionalism. Moscow: Logos, 432 p. Pak, N.I. (2011). On the concept of information approach in education. Herald KSPU named after V. P. Astafiev, (1), 91-98. Pecherskaya, E.P., Averina, L.V., Kochetckova, N.V., Chupina, V.A. & Akimova, O.B. (2016). Methodology of Contract Managers’ Project Competency Formation in CPE. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 3066-3075. Piskunov, V.A., Manyayeva, V.A., Tatarovskaya, T.E. & Bychkova, E.Y. (2016). Risk-Oriented Internal Control: the Essence, Management Methods at Small Enterprises. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2710-2731. Robert, I. V. (2012). Informatization as a new field of pedagogical knowledge. People and education, (1), 14-18. Saprykin, D.L. (2005). 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The Introduction of Innovative Educational Technologies in the Personnel Training Process for Sport and Tourism Industries through the Application of Professional StandardsNatalia A. Zaitseva & Lilia В. Аndryushchenko
pp. 9923-9930 | Article Number: ijese.2016.706
Abstract The relevance of the research stems from the importance of modernization of the system of training for sport and tourism, without which the intensive development of this kind of professional activity is not possible. The aim of the study was the generalization of the experience of introduction of the innovative educational technologies in the personnel training process for sport and tourism, as well as the development of recommendations for consideration of the requirements of professional standards in this process. To obtain the author's conclusions scientific and theoretical research methods, expert assessments, factor analysis, and foresight technology were applied. The studies identified the requirements for the formation of competences of the future graduates in the areas of training related to sports and tourism, the necessity of the introduction of modular approach to the learning process and individual student typological route. Also the role of professional community in promoting the introduction of innovative educational technologies in the training process for sport and tourism was defined. The article have scientific and practical value for scientists involved in the research of questions of development of cross-border tourist territories, for administrations of frontier territories of Russia and Europe, for representatives of the business, including the field of sport and tourism. Keywords: educational technology, training, sports and tourism, professional standard References Agafonov, S.V. (2006). Innovative design of technologies of professionally oriented physical training. Innovative processes of transformation of physical culture, sport and tourism. Abstracts of the international scientific-practical conference. Rostov-na-Donu, 149 p.
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Regulation of the Debt Sustainability of the Russian EconomyAlexander Z. Seleznev, Vladimir Z. Chapluk, Tatiana N. Sayrenko, Larisa N. Sorokina, Maria V. Pertovskaya & Elena A. Alekseenko
pp. 9931-9940 | Article Number: ijese.2016.707
Abstract The relevance of the investigating problem is caused by the need to reduce the total aggregated amount of debt in Russian economy in conditions of crisis and the strengthening of external anti-Russian sanctions. In this context, the purpose of this article is to identify measures aimed to regulate debt sustainability of the Russian economy using indicators characterizing the effectiveness of state regulation of internal and external debt. The leading method of research of this problem is a statistical analysis of the external debt that allows to consider this issue, as the process of changing the debt sustainability indicators, as well as the audit of total amount of debt in the economy. Results: it was concluded that the traditional financing expenditure of the federal budget commitment is reduced by structural changes of the state debt policy in conditions of decreasing dependence on exports of energy resources; showed a trend of relative decline of public external debt, while the growth of corporate; concluded that the possibility of optimizing the debt burden on the economy remain under-utilized; confirmed the feasibility of using the proposed indicators of debt sustainability. Keywords: The relevance of the investigating problem is caused by the need to reduce the total aggregated amount of debt in Russian economy in conditions of crisis and the strengthening of external anti-Russian sanctions. In this context, the purpose of this article is References Annual Report of International Monetary Fund (IMF) for 2013 (2014). Direct access: http://www.imf.org/external/russian/index.htm
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Reading as a Sociocultural Phenomenon: its Nature and FunctionsTatyana V. Lazutina, Irina V. Shuler & Tatyana Yu. Pletyago
pp. 9941-9948 | Article Number: ijese.2016.708
Abstract The article analyzes reading as a sociocultural phenomenon in terms of the philosophy of culture. The purpose of the study is the identification of reading functions in contemporary culture. Research concept is defined by reading comprehension as a multifunctional phenomenon. In the course of reading genesis research it is revealed that reading performs informational and communicative, socializing, worldview, culturesaving, ideological, axiological, aesthetic, expressive, ritually applying, semiotic, educational, suggestive functions. It is proved that among the functions carried out by reading in the life of an individual (company) informational-communicative function is a leading one. The role of reading in today's culture is not only in the storage and transmission of specific information with the help of specific symbolic means, but also in the creation of etiquette regulations, moral guidelines of culture and shaping real, practically useful strategies for successful behavior. In the course of studying the nature of reading, the view on reading as a kind of topical unfolding dialogue of semantic structures of the author with the reader’s semantic structures representing a certain experience of understanding the author's thoughts, and leading to the generation of reader's senses is formed. It has been shown that reading serves as a basic skill which is necessary for human life in the sociocultural environment. Keywords: Reading, text, language, meaning, writing References Bakhtin, M.M. (1988). Aesthetics of verbal creativity. Mosсow: Art, 424 p. Brudnyy, A.A. (1998). Psychological hermeneutics. Moscow: Knowledge, 336 p. Derrida, J. (1967). Of Grammatology. Paris: Edition de Minuit, 416 p. Dilthey, W. (2010). Hermeneutics and the Study of History. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 411 p. Eco, U. (1979). Lector in fabula. The interpretative cooperation in narrative texts. Milano: Bompiani, 239 p. Foucault, M. (2002). The Archaeology of Knowledge. Hove: Psychology Press, 32-34. Fromm, E. (2005). To have or to be? London: Bloomsbury Academic, 216 p. Ingarden, R., Peter J. & McCormick (1985). Selected works in the aesthetics. Munich: Philosophia Verlag, 364 p. Kagan, M.S. (1997). Philosophy of culture. Saint-Petersburg: Petropolis, 205 p. Karsavin, L.P. (1991). The state and the crisis of democrac]. New world, 1, 189-199. Lazutina, T.V. & Lazutin, N.K. (2015). The language of music as a specific semiotic structure. Asian social science, 7, 201-207. Lazutina, T.V. & Lazutin, N.K. (2016). The polyfunctionality of design language in the education system of the design-student. International journal of environmental & science education, 10, 3412-3422. Leontyev, A.N. (2005). Activities. Consciousness. Personality. Moscow: Sense, 587 p. Leontyev, D.A. (2007). Sense psychology: nature, structure and dynamics of the sense of reality. Moscow: Sense, 425 p. Lotman, Yu.M. (2010). Semiosphere. Saint-Petersburg: Art-SPb, 318 p. McLuhan, M. (1962). The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 518 p. Peirce, C.S. (1958). Collected Papers. Harvard: Harvard University Press, 1944 p. Piaget, J. (1953) The Origins of Intelligence in Children. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 63-66. Saussure, F. (2011). Course in General Linguistics. New York: Columbia University Press, 22-28. Schleiermacher, F. (1998). Hermeneutics and Criticism and Other Writings (Hermeneutik und Kritik mit besonderer Beziehung auf das Neue Testament, 1838). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 312 p. Solsberiyskiy, I. (1985). Polycratic or about fun of light and covenants of philosophers. Moscow: Book, 50-64. Vygotskiy, L.S. (2012). Thinking and speaking. Moscow: Labirint, 397 p. Wittgenstein, L.J. (1989). Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 890 p. Zapesotskiy, A.S. (1996). Humanitarian culture and arts education. Saint-Peterburg: Publishing house of Saint-Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, 334 p. Zakirova, A.F. (2006). Educational Hermeneutics. Moscow: Shalva Amonashvili Publishing House, 664 p. |
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Education in the Knowledge Society: Genesis of Concept and RealityAlexander O. Karpov
pp. 9949-9958 | Article Number: ijese.2016.709
Abstract The aim of the article is to define the content of theoretical ideas about education in the knowledge society in terms of the birth of its social reality. It is shown that the genesis of the concept of education in the knowledge society goes back to the period of 1950-1960s and is due to the emergence of new qualities of an industrial worker that the knowledge worker inherits. In 1957 P. Drucker (1957) formulates an idea of advanced training and in 1968 the principle of continuing education to train the knowledge worker. Their relation to the concept of distributed education by P. Drucker is revealed. It is stated that the key institutions of the knowledge society are university and school established on the principles of research training and related scientific and cognitive continuity. The concept of dynamic competence is defined; the relationship of creative learning with the reality of the knowledge society is shown. The analysis of fundamental contradictions of education in the knowledge society is given. Keywords: Education, society, learning, competence, creativity References Bell, D. (2008). The Axial Age of Technology Foreword. The Coming of Post-Industrial Society: A Venture of Social Forecasting. New York: Basic Books, 363 p. Carr, D. (2003). Making Sense of Education. New York: Routledge Falmer, 294 р. Cole, J.R. (2010). The Great American University: Its Rise to Preeminence, Its Indispensable National Role, Why It Must be Protected. New York: Public Affairs, 616 р. Deem, R., Hillyard, S. & Reed, M. (2010). Knowledge, Higher Education, and the New Managerialism: The Changing Management of UK Universities. New York: Oxford University Press, 646 p. Delivering on the Modernisation Agenda for Universities: Education, Research and Innovation (2006). Communication from the Commission to the Counsil and the European Parlament. Brussels: Commission of the European Communities, 16 р. Developing Foresight for the Development of Higher Education/Research Relations in the Perspective of the European Research Area. (2002). Final Report of the Strata-Etan Expert Group. Brussels: European Commission, Directorate-General for Research, 82 р. Doll, W.E. (1993). A Post-modern Perspective on Curriculum. New York: Teacher College Press, Columbia University, 215 р. Drucker, P.F. (1969). The Age of Discontinuity: Guidelines to our Changing Society. London: Heinemann, 369 р. Drucker, P.F. (1993). Post-Capitalist Society. New York City: Harper Business, 232 p. Drucker, P.F. (1996). Landmarks of Tomorrow. A Report on the New «Post-Modern» World. New York: Harper, 270 р. Drucker, P.F. (2010). The New Society. The Anatomy of Industrial Order. New York: Harper, 362 р. Flechzig, K.G. (1992). Vielfalt und Transversal Vernunft. Prinzipien postmodernen Denkens und die Modernisierungskrise in Bildungssystemen. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik. Weinheim; Basel: Beltz. Beiheft, 360 p. Godon, R. (2004). Understanding, Personal Identuty and Education. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 38, 589-600. Karpov, A.O. (2010). Knowledge Society: A Weak Link. Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 80, 373-376. Karpov, A.O. (2015a). Formation of the Modern Concept of Research Education: from New Age to a Knowledge Society. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 214, 439-447. Karpov, A.O. (2015b). Integrated and network systems of research education in the knowledge society. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6, 529-540. Karpov, A.O. (2016). Socialization for the Knowledge Society. International Journal of Enviromental and Science Education, 11, 3487-3496. Machlup, F. (1972). The Production and Distributation of Knowledge in the United States. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 416 p. Porat, M.U. (1978). Global Implications of the Information Society. Journal of Communication, 28, 70–80. Shernoff, D.J. (2013). Optimal Learning Environments to Promote Student Engagement. New York: Springer Science Business Media, 380 р. Stock, A. (2013). Lifelong learning: thirty years of educational change. The Learning Society: Challenges and Trends. New York: Routledge, 314 р. The Role of the Universities in the Europe of Knowledge (2003). Communication from the Commission. Brussels: Commission of the European Communities, 23 р. Towards Knowledge Societies. UNESCO World Report (2005). Paris: UNESCO Publishing, 226 р. Winch, C. (2004). Developing Critical Rationality as a Pedagogical Aim. Journal of Philosophy Education, 3, 467-484. Yazzie-Mintz, E. (2007). Voices of Students on Engagement: A Report on the 2006 High School Survey of Student Engagement. Bloomington: Center for Evaluation & Education Policy, Indiana University, 12 p. |
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Contemporary Internet as a Means for Leveling Social Inequality in the Context of Relationships between Civil Society and the StateGennadi B. Pronchev, Danila N. Monakhov, Valerii K. Kovalchuk
pp. 9959-9967 | Article Number: ijese.2016.710
Abstract The topicality of the research depends on the existence of social inequality which emerges as various social groups of the civil society interact with the state. With regard to this, the paper aims to find out the relation between the current social stratification and the usage level of modern information and communication technologies by different social groups. The leading approach to dealing with the problem is analyzing primary and secondary data of sociological research that allows a comprehensive study of the citizens' opportunity to access the relevant information. The paper presents statistic data of Web surveys and the results of qualification testing of teachers. It also describes the role of virtual environment and distance learning in solving the problem of information inequality and provides grounds for the necessity of enhancing the educational activity of the state and upgrading the educational process. The materials of the paper may have practical use for the professionals working on the problems of social stratification of the modern society, social inequality characterizing various social groups of the civil society interacting with the state.
Keywords: Civil society, state, social inequality, Internet, social network References Goncharova, I. V. & Pronchev, G. B. (2015). Virtual social environment for people with visual impairments. Politics and Society, 5, 586-590.
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About Assessment Criteria of Driver's Accidental AbilitiesYuliya I. Lobanova & Kirill V. Glushko
pp. 9969-9979 | Article Number: ijese.2016.711
Abstract The article points at the importance of studying the human factor as a cause of accidents of drivers, especially in loosely structured traffic situations. The description of the experiment on the measurement of driver`s accidental abilities is given. Under accidental ability is meant the capability to ensure the security of driving as a behavior that includes activities and interaction with other road users. An approach to the assessment of such component accidental abilities as a sense of danger is suggested. The experiment simulated a vehicle driving process by the movement of a scooter with the requirement to travel at the maximum possible (by the feelings of a testee) speed through the gate with varying distances between the uprights. The pilot experiment was conducted on a group of children 10-11 years old, a group of motorists (men of safe driving age (26 to 45)) and a group of students 17-18 years of age (1 st year students of the Technical University). Criteria for assessing drivers’ and applicants` to be drivers accidental abilities are presented in the present paper. Low level of sense of danger is associated with passing the test with a minimum distance between the posts, high speed of the route, using the brake directly at the rack or after it, testees preserving calmness and confidence on the scooter in the event of tension in standing in the racks, high level - with opposite indicators. Keywords: Personal factor, accident prevention, accidental ability, sense of danger, evaluation criteria References Abdua, R., Shinarb, D. & Meiranc, N. (2012). Situational (state) anger and driving. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 15(5), 575–580. Bogdanov, M. V. (2008). On the need to improve teacher training requirements for the preparation vehicle drivers. Scientific notes of Lesgaft University, 10(44), 9-13. Chliaoutakisa, J. El., Koukoulia, S., Lajunenb, T. & Tzamaloukaa, G. (2005). 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Scott-Parker, B., Watson, I.B., King, M.J. (2009). Understanding the psychosocial factors influencing the risky behaviour of young drivers. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 12, 470-482. Taubman-Ben-Ari, O. & Yehiel, D. (2012). Driving styles and their associations with personality and motivation. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 45, 416-422. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Direct access: http://www.mvd.ru Yulkin, E. S. (2012). Psychological support while training car drivers: PhD abstract. Vologda, 18 p. Zhurin, N.V., Zhurina, T.N. & Eliseev, S.A. (2013). On the safety of gymnastic equipment “the log” in the psychology. Scientific notes of P.F. Lesgaft University, 8(102), 2013, 67-72. |
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Self-Organization Activities of College Students: Challenges and OpportunitiesNatalia Shmurygina, Natalia Bazhenova, Ruslan Bazhenov, Natalia Nikolaeva & Andrey Tcytcarev
pp. 9981-9989 | Article Number: ijese.2016.712
Abstract The article provides the analysis of self-organization activities of college students related to their participation in youth associations activities. The purpose of research is to disclose a degree of students activities demonstration based on self-organization processes, assessment of existing self-organization practices of the youth, identification of factors having "deterrent" effect in development of self-organization processes of college students. As a result, a low percentage of establishing associations upon own initiative was identified, main reasons deterring this process, such as employment, information ignorance, reference group influence, and fear of unknown audience, were identified. The issues under consideration became the foundation for development of further events of in-depth study, which realization will contribute to development of corrective activities aimed to increase a development degree of college students self-organization activities. Keywords: Self-organization, activity, students associations, student community, college References Astin, A.W., Astin, H.S. & Lindholm, J.A. (2010). Cultivating the spirit: How college can enhance students' inner lives. Ney York: John Wiley & Sons, 240 p. Bryman, A. (2015). Social Research Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 784 p. Cohen, L., Manion, L. & Morrison, K. (2013). Research methods in education. London: Routledge, 267 p. Finn, J.D., Zimmer & K.S. (2012). Student engagement: What is it? Why does it matter? New York: Springer, 131 p. Helbing, D. (2012). Social Self-Organization: Agent-Based Simulations and Experiments to Study Emergent Social Behavior. New York: Springer, 305 p. Keane, J. (2013). Civil society: Old images, new visions. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 23-25. Leont’ev, A. (1977). Activity, Consciousness and Personality. New York: Prentice-Hall, 62 p. Moussaïd, M., Perozo, N., Garnier, S., Helbing, D., & Theraulaz, G. (2010). The Walking Behaviour of Pedestrian Social Groups and Its Impact on Crowd Dynamics. Direct access: http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0048151 Mueller, J.S., Melwani, S. & Goncalo, J. (2012). The Bias Against Creativity Why People Desire but Reject Creative Ideas. Psychological science, 23, 13-17. Porta, D. & Diani, M. (2006). Social movements an introduction. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 465 p. Robertson, K.F., Smeets, S., Lubinski, D., & Benbow, C.P. (2010). Beyond the threshold hypothesis even among the gifted and top math/science graduate students, cognitive abilities, vocational interests, and lifestyle preferences matter for career choice, performance, and persistence. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 19(6), 346-351. Shmurygina, N.V., Bazhenova, N.G., Bazhenov, R.I., Lutsenko, E.L., & Konovalenko, O.L. (2015). Self-organization of the Student Body: Social Order and Realities. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(5), 502-508. Singleton, R.A. & Straits, B.C. (2010). Approaches to social research. New York: Oxford University Press, 33 p. Smith, J.A. (2015). Qualitative psychology: A practical guide to research methods. London: Sage, 160-185. Stacey, M. (2013). Methods of Social Research: Pergamon International Library of Science, Technology, Engineering and Social Studies. Elsevier, 5, 30-35. Stuart, M., Lido, C., Morgan, J., Solomon, L. & May, S. (2011). The Impact Of Engagement With Extracurricular Activities On The Student Experience And Graduate Outcomes For Widening Participation Populations. Active Learning in Higher Education, 12(3), 203-215. Sztompka, P. (1993). The Sociology of Social Change. Oxford and Cambridge: Blackwell, 225 p. Taylor, S.J., Bogdan, R. & DeVault, M. (2015). Introduction to qualitative research methods. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 340 p. Tester, K. (2014). Civil Society. LondonL Routledge, 196 p. Tierney, P., Farmer, S.M. (2011). Creative self-efficacy development and creative performance over time. Journal of Applied Psychology, 96(2), 277-293. Tsay, M. & Brady, M. (2012). A case study of cooperative learning and communication pedagogy: Does working in teams make a difference? Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 10(2), 78-89. Tyler, T.R., Kramer, R.M. & John, O.P. (2014). The psychology of the social self. London: Psychology Press, 73 p. Ulrich, H. & Probst, G. (2012). Self-organization and management of social systems: Insights, promises, doubts, and questions. New York: Springer Science & Business Media, 36 p. Walsh, E. (2010). A model of research group microclimate: environmental and cultural factors affecting the experiences of overseas research students in the UK. Studies in Higher Education, 35(5), 545-560. Zampetakis, L.A., Bouranta, N., Moustakis, V.S. (2010). On the relationship between individual creativity and time management. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 5(1), 23-32. |
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Semiotics of Art: Language of Architecture as a Complex System of SignsTatyana V. Lazutina, Irina N. Pupysheva, Mikhail N. Shcherbinin, Vladimir N. Baksheev & Galina V. Patrakova
pp. 9991-9998 | Article Number: ijese.2016.713
Abstract This article examines art in the semiotic aspect. The aim of research is to identify the specificity of the language of architecture as a special form of symbolic art meaning the process of granting the symbolic value of aesthetic phenomena caused by the cultural and historical context allowing transmitting the values represented at the level of artistic activity. Research concept is determined by the understanding of art as a specific socio-cultural system operating various sign formations that include the elements of both simple - signals, and more complex nature like signs and their systems as well as symbols forming the most difficult class of sign formations. The use of the dialectical method for considering a thing in the unity and diversity of its properties allows revealing the specifics of the language of art. It is shown that architecture is a complex hierarchical system where different classes of characters are represented. The result of the study is in identifying the multi-layer system of architectural semantics indicating the diversity of architectural signs. Keywords: Art, language of art, language of architecture, semiotics of art, symbolic art References Berger, L.G. (1997). Epistomology of art. Moscow: Russian world, 402 p. Borev, Y.B. (2005). Aesthetics. Moscow: Russia-Oltmp, 511 p. Chistyakova, M.G. (2005). Constructive distructivness: anthropological function of modernist art. Herald of Tyumen State University. Social, economic and law research, 2, 26-29. Chistyakova, M.G. (2010). Anthropological contexts of contemporary art. Acute problems of modern science, N 14, 211-218. Chistyakova, M.G. & Bogomyakov, V.G. (2014). Public art in the context of identity. Herald of Tyumen State University, 10, 183-190. Eco, U. (1980). Function and Sign: The semiotic of Architecture. Signs, Symbols and Architecture, 27, 356-367. Eisenman, P. (2003). Giuseppe Terragni: Transformations, Decompositions, Critiques. New York, The Monacelli Press, 304 p. Gegel, G.V. (1971). Aesthetics. Moscow: Art, 321 p. Hall, E. (1966). The Hidden Dimension. New York: Doubleday, 337 p. Herman, M. (1982). Sociosemiotics of architecture. Architecture, 2, 37. Jakobson, R. (1958). Typological studies and their contribution to historical comparative linguistics. Proceedings of the Eighth international congress of linguists. Oslo: West, 425 p. Jencks, Ch.A. (1977). The language of post-modern architecture. New York: Rizzoli, 136 p. Kim, V.V. (2008). Semiotics and scientific cognition: philosophical and methodological analysis. Yekaterinburg: Ural State University Press, 412 p. Lagodina, E.V. (2012). Architecture as text. Semiotics` analysis of architectural space. North Caucasian Psychological Messenger, 10(2), 47-49. Lazutin, N.K. & Lazutina, T.V. (2016b). Semiotics of architecture. Acute issues of architecture, building, energy efficiency and ecology. Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference in 3 volumes, 164-168. Lazutina, T. V., Lazutin, N. K. (2015b). The language of music as a specific semiotic structure. Asian social science, 7, 201-207. Lazutina, T.V. & Lazutin, N.K. (2016a). The polyfunctionality of design language in the education system of the design-student. International journal of environmental & science education, 10, 3412-3422. Lotman, Yu.M. (2010). Semiosphere. Saint-Peterburg: Art-SPb, 704 p. Ovsyannikova, O.A. (2016). Development of the art experience of teenagers by the ways of art synthesis. Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 8, 15-18. Prohorov, S.A. (2012). History of establishing architectural schools: art component in architectural education. News of Altay State University, 1, 170-174. Saussure, F. (1997) Cours de linguistique générale. Edition critique, ed. & comm. Paris: Tullio de Mauro, 432 p. Shcherbinin, M.N. (2005). Art and philosophy in the genesis of sense making (experience of aesthetic anthropology). Tyumen: Znanie, 312 p. Torshilova, E.M. (1989). Aethetic education in the family. Moscow: Art, 144 p. Uittik, A. (1960). European architecture of the XX century. Direct access: http://lib.dr.iastate.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1008&context=arch_pubs Wigley, M. (1995). The Architecture of Deconstruction. New York: Derrida's Haunt, 294 p. |
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Formation of Intercultural Identity in Children of Nothern People in a Multilingual ContextIvanova Alena Vasilievna, Nina I. Filippova & Ekaterina I. Vinokourovа
pp. 9999-10009 | Article Number: ijese.2016.714
Abstract The article is devoted to the formation of linguocultural identity among indigenous children in a multilingual context that is of particular relevance in connection with the linguistic and cultural problems of minority peoples of the North. The aim of this work is to reveal the contents of textbooks on the subjects “Culture of indigenous peoples of the North” and “Technology” for children of primary school age as a component of the basic educational program, forming ethnic, regional, civic linguocultural identity. These tutorials are aimed at preserving native language and culture of the Northern peoples. The article considers different approaches of foreign researchers to the concepts of forms of identity that are appropriate to the age peculiarities. Research findings are important and confirmed by the results of scientific research in the field of ethno-cultural, language and multicultural education of indigenous minorities of the North, held at the Institute of National Schools of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). Keywords: Linguocultural identity, culture, technology, peoples of the North References Balzer, M.M. (2014). Shamans, shamanism and epos. Yakut heroic epos olonkho – a masterpiece of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity in the context of world eposes. Yakutsk: M. K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, 520 p. Borgoyakov, S.A. (2016). Тhe Strategy and methodology of development of ethnocultural education in the context of socio-cultural modernization of society. General and specific in the formation of the Russian identity of students in a multicultural space of Russia: materials of the international scientific-practical conference. Moscow, 194 p. Chevalier, J.F. (2015). 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Training of Industrial Sphere Managers in a Specially Organized Education EnvironmentMargarita Gorshenina & Elena Firsova
pp. 10011-10021 | Article Number: ijese.2016.715
Abstract The professional activity of industrial sphere managers has an integrated character and includes managerial, economic and production activity. Due to this the structure of readiness of industrial sphere managers for professional activity is composed of three components: subject, reflexive and technological ones. The objective of this paper consists in providing grounds for the choice of means of forming the readiness for professional activity. As such means, the professionally oriented education environment is viewed, i.e. the total variety of pedagogical conditions and means of learning that reinforce the formation of readiness. The results of the experiment demonstrate the growth of parameters in the readiness component structure. Keywords: Industrial sphere manager, readiness for professional activity, educational environment, professional environment, integrated training course References Bergman, E. M. & Feser, E. J. (1999). Industrial and regional clusters: concepts and comparative applications. Direct access: http://www.rri.wvu.edu/webbook/bergman-feser/contents.htm Blimling, G. S. (2008). Accountability for Student Affairs: Trends for the 21stCentury. In: Johnson, Cynthia S., Cheatham, Harold E. Higher Education Trends forth the Next Century: a Research Agenda for Student Success, 1, 55-67. Blumberg, M., Pringle, C. D. (1982). The Missing Opportunity in Organization Research some Implications for a theory of Work Performance. Academy of Management Review, 7(4), 560-569. Bok, D. C. (2009). Universities in the Marketplace: The Commercialization of Higher Education. Cambridge: Princeton University Press, 256 p. Borisova, S. P. (2012). Preparation of students – future economists – for the professional activity by means of electronic learning: PhD Thesis. Samara, 192 p. Charlier, S. D. (2014). Incorporating Evidence-Based Management Into Management Curricula: A Conversation With Gary Latham. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 13, 467-475. Davies, A., Fidler, D., Gorbis, M. (2011). Future Work Skills 2020. Institute for the Future, for the University of Phoenix Research Institute. Direct access: http://www.urv.cat/media/upload/arxius/CAE/oprofessional/future_work_skills_2020.pdf Dembrovskaya, M. V. (2012). Forming of business communication skills in future tourism manager during language training: PhD abstract. Moscow, 24 p. Etzkowitz, H. (2007). University-Industry-Government Interaction: the Triple Helix Model for Innovation (with Dzisah, Ranga and Zhou). Asia-Pacific Tech Monitor, 24(1), 14-23. Firsova, E. Yu. (2013). Formation of readiness for the professional activity of managers of industrial sphere during the learning process at the university. PhD thesis. Samara, 24 p. Gamble, E. N. & Jelley, R. B. (2014). The Case for Competition: Learning About Evidence-Based Management Through Case Competition. Academy, 13, 433-445. Innovations in education (2014). Vienna: “East West” Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education: GmbH, 180 p. Khusainova, M. A. & Melchenkova N. V. (2007). Preparation of managers for professional communication: monograph. Samara: Ofort, 254 p. Klimov, E. A. (2012). Psychology of professional identity. Moscow: "Academia", 304 p. Koźmiński, A. K. & Spillane, J. J. (1971). The role of the manager in a socialist economy. International Studies of Management & Organization, 1, 65-87. Liferov, A. P. (1997). Main trends of integration processes in the world education: PhD abstract. Moscow, 50 p. Lvov, L. V. (2009). Competence and context based system of training of specialists in professional activities of response character. Moscow: MUH, 198 p. Michalos, A. C. (2014). Higher Education. University of Northern British Columbia, Springer, Netherlands, 2865 p. Morusov, A. A. (2012). Forming the managerial competence of economists and managers within the further vocational education system: PhD abstract. Ulyanovsk, 28 p. Rosovsky, H. (1990). The University: An Owner's Manual. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 328 p. Solomykin, V. I. (2006). Forming the abilities to establish business relations in the future managers: PhD dissertation. Yelets, 187 p. Sutic, I., Jurcevic, M. (2012). Strategic management process and enhancement of quality in higher education. Poslovna Izvrsnost/Business Excellence, 6(1), 147–161. Vishnyakova, S. M. (1999). Vocational education. Dictionary. Main notions, terms, topical vocabulary. Moscow: SMC SPO, 538 p. Yasvin, V. A. (2001). Education environment: from modeling to designing. Moscow: Smysl, 365 p. Zuber-Skerritt, O. (1994). Professional Development in Higher Education: A Theoretical Framework for Action Research. London: Kogan Pade Limited, 298 p. |
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Altai Empathy Culture: Ontological Design of Altai Cognitive EnvironmentMaksim Voronin, Valeria Belousova & Natalya Khalina
pp. 10023-10035 | Article Number: ijese.2016.716
Abstract This study considers the features of Altai cultural semantics through the cognitive materialism of culture basing on the assumption that the linguistic structures are part of culture, and the metaphorical linguistic use is the basis for cultural cognitive structures forming. Altai text is considered as a structural unit of Altai cognitive environment and landscape, a form of Altai territory psychic life and a way to study the physiology of historical life. Eidoses creating cultural landscape and their role in the ontologization of a territory language are studied by linguistic engineering. Thus, this study includes ontological designing of deep structures of texts created by E.I. Roerich, N.K. Roerich, G.D. Grebenshchikov and V.M. Shukshin that represent Altai cultural empathy. Cultural and behavioral patterns of a certain territory inhabitants appear as a multi-dimensional structure which includes elements and units functioning in accordance with certain criteria developed in the synthesis of natural forces and human mind activity. Keywords: Materialism, landscape, semantics, Altai, engineering References Berg, L.S. (1915). The subject and objectives of geography. News of the Russian geographical society, 51(9), 463-478. Bgazhnokov, B.H. (2003). Culture of empathy. Ethnographic Review, 1, 55-68. Bgazhnokov, B.H. (2008). The subject and problems of environmental ecology. News of the Kabardino-Balkar Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 3, 129-138. Bgazhnokov, B.H. (2015). Cultural landscape, moral and ecological problems of the territories` development. Theory and Practice of Social Development, 15, 132 - 134. Blagova, T.I. & Emeljanov, B.V. (2003). Dostoevsky`s philosophemes: three inerpretations. Yekaterinburg: Ural University Press, 49-155. Chernyaeva, T.G. (2002). Altai text in Russian culture: materials of the academic seminar “Altai text in Russian literature of the second half of XIX - the beginning of XX century. Barnaul: Altay University Press, 105-115. Foucault, M. (1977). Words and things. Archaeology of Humanities. Moscow: Progress, 54-81. Giddens, A. (1984). The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of Structuration. Malden, MA: Polity Press, 402 p. Grebenshchikov, G.D. (1999). Altai Russia. Barnaul: Society for the Revival of Siberian literature, 173 p. Gregor, S. & Jones, D. (2004). The Formulation of Design Theories. In H. Linger, et al. (Eds.). Constructing the Infrastructure for the Knowledge Economy: Methods and Tools, Theory and Practice. New York: Kluwer Academic, 83-93. Guyer, P. (1987). Kant and the Claims of Knowledge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 478 p. Habermas, J. (1984). Theory of Communicative Action. Reason and the Rationalization of Society, Boston: Beacon Press, 523 p. Iivari, J. (2007). A Paradigmatic Analysis of Information Systemsas a Design Science. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, 19(2), 39-64. Isaev, I.A. (1998). The metaphysics of government and law. Moscow: Lawyer Press, 120 p. Kalutskov, V.N. (2004). On the hierarchy of the cultural landscape. Moscow: Ethnoecological research, 54-82. Kartavtsev, V.V. (2011). Philosopheme as an object of social and philosophical analysis: PhD Abstract. Moscow, 25 p. Manjali, F. (1998). Culture and semantics. Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5, 49-55. Markus, M.L., Majchrzak, A. & Gasser, L. (2002). A Design Theory for Systems That Support Emergent Knowledge Processes. MIS Quarterly, 26(3), 212 p. Maturana, H. & Varela, F. (1972). Autopoiesis and Cognition. Dordrecht: Reidel Publishing Company, 105 p. Nalimov, V.V. & Drogalina, Zh.A. (1995). The reality of the unreal. Probabilistic model of unconscious. Moscow: World of ideas, 360 p. Popper, K. (1986). Unended Quest an Intellectual Autobiography. Glasgow: Fontana, 156 p. Roerich, E.I. & Roerich N.K. (1923-1937). Ontology “Living ethics”. Paris: Riga, 315 p. Rojek, C. & Turner, B. (2000). Decorative sociology: towards a critique of the cultural turn. The Sociological Review, 48(4), 629-648. Shpet, G.G. (1994). Philosophical studies. Moscow: Publishing group “Progress”, 220 p. Shukshin, V.M. (2004). I came to give you freedom. Moscow: EKSMO, 214 p. Simon, H.A. (1996). The Sciences of the Artificial. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 111 p. Sweetser, E. (1995). Metaphor, mythology, and everyday language. Journal of Pragmatics, 24, 585-593. Van Aken, J. (2005). Management Research as a Design Science: Articulating the Research Products of Mode 2 Knowledge Production in Management. British Journal of Management, 16(1), 19-36. Walls, J.G., Widemeyer, G.R. & Sawy, O.A. (1992). Building an Information System Design Theory for Vigilant EIS. Information Systems Research, 3(1), 36-59. |
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Cluster Approach to Network Interaction in Pedagogical UniversityNadezhda V. Chekaleva, Natalia S. Makarova & Yulia B. Drobotenko
pp. 10037-10043 | Article Number: ijese.2016.717
Abstract The study presented in the article is devoted to the analysis of theory and practice of network interaction within the framework of education clusters. Education clusters are considered to be a novel form of network interaction in pedagogical education in Russia. The aim of the article is to show the advantages and disadvantages of the cluster approach as theoretical and practical methodology for pedagogical education management. The following research methods are used to achieve the aim: content analysis of publications (articles, monographs, abstracts of thesis, etc.) and focus-groups. The results of content analysis are summarised into three groups of problems revealing different aspects of network interaction in pedagogical education. The results of focus-groups show experts' attitudes towards the ongoing processes of pedagogical education clusterization. On the basis of the study undertaken in the article the authors consider the perspectives of the cluster approach development in pedagogical education. In conclusion some topics for further discussions in this area are offered. Keywords: Network interaction, cluster approach, network forms of organization, education cluster, pedagogical education, Pedagogical University, Institutions of General Education References Ahtarieva, R. F., Mokshina, N. G., Rakhmanova A. R. (2015). Profession-Oriented Pedagogic Training for Future Teachers under Conditions of Network Interaction with School. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 6, N 3, 3. Anderson, T. (2003). Getting the mix right again: An updated and theoretical rationale for interaction. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 4 (2). Direct access http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/149/230 Cohen, L., Manion, L. & Morrison, K. (2000). Research Methods in Education. London: Routledge, 374 p. Davydova, N. N, Igoshev, B. M., Simonova, А. А. & Fomenko, S. L. (2014a). Educational cluster as a system forming component of the regional model of continuous pedagogical education. Pedagogical Education in Russia, 10, 72-77. Davydova, N. N., Sinyakova, M. G. & Fomenko, S. L. (2014b). Tendencies of social partnership development in the conditions of cluster network integration. Pedagogical journal of Bashkortostan, 5, 36-46. Delgado, M., Porter, M. & Stern, S. (2010). Clusters and Entrepreneurship. Journal of Economic Geography, 10(4), 495–518. Dmitriev, N. А. & Verkhovskaya, Е. P. (2013). "School-University" network in continued education: criteria and measures of efficiency. Topical issues of modern psychology and pedagogy: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference. Lipetsk: Publishing center "Gravis", 33-38. Fedorov, V., Davydova, N. (2014). Control of the research and education network development in modern socio pedagogical conditions. Scientific Bulletin of a National Mining University, 2, 126-133. Fonseca, D. E. L. (2011). EduCamp Colombia: Social networked learning for teacher training. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 12 (3). Direct access: http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/884/1677 Gotlib, A. S. (2005). Qualitative methodology of sociological study: research strategies, existential potential (Doctoral dissertation). Samara, 402 p. Guruzhapov, V. A., & Margolis, A. A. (2014). Designing Models of practice-oriented undergraduate training program in psychological and pedagogical education (primary school teacher) based on networking of educational institutions, implementing higher education and primary education programs. Psychological science and education, 19(3), 143-159. Karbanovich, О. V. (2014). Professional-educational cluster as a determinant of the development of professional values of future teacher. Contemporary problems of science and education. Direct access: http://www.science-education.ru/120-16641 Karbanovich, О. V. (2015). Social partnership as a strategic resource of continuous pedagogical education system development. Life-long learning: continuous education for interests of sustainable development, 13 (1), 444-446. Mayring, P. (2014). Qualitative Content Analysis. Theoretical Foundation, Basic Procedures and Software Solution. Klagenfurt, Austria, 143 p. Makarova, N. S., & Drobotenko Yu. B. (2014). Focus-group study of changes in university educational process. On-line Journal "Naukovedenie". Direct access: http://naukovedenie.ru/PDF/63PVN214.pdf Meller, K., Raiala, A. (2003). Growth of strategic networks – New models creation of value. Russian Journal of Management, 6 (4), 113-40. Mozhaeva, G. (2014). Network Interaction in Distance Education: Analysis of Russian Experience. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 152, 1124–1127. Nagle, B., & Williams, N. (n.d.). Methodology Brief: Introduction to Focus Groups. Center for Assessment, Planning and Accountability, 1-12. Direct access: http://www.mmgconnect.com/projects/userfiles/file/focusgroupbrief.pdf Ostashewski, N., Reid, D. (2010). Networked teacher professional development: Applying the networked learning framework to online teacher professional development. Proceedings EDGE, 12-15. Prokhorova, M. P., Semchenko, A.A. (2015). Conceptual bases and mechanisms of realization of innovative development of pedagogical education. Vestnik of Minin University, 4. Direct access: http://vestnik.mininuniver.ru/upload/iblock/892/prokhorova.pdf Simonova, А. А., Minyurova, S. А. & Rubina, L. Ya. (2014). Pedagogical University in the center of regional educational cluster. Pedagogical education in Russia, 8, 8-22. Vasilevskaya, E. V. (2007). Network organization as a new type of relations in today’s conditions. Innovative Teachers Network. Direct access: http://it-n.ru/communities.aspx?-cat_no=16413&tmpl=com Vinogradov, B. A. (2001). Scientific, scientific-technical and innovation policy in the education system of the Russian Federation. Economics of Education, 4, 7-20. Vinogradov, V. L., Panfilov, A. N., Panfilova, V. M., Rakhmanova, A. R. (2015). Integrated Educational Environment of the University and the School as a Basis for Practice Oriented Teachers Training. Psychological Science and Education, 20 (5), 142-152. Zalyalova, А. G. (2010). Regional model of teachers’ training in the conditions of educational cluster: PhD Thesis. Kazan: Institute of pedagogy and psychology of professional education, Russian Academy of Education, 216 p. |
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Personal Maturity of Adopting Parents as a Condition for Preventing Social OrphanageSvetlana V. Markova & Irina D. Emelyanova
pp. 10045-10055 | Article Number: ijese.2016.718
Abstract The research conducted deals with the problem of development of personal maturity in adopting parents. The objectives of the research are to describe the content foundation of the adopting parents' personal maturity represented by motivational and value-related, emotional, cognitive and activity-related components, to prove the influence of personal maturity of adopting parents on the efficiency of adoption parenting. Based on the analysis of theoretical and methodological standpoints and the empirical data obtained, the particularities of personal maturity of adopting parents are represented. The content foundation of adopting parents' personal maturity is considered. The study was conducted during the adaptation period of children entering the adopting family. The respondents were 40 adopting parents aged 30 to 57 and 35 adopted children aged 7-15. The results of the study have allowed revealing the key particularities of the adopting parents' personal maturity ensuring not only the efficiency of adoption parenting but also acting as a condition of preventing the social orphanage. Keywords: Personal maturity, adopting parents, social orphanage, prevention, stable structure References Andreeva, G.M. (2009). Social psychology: vectors of new paradigm. Psychological Research, 1(3), 35-51. Asmolov, A.G. (2007). Psychology of personality: cultural and historical understanding of person`s development. Moscow: Sense: “Academy” Press, 528 p. Chernyshova, L.A. (2004). Socio-psychological adaptation of child in the family and psychological correction in the foster family: PhD Abstract. Samara, 19 p. Filippova, G.G. (2009). Problems of psychological readiness for pregnancy in women with ART. Irkutsk: Russian Association of Person`s Reproduction, 368 p. Gerasimova, E.V. (2009). 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Psychology of formation and development of foster family. Samara: Samara Social and Pedagogical University Press, 124 p. Yusupov, I. M. Empathy psychology. Theoretical and practical aspects: PhD thesis abstract. SPb., 25 p. Zakharova, E.I. (2014). Features of interaction of mothers with children under the “late” motherhood. National Psychological Journal, 2(14), 97-101. |
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Russian-Ukrainian Border Region: Negative Cultural and Civilizational Risks of IntegrationValentin P. Babintsev, Galina F. Ushamirskaya, Raisa I. Melnikova, Victor A. Sapryka & Alexandr V. Pastyuk
pp. 10057-10069 | Article Number: ijese.2016.719
Abstract The paper considers key risks of cultural and civilizational integration of the Russian-Ukrainian border region. Proceeding from the sociological surveys conducted, the following typical cultural and civilizational identities of the population of border regions of Russia and Ukraine are singled out: Russian, Ukrainian, Slavic, European, mondialist and Eurasian. The first of the risks found is discrete perception of social time and space. For the bulk of representatives of the regional communities, social time breaks down into parts acting like periods that are devoid of the shared logics and are contrasting towards each other. The second is associated with chronotope pattern structure consisting in the presence of cognitive and value-related dissonance which characterizes the consciousness of the population – this is expressed in acceptance of value attitudes not only mismatching but even opposing each other frequently. The third risk consists in incongruity and controversy of heterostereotypes that are emotionally colored set ideas of communication subjects about their counterparties. Irrelevance of ideas about the future acts as the last risk that is caused by asynchrony of social processes in the area which used to be united that is manifested both at interstate and regional levels.
Keywords: Cultural and civilizational identity, risks of integration processes, border regions, Russia, Ukraine References Adler, A. (2011). Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind. New York: Faber and Faber Ltd, 224 p. Anisimov, O.S. (2012). Identity: the types and conditions of their implementation on the basis of civilizational identity. World of Psychology, 1(69), 12-18. Bauman, Z. (2002). Idealized society. Moscow: Logos, 390 p. Beck, U. (1992). Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity. London: Sage, 260 p. Chuprov, V I., Zubok, Yu.A. & Williams, K.Y. (2003). The society of risk. Moscow: Science, 161 p. Douglas, M. & Wildavsky, A. (1982). Risk and Culture: An Essay on the Selection of Technological and Environmental Dangers. Berkeley: University of California Press, 224 p. Erikson, E. (1996). Identity: youth and crisis. New York: W.W.Norton & Co, 344 p. Freud, A. (1936). Das Ich und die Abwehrmechanismen. Berlin: Fischer Taschenbuch, 217 p. Freud, S. (1921). Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego. Berlin: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 265 p. Giddens, A. (1991). Modernity and Self-Identity: Self and Society in the Late Modern Age. Cambridge: Polity Press, 256 p. Golovnyova, E.V. (2013). Regional identity as a form of collective identity and its structure. Labyrinth. Journal of Social and Humanitarian Studies, 5, 42-50. Gott, V.S. & Ursul, A.D. (1971). Certainty and uncertainty as a form of scientific knowledge. Moscow: Knowledge, 49 p. Hogg, M.A. (2014). From uncertainty to extremism: Social categorization and identity processes. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 23, 338-342. Jung, C.G. (2009). The Red Book. New York: W.W. Norton & Co, 600 p. Knight, F. (1921). Risk, Uncertainty, and Profit. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co, 13-32. Mead, G.H. (1934). Mind Self and Society from the Standpoint of a Social Behaviorist. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 178 Moscovici, S. (1984). The Phenomena of Social Representation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 170 p. Rapaport, D. (1967). The conceptual model of psychoanalysis. New York: Basic Books, 431 p. Tajfel, N. (1981). Human groups and Social categories: Studies in Social. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 253 p. Turner, J.C. (1985). Social categorization and the self-concept: A social cognitive theory of group behavior. Advances in group processes: Theory and research, 2, 77-122. Wildavsky, А. & Dake, K. (1990). Theories of Risk Perception: Who Fears What and Why? Daeudalus. 4 (119), 41-60. Yadov, V.A. (1994). Social identification in the crisis society. Journal of Sociology, 1, 35-51. Yanitsky, O.N. (2003). Risk Sociology. Moscow: LVS, 192 p. Zubkov, V.I. (2009). Sociological theory of risk. Moscow: Academic prospect, 380 p. Zubok, Yu.A. (2007). Risk phenomenon in sociology. Experience of the youth study. Moscow: Thought, 222 p. |
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Education of the Individual by Means of ArtTatyana V. Lazutina, Oksana A. Ovsyannikova, Anna M. Zhukova & Irina V. Prokofeva
pp. 10071-10080 | Article Number: ijese.2016.720
Abstract The paper analyzes the role of art in the process of upbringing of the rising generation. Revealing the specific nature of mechanisms of artistic images influencing the personality of an individual perceiving a work of art has brought about the analysis of the nature of symbols creation, thus giving grounds for the use of semiotic approach to the artistic idiom. The methodology of the study involves the systemic approach that allows considering art as a hierarchic system. The ethic trend of art has resulted in using the axiological approach to art which helps understanding the specific character of the value component of human relationships and leads to realizing that personality is a top value. The distinction of the study lies in updating the existing methodology of pedagogical science, which fulfills the need of upgrading the technology of artistic and pedagogical analysis and promotes understanding the concealed author's meanings built in into the image system of the art work allowing one to view the dynamics of the nature of human relationships captured in art by symbolic means. It has been determined that perception of art implies empathy for the character of the art work, interiorizing the social experience contained in art, adjusting the personal meanings up to the author's idea. It is proven that understanding and accepting "another" person in art promotes transferring the universal experience of human relationships into the daily life of the rising generation. Keywords: Artistic idiom, character education, action mechanism of art, artistic analysis, pedagogical analysis References Abdel, A.K. (1970). L`islam et la question racial. UNESCO, 13 p. Bahtin, M.M. (2000). The author and the hero. The philosophical foundations of human Sciences. St.Petersburg: ABC book, 893 p. Buber, M. (1966). Ich und Du. Direct access: http://www.plam.ru/camosov/duhovnost_-formy_principy_podhody_tom_i/p3.php Burov, A.I. (1956) Aesthetic essence of the art. Moscow: Gosud, Publishing house Art, 292 p. Cain, M. (2015). Musics of ‘The Other’: Creating musical identities and overcoming cultural boundaries in Australian music education. British Journal of Music Education, 32, 71-86. Danina, M.M., Kiselnikova, N.V., Kuminskaya, E.A., Lavrova, E.A. & Markova, S.V. (2015). Theoretical and empirical approaches to using films as a means to increase communication efficiency. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 8(4), 23-34. DeNora, T. (2003). Music sociology: getting the music into the action. British Journal of Music Education, 20(2), 165-178. Hegel, G.W. (1826) Philosophie der Kunst der Asthetik. Nach Hegel. Im Sommer 1826 Mitschrift Fridrich Carl Hermann Victor von Keller. Hrsg. A. Gethmann-Siefert und B. Collenberg-Plotnikov. Munchen: Wihhelm Fink, 76 p. Lazutina, T.V. & Lazutin, N.K. (2015). The Language of Music as a Specific Semiotic Structure Asian Social Science, 11(7), 201-207. Lesgaft, P.F. (1990). Selected pedagogical works. Moscow, 10-18. Malyukov, A.N. (1999). Psychology experiences and artistic development of the individual. Dubna: Printing Centre «Phoenix», 526 p. Medushevsky, V.V. (1976). About regularities and means of artistic influence of music. Moscow: Music, 232 p. Melik-Pashaev, A.A. (2000). The world of the artist. Moscow: Progress-Tradition, 269 p. Nemensky, B M. (1981). The wisdom of beauty: on the problem of aesthetic education. Moscow: Education, 255 p. Oehler, E. (1999). Kinder brauchen kinder. Bildung und Wissenschaft, 4, 2-6. Oehrle, E. (1996). Intercultural education through music: towards a culture of tolerance. British Journal of Music Education, 13(2), 95-100. Ovsyannikova, O.A. (2008). Forming tolerant attitude of the senior preschool children to peers by means of art. Tyumen: Togirro, 28-32. Ovsyannikova, O.A. (2016). Development of the art experience of teenagers by the ways of art synthesis. Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(8), 15-18. Plutarh (1927-1975) Moralia. Harvard: Harvard University Press. 480 p. Smakovskaya, N.E. (2015). Realizing potential of art in the system of engineering education. International Journal of Advanced Studies, 5, 8-16. Tagiltseva, N.G. (2002). Art in raising consciousness of students. Moscow: Editorial office of the journal «Art and education», 554 p. Torshilova, E.M. (1989). Aesthetic education in the family. Moscow: Art, 144 p. Vinogradova, N.A. (1972). Chinese landscape painting. Moscow: Art, 160 p. Vygotsky, L.S. (1968). Psychology of art. Moscow: Publishing house Art, 480 p. Маslow, А.Н. (1987). Мotivation and Personality. New York: Addison-Wesley, 349 p. |
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Terminological Multifaceted Educational Dictionary of Active Type as a Possible Way of Special Discourse PresentationFlyuza Fatkullina, Eugenia Morozkina, Almira Suleimanova & Rayca Khayrullina
pp. 10081-10089 | Article Number: ijese.2016.721
Abstract The purpose of this article is to disclose the scientific basis of the author's academic terminological dictionary for future oil industry experts. Multifaceted terminological dictionary with several different entries is considered to be one of the possible ways to present a special discourse in the classroom. As a result of the study the authors conclude that there is a close interrelationship between the terminological picture of the world with the language picture of the individual's world which can be traced within complex representation of terminological vocabulary as an important component of specialist`s language picture of the world. Versatile presentation of terminological system of a certain sphere of knowledge will allow to consider various aspects of the term as a unit of special knowledge. A lexicographical model proposed by authors is designed to adequately encode terminological information into meta-language, easy to understand for students and sufficient for future oil industry professionals. Keywords: Term, special discourse, educational lexicography, language picture of the world, terminological picture of the world References Averbuh, K.Ya. (2004). General theory of the term. Ivanovo: Ivanovo State University, 252 p.
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University-Supervised Chair Work as a Form of School and Pedagogical University CollaborationNadezhda V. Chekaleva, Natalia A. Duka, Julia B. Drobotenko, Natalia S. Makarova, Dmitrii N. Solovev,Tatiana O. Soloveva & Inna V. Fetter
pp. 10091-10098 | Article Number: ijese.2016.722
Abstract The main tendencies of pedagogical education are discussed in the article. Modern tendencies and qualifying norms to the future teacher make the opportunities for strengthening of practical orientation of higher education. The key types of university-supervised chair (unilateral and bilateral cooperation) are considered and their work is characterized. The varieties of university-supervised chairs (basic subject and interdisciplinary chairs) are also defined in the article. Current work of university-supervised chair in pedagogical universities and schools is characterised according to the most recent documents on the topic. The authors analyse the experience of Omsk State Pedagogical University in establishing university-supervised chairs. The university-supervised chair of foreign languages is described in the article in detail. The purpose, objectives and functions of the university-supervised specific subject chair are represented and perspectives of school and pedagogical university collaboration are justified. The results of the content analysis of the reports of the university-supervised chair at Omsk State Pedagogical University are provided. The article draws on the interview with the administration of the partner educational institution. Conclusions about the work outcomes of the university-supervised chair of foreign languages are made Keywords: University-supervised chair, university-supervised specific subject chair, research and methodology support, modern school, university and school cooperation References Borodavkin, V. А., Sheglov, D. K., Okhochinskij, M. N., Rusina, А. А. (2015). Basic chair of an enterprise as an element of University structure. Innovations, N 9 (203), 93-97. Brown, J. (2009). University-School Connections: Giving Voice to the Student Experience. 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Trust of Population Within Social Relations System of the Population: a Case Study of Nasleg Administration in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)Anna Mikhaylova & Liudmila Popova
pp. 10099-10110 | Article Number: ijese.2016.723
Abstract The research consists in studying the level of population's trust in nasleg administration (in the administrative-territorial unit) of MS "Khatyryksky nasleg" of Namsky ulus using the case study. The leading research methods for the problem are empirical methods that allow revealing the level of population's trust in administration. The population of Khatyryksky nasleg is satisfied with the quality of state services provided by the nasleg administration. The index of the nasleg administration is higher than that of the ulus administration, although both values exceed the high population trust index mark. The population's satisfaction with the activity of local government agencies is an index by which the efficiency of activity of the local self-government agencies can be determined in the sphere of municipal administration organization. This index characterizes the extent of the population's satisfaction with the activity of the local self-government agencies and its level of trust in government. It has been revealed that the population of MS "Khatyryksky nasleg" of Namsky ulus is not frank enough in expressing their opinion about the authorities. This research will allow administration enhancing the efficiency of using the tools for implementation of social and economic strategies and municipal structures development programs which influence the welfare and quality of life of the population. Keywords: Municipal administration, trust, authorities, administration, political sociology References Autonomous Nonprofit Organization Analytical Center of Yuri Levada (ANO Levada Center) (2016). Direct access: http://www.levada.ru/ Bijlsma-Frankema, K. & Costa, A.C. (2005). Understanding the Trust-Control Nexus. International Sociology, 20, 259-282. Buyukcan-Tetik, A., Finkenauer, C., Siersema, M., Vander H,K. & Krabbendam, L. (2015). Social Relations Model Analyses of Perceived Self-Control and Trust in Families. Journal of Marriage & Family, 77, 209-223. Elgar, F.J. (2010). Income Inequality, Trust, and Population Health in 33 Countries. American Journal of Public Health, 11, 2311-2315. Fedotova, O. & Chigisheva, O. (2015). Comparative analysis: methodological optics in the ideological context. International Perspectives on Education and Society, 26, 57-82.
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Social Filters in Assessing Higher Education Services MarketAnatoly Shkurkin, Ekaterina Lutsenko, Natalia Bazhenova, Ruslan Bazhenov & Natalia Bogachenko
pp. 10111-10122 | Article Number: ijese.2016.724
Abstract The main goal of this work is to reveal social filters in the system of assessing the higher education services market. On the basis of the institutional interpretation of market relations, mechanisms and features of asymmetries formation in the educational services market are investigated. The role of the institutional environment ensuring processes of the man inclusion in the market relations was determined. The conceptual provisions aimed at the social filters theory development and the possibility of their use in the higher education services market operation in the region were justified. The institutional interpretation of higher education services market. Conceptually, from the neoclassical economics viewpoint, any market can be presented as a price mechanism for supply and demand regulation, providing a balance through free competition between independent and rational market participants. Such an understanding of the market causes more and more debates and stimulates many alternative models design. The orthodox neoclassical theory was subjected to the most consistent criticism by the institutionalism, which resulted in developing the original independent economic theory. The most important difference between institutionalism and neoclassical theory is in the interpretation of the economic processes organization and regulation mechanisms. Keywords: High school, institutional environment, region, educational services market, social filters References Akerlof, G., Spence, M. & Stiglitz, J. (2001). L'asymétrie d'information au cœur de la nouvelle microéconomie. Problèmes économiques, 1, 19-24.
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Noxological Competence as a Basis for Professional Activities of Bachelor of Education in the Field of Health and SafetyPetr V. Stankevich, Svetlana V. Abramova & Evgeniy N. Boyarov
pp. 10123-10135 | Article Number: ijese.2016.725
Abstract The article deals with a currently relevant issue of training Bachelors of Education in the field of Health and Safety. It presents the results of the research conducted by the authors from 2008 to 2015 that disclose the particularities of Bachelor training in Health and Safety based on the modular and noxological approaches. The system of teachers training in the field of Health and Safety is considered from the perspective of the ideas of competence as the basis of professionalism that enables to organize a learner-centered educational process. In accordance with the logic of scientific research on the organization of the efficient educational process of Bachelors of Education training in the field of Health and Safety, a training package (teaching materials) was suggested (a combination of the content, forms, methods and training resources) aimed at forming the subject and profile-oriented competencies where the core role is performed by noxological knowledge. This is based on introducing the key concepts of "noxological competence" and "noxological activity" into scientific use. Keywords: Competence, teaching materials, noxological approach, Bachelor of Education in the field of Health and Safety, noxological activity References Abramovа, S. V., & Boyarov, E. N. (2011). Evaluation of formation of professional competences in students. Psychology of teaching, N 3, 68–78. Armstrong, M. (1995). Demystifying Competence. Human Resources, 11(12), 49-50. Bolotov, V. A. (2001). Pedagogical Education in Russia in Terms of Social Changes: Principles, Technologies. Volgograd, Russia: Peremena, 290 p. Daniliuk, A. Ia. (2000). Theory of Educational Integration. Rostov-on-Don: Publishing house of RPU, 225 p. Federal law from February 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “About Education in the Russian Federation”. Direct access: http://base.garant.ru/70291362/ Boyatzis, R. & Richard, E. (1982). The Competent Manager: A Model for effective performance. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 352 p. Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education. (2007). Direct access: http://www.edu.ru/db/portal/spe/3v.htm Hedges, J. (1996). Adopting a competency approach. New York: In Brief Plus, 425 p. Kozyrev, V. A., Radionova, N. F. & Tryapitsina, A. P. (2005). Competency-based approach in pedagogical education. St. Petersburg, Russia: A.I. Herzen RSPU, 392 p. Kurz, R., & Bartram, D. (2002). Competency and individual performance: Modeling the world of work. Direct access: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/9780470696736.ch10 Kuzmina, N. V. (2002). The concept of "pedagogical system" and the criteria for its assessment. In N. V. Kuzmina (Eds.). Methods of the system-based pedagogical research. Moscow: Public education, 411 p. McClelland, D. (1973). Testing for competence rather than for intelligence. American Psychologist, 28, 1-14. Perels, F., Gürtler, T. & Schmitz, B. (2005). Training of self-regulatory and problem-solving competence. Learning and Instruction, 15 (2), 123-139. Poirier, D., & Feder, K. (2001). Dangerous places: health, safety, and archaeology. Westport, Conn: Bergin & Garvey, 249 p. Shemet, O. V. (2010). Spatial Organization of Competency-based Higher Vocational Education. Pedagogics, 6, 47-52. Smelser, N. J., Baltes, P. (2001). International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences. Amsterdam; New York: Elsevier, 16099 p. Stankevich, P. V. (2006) Theory and practice of training Bachelor in the system of multi-level science education. St. Petersburg: TESSA, 164 p. Sternberg, R., & Kolligian, J. (1990). Competence considered. New Haven: Yale University Press, 315-362. Tatur, Y. V. (2004). Competence in the structure of the specialists' training quality model. Higher education today, 3, 23-26. The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period of up to 2010. (2002). Direct access: http://www.edu.ru/db/mo/Data/d_02/393.html Verbitsky, A. A. (2006). The Contextual Learning in Competency-based Approach. Higher education in Russia, N 11, 70-84. Weinert, F. E. (2001). Concept of competence : a conceptual clarification. In : D. S. Rychen and L. H. Salganik (Eds) Defining and Selecting key Competencies. Gottingen : Hogrefe, 45-66. Whiddett, S., Hollyford, S. (2000). The Competences Handbook. CIPD House, 228 p. Whiddett, S., Hollyford, S. (2007). Competences. In: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. London, p. 42. Whiddett, S. & Hollyford, S. (2002). A practical guide to competencies: how to enhance individual and organisational performance. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, 144 p. Zimnyaia, I. A. (2006). Competency-based Approach. What is its Place in the System of Modern Approaches to Educational Problems? (Theoretical and Methodological Aspect). Higher Education Today, 8, 21-26. |
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Studying Interrelation of Professional Motivation and Professional Concepts of Specialists with Different Professional Orientation as a Basis for Career BuildingEvgenia E. Rogova, Irina A. Pankratova, Svetlana V. Zholudeva, Anna M. Sheveleva, Marina V. Naumenko & Natalya E. Skrynnik
pp. 10137-10153 | Article Number: ijese.2016.726
Abstract The article focuses on some peculiarities of interrelation of professional motivation and professional concepts of specialists with different professional orientation. The results of empirical research are revealed on the sampling of 164 specialists in the field of management who have been divided into five subgroups according to the types of professional orientation of the test persons: work with people, work in the area of mental labour, work in the technical area, work in the area of esthetics and arts, work in the area of physical labour, work in the economic planning area. The research reliability has been provided by using appropriate techniques and peculiarities of interrelation have been revealed by means of Spearman's correlation analysis that provided statistical reliability. The data obtained allows developing practical recommendations for specialists in personnel management as well as provides further research of the problems specified in the article. Keywords: Professional concepts, professional motivation, professional success, professional, motive References Abric J. (1993) Central system, peripheral system : their functions and roles in the dynamics of social representations. Papers on social representations, 2, 75-78.
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Effect of Humidity of Poly-Cereal Flour Mixture and Screw Rotation Rate on Efficiency of Extrusion ProcessАbdymanap А. Ospanov, Nurzhan Zh. Muslimov, Аigul К. Timurbekova, Gulnarа B. Jumabekova
pp. 10155-10162 | Article Number: ijese.2016.727
Abstract The food industry is an important constituent of a country’s economy, which provides the population with food. The development of the food industry and the supply of food products to the entire population requires improving food-manufacturing technologies, such as the process for production of extruded poly-cereal food products using high-temperature extrusion. Experimental production of extruded poly-cereal food products of high degree of preparation was carried out using an industrial extruder equipped with an automatic control board. Following the results of study of extrusion of poly-cereal flour mixture on commercial twin-screw extruder dependencies of parameters, defining efficiency of the process, on variable value of rotation rate of the extruder screw, n (min-1) and humidity of extruded poly-cereal flour mixture, W (%). Received dependencies adequately describe poly-cereal mixture extrusion process management. The results of the research have practical significance when improving the scheme of manufacturing of poly-cereal products of high degree of preparation. Keywords: Poly-cereal mixtures, extrusion technology, twin screw extruder, humidity, rotation rate References Bouvier, J.M., & Campanella, O.H. (2014). Extrusion Processing Technology: Food and Non-Food Biomaterials. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Burtsev, A.V., Gritskih, V.A., & Kasyanov, G.I. (2004). Modern methods and technology for thermoplastic extrusion in production of dry breakfast cereals. Krasnodar: Ecoinvest. Chen, J., & Rosenthal, A. (2015). Modifying Food Texture: Novel Ingredients and Processing Techniques. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing. Gaspar, A.L.C., & de Góes-Favoni, S.P. (2015). Action of microbial transglutaminase (MTGase) in the modification of food proteins: A review. Food chemistry, 171, 315-322. Giles, H.F. (2005). Extrusion: the definitive processing guide and handbook. New York: Mount, III. Kaur B. et al. (2012). Progress in starch modification in the last decade. Food Hydrocolloids, 26(2), 398-404. Keller, H. et al. (2012). Issues associated with the use of modified texture foods. The journal of nutrition, health & aging, 16(3), 195-200. Kobussen, J. et al. (2015). Method and device for dehydrating co-extruded food products: Patent 9173414. USA. Magomedov, G.O., & Brekhov, A.F. (2003). Method and technology for manufacture of food products using thermoplastic extrusion. Voronezh: VGTA. Ospanov, A., Gaceu, L., Timurbekova, A., Muslimov, N., & Dzhumabekova, G. (2014). Innovative technologes of grain crops processing. Brasov: Infomarket. Ospanov, A., Muslimov, N., & Dzhumabekova, G. (2014). Innovation Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 28102. Method of production of Fitness extruded poly-cereal food product. Bul. 2. Ospanov, A., Muslimov, N., & Dzhumabekova, G. (2014). Innovation Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 28101. Method of production of Helth extruded poly-cereal food product. Bul, 2. Ospanov, A.A., & Timurbekova A.K. (2016). Production Technology of Extrusive Poly-Cereal Food of High Degree of Readiness. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, 11, 81-84. Ostrikov, A.N., Vasilenko, V.N., & Sokolov, I.Yu. (2009). Co-extruded products: new approaches and prospects. Linz.: De Li Print. Rudenko, L.G., Zaitseva, N.A., Mekush, G.E., Dmitrieva, N.V., & Vasilieva, L.S. (2016). Improving Private Sector and Government Partnership System to Support Small Businesses in the Service Sector. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(5), 1261-1270. Shahidi F., Ho C. T. & Van Chuyen N. (2013). Process-induced chemical changes in food. Tokyo: Springer Science & Business Media. Steele, C.M. et al. (2015). The influence of food texture and liquid consistency modification on swallowing physiology and function: a systematic review. Dysphagia, 30(1), 2-26. Stenvik, R.A. (2014). Method and Apparatus for Making Co-Extruded Food Product: Patent Application, 14/575,686. USA. |
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Issues of Falsifying Financial Statements in terms of Economic SecurityOlga G. Zhitlukhina, Svetlana Y. Rakutko, Elena I. Berezhnova, Elena Y. Selezneva, Elena V. Belik, Nina I. Shalaeva, Elena I. Denisevich, Natalia V. Belik, Zhanna E. Saenko, & Alina A. Sultanova
pp. 10163-10176 | Article Number: ijese.2016.728
Abstract The paper deals with problems of the country’s economic security and entities, timely resolution of which influences directly the country’s national security. The cornerstone of successful existence of any country, especially the Russian Federation, during such complicated period is the presence of effective national economic security system. Analysis of the phenomena connected with using accounting information giving information about financial and economic activity of companies to investors and entrepreneurs in terms of economic security is particularly important in the global market conditions. The paper’s purpose is showing the interrelation between economic security and financial statement falsification. In this article, falsification of financial statements is considered within a framework of system and comprehensive approaches as one of possible internal and external threats to financial security of particular economic entities and country as a whole under global market conditions. Using the complex and systematic general-research approaches allows to consider the financial statement falsification problem in the global context as a criminogenic phenomenon similar to international crime. At the present moment, the research in this field is common in the research and professional environment. Analysis of the current situation allows identifying the basic information channel of interaction between the business and society: financial statements, whose authenticity determines the reliability of potential contractors and efficiency of contractual relationships in many aspects. Keywords: Economic security; financial statements; financial security, global market; management fraud References Abalkin, L. (1994). Economic Security of Russia: Threats and Their Solutions. Voprosy Economiki, 12, 4–14. Arinushkin, N.S. (1912). Balance Sheets of Joint-Stock Companies. Legal and Accounting Nature of Balance Sheet in Terms of Russian Financial Assessment Standards. Moscow: Pravovedenie. Eichern, J., Kulikova, L.I., Gafieva, G.M. (2014). Methods of Financial Results Falsification Used by Contemporary US Companies. Mezhdunarodny Bukhgaltersky Uchet, 16 (310), 58-62. Federal Standards of Auditing Activity 5. (2010). Auditor Responsibilities Regarding Consideration of Unfair Actions During Auditing. Gordeeva, A. A. (2013). Methodology of Revealing Distortions in Accounting (Financial) Statements. PhD thesis in economics. Russian University of Cooperation. Gordeeva, А.А. (2014). Methodology of Detecting Frauds in Accounting (Financial) Statements. Moscow: Vershina. Komekbayeva, L.S., Legostayeva, A.A., Tyan, O.A., & Orynbassarova, Y.D. (2016). Government Measures for Economic Support in the Conditions of a Floating Exchange Rate of the National Currency. IEJME-Mathematics Education. 11(7), 2227-2237 Kulikova, L.I. (2011). Hiding and Falsification of Financial Statements: Historic and Evolution Aspect. Mezhdunarodny Bukhgaltersky Uchet, 14(164), 56-68. Kulikova, L.I. (2015). Historical Aspect of Emergence and Development of Accounting Science. Bulletin of Adygea State University. Economy Series, 3(165), 130-139. Lemeshenko, G.L., & Temchenko, O.S. (2012). Correction of errors in accounting and financial statements of organization. International accounting, 14, 16-22. Moraes, M.B.C., & Nagano, M.S. (2012). Cash balance management: A comparison between genetic algorithms and particle swarm optimization. Acta Scientiarum Technology, 34(4), 373-379. Rakutko, S.Y., & Selezneva, E.Y. (2015a). Falsifying Financial Statements in Terms of Global Market. 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Financial Mechanism for the Implementation of Strategic and Operational Financial Decisions of Modern EnterprisesVeronika V. Nikeriasova, Konstantin V. Ordov, Oleg A. Khvostenko
pp. 10177-10184 | Article Number: ijese.2016.729
Abstract In modern conditions of world depression, it is urgent for increasing the efficiency of the financial mechanism. Company’s future depends on the correct choice of the financial mechanism strategy. The article deals with the issues of improving the financial mechanism of enterprises in the implementation of strategic and operational financial solutions. The main methods used to achieve this goal: analysis, comparison and methods of modern risk management. There are considered the main stages of financial strategy, its impact on the company's capital. The paper proposes an EB IT-ROE method as the most effective way in making financial decisions. The research results can be used in developing company’s financial policy, formation of investment strategies, as well as in scientific textbooks. Keywords: Financial mechanism, financial decision, financial strategy, clear profit, fiscal policy References Acemoglu, D., Ozdaglar, A., & Tahbaz-Salehi, A. (2015). Systemic risk and stability in financial networks.The American Economic Review, 105(2), 564-608. Ajupov, A.A., Kurilova, A.A., & Ivanov, D.U. (2015). Hedging as an important component of the financial mechanism of enterprise management in the automotive cycles. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(1S3), 45. Barnea, E., Landskroner, Y., & Sokoler, M. (2015). Monetary policy and financial stability in a banking economy: Transmission mechanism and policy tradeoffs. Journal of Financial Stability, 18, 78-90. Bufoni, A.L., Oliveira, L.B., & Rosa, L.P. (2015). The financial attractiveness assessment of large waste management projects registered as clean development mechanism. Waste Management, 43, 497-508. Byrkovich, T.I. et al. (2015). Development of financial mechanisms of investment education and science. Management, 8(2), 32-39. Chen, K., &Song, Z. (2013). Financial frictions on capital allocation: A transmission mechanism of the fluctuations. Journal of Monetary Economics, 60(6), 683-703. Glocker, C., &Towbin, P. (2012). Reserve Requirements for Price and Financial Stability-When are they effective? International Journal of Central Banking, 8(1), 65-113. Kovalev, V.V. (2002). Introduction to Financial Management. Journal of Finance and Statistics, 477. Lee, W.G. et al. (2014). Narrative and Finance: Cultural Logic of Financialisation and Financial Crisis–Focusing on the Korean Financial Crisis: Goldsmiths. London: University of London, 248 p. Min, D., &Faqin, L. (2013). On Impacts of Financial Development on Financial Openness - Based on the Analysis of Economic Growth Effect and Financial Risk Effect.Shanghai Finance, 3, 003. Morgera, E., Tsioumani, E., & Buck, M. (2014). Open Access Article 25. Financial Mechanism and Resources, 2, 325-332. Nemoto, T. et al. (2013). The Decision-Making Mechanism of Regional Financial Institutions and the Utilization of Soft Information. Japan: Policy Research Institute. Public Policy Review, 9, 30. Pan, G., & Bing, W. (2013). The Influence Mechanism of Financial Innovation on Financial Stability: From the Micro-Finance Perspective of Asset Securitization Business. South China Finance, 2, 009. Schoenmaker, D., & Wierts, P. (2015). Regulating the financial cycle: An integrated approach with a leverage ratio. Economics Letters, 136, 70-72. Sherstneva, N.L., Vishnyakova, A.B., & Chuchkalova, E.I. (2016). Specific Nature of Formation of the Strategic Management Mechanism of Sustainable Development in Modern Economic Conditions. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 3076-3088. Starostin, A.Y. (2014). Theoretical foundations of the financial mechanism of reproduction, circulation and export of capital. Journal of Russian Entrepreneurship, 12, 4-11. Stoyanova, E.S. (Ed.) (2002). Financial Management: Theory and Practice: Textbook, 5th Edition, revised and supplemented. Moscow: Perspective, 635. Yu, L., Liu, H., & Qiu, J. (2015). Research on the Formation Mechanism and Elements of the Financial Industrial Cluster. Journal of Service Science and Management, 8(5), 773. Wang, D., &Ye, S. (2015). A Research on Financial Agglomeration's Knowledge Spillover Mechanism on Economic Growth. Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University (Social Sciences Edition), 3, 005. Zhao, Y. (2016). Online Dispute Resolution Mechanism for Financial Disputes. Symposium on Financial Dispute Resolution in Free Trade Zone (Guangdong) in China. Zhuhai, China, 174 p. |
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The Consistency of Lyric Artistic ThinkingTatiana E. Abramzon, Svetlana V. Rudakova, Tatiana B. Zaitseva, Natalia A. Koz'ko, & Ekaterina V. Tulina
pp. 10185-10196 | Article Number: ijese.2016.730
Abstract In contemporary literary studies one can clearly observe the process of different interpretation of former approaches to literary works and artistic legacy of some outstanding authors. The attention of scientists is focused on such categories that can contribute to the reconstruction of a complete picture of the writing career of an individual author or a specific period in the literary development of the country. One of these categories is an artistic thinking. Analysis of the artistic thinking allows us to study the works of the poet as a living dynamic system, paying attention to both the specific elements and their relationships. By selecting the concept “artistic thinking” out of other synonyms and categorizing it, we show absolutely different possibilities for the analysis of such difficult to interpret phenomena as cognitive processes and their reflection in pieces of writing. Such processes can’t be found in rationally oriented epic genres. We offer a kind of “matrix” of studying systematic artistic thinking that can be applied in the analysis of poetic worlds of different authors. This approach is seen to be productive and is recommended to be used by other literary critics as a possible way to get objective results while studying lyrics and lyrical systems. Keywords: Artistic thinking, poetic world, figurative-semantic categories, lyrics, systemic relations References Bahtin, M.M. (1975). Forms of time and chronotope in the novel: Essays on the historical poetics. Bahtin, M.M., (Ed.). Issues of literature and aesthetics. Studies over the years. Moscow: Khudozhestvennaya Literatura, 235 p. Belinskiy, V.G. (1953-1959). Complete set of works in 13 volumes. Moscow: Nauka, VII, 307. Blanchot, M. (2015). The space of literature. Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. Chudakov, A.P. (1986). Chekhov's world: The emergence and adoption. Moscow: Prosveshenie, 3 p. Curtius, E.R. (2013). European literature and the Latin middle ages. New Jersey: Princeton University Press. de Chardin, P.T. (2015). The phenomenon of man. North Carolina: Lulu Press, Inc, 336 p. Eco, Umberto. (1995). Sei passeggiate nei boschi narrativi. Milano: Bompiani, 73 p. Fedorenko, N. (1985). Idea and image. Moscow: Nauka, 180 p. Fedorov, F.P. (1988). Romantic artistic world: space and time. Riga: Zinatne, 9 p. Gaspsarov, M., & Scheglov’s, Yu.K. (1995). Image of “wind” in the poetics of Anna Akhmatovam Issues of literature, 3, 138 p. Grabec, I., & Sachse, W. (2012). Synergetics of measurement, prediction and control. Springer Science & Business Media, 68 p. Hegel, G.W.F. (2012). The phenomenology of mind. New York: Courier Corporation, 481 p. Kagan, M.S. (1979). Classification and systematization. Types in culture, 6-11 pp. Systemacity and integrity. http://www.ligis.ru/psylib/090417/books/_kagam01.htm. Lavlinskiy, S.P., & Gurovich, N.M. (2008). Visual in the literature. Glossary of terms and concepts. Moscow: Intrada, 37 p. Leiderman, N.L. (2004). Ideas of systems in the Russian literary of the twentieth century. Russian literature of the XX-XXI centuries: the directions and trends, 7, 15. Yekaterinburg: Ural State Pedagogical University. Likhachev, D.S. (1968). The inner world of a piece of art. Issues of Literature, 8, 76 p. Lomonosov, M.V. (1952). A brief guide to eloquence. Complete set of works Moscow: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 7, 241 p. Lotman, Yu.M. (1988). School of the poetic word. Pushkin. Lermontov. Gogol. Moscow: Prosveshenie, 293 p. Mamardashvili, M.K., Pyatigirskiy, A.M., & Simvol, I. (Eds.). (1997). We should take into account that these philosophers use the concept “consciousness” without linking it with the artistic world. Consciousness. Metaphysical reasoning about consciousness, symbolism and language (pp. 67-85). Moscow: LRC Publishing House. Mikeshina, L.A. (2006). Philosophy of science: Epistemology. Methodology. Culture. Moscow: International University in Moscow Publishing House, 79 p. Neupokoeva, I.G. (1976). History of World Literature. Problems of systematic and comparative analysis. Moscow: Nauka, 359 p. Potebnya, A.A. (1905). Notes on the theory of literature. Kharkov:Pechatnoe Delo, 582 p. Tleuova, A.Z., Baltymova, M.R., Niyazova, G.M., Tektigul, Zh.O., & Toxanbayeva, T.Zh. (2016). The World of Fantasy and the Trends in Modern Kazakh Fantastic Literature. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(6), 1591-1605. Zamanskaya, V.V. (2002). Existential tradition in Russian literature of the twentieth century. Dialogues on the borders of the century: Textbook. Moscow: Flinta; Nauka, 17 p. |
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Criminal Liability for Illegal Actions Concerning Insider Information in the Republic of KazakhstanSholpan S. Togaibaeva, Amir I. Togaibaev, Talgat A. Khanov, Muratbay R. Sikhimbayev, & Gaukhar R. Rustemova
pp. 10197-10209 | Article Number: ijese.2016.731
Abstract The article considers the analysis of a crime under rule 230 of the Criminal code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (illegal actions in relation to insider information). The authors discuss the concept of insider information, the interpretation to the possibility of its misuse. A brief analysis of the object and the subject of insider information is provided, which serve securities, financial instruments, derivative financial instruments, and the approaches to their interpretation. A separate scientific classification of securities is given. The absence of a legislated list is emphasized. The content of the objective side is reviewed that lies in the restrictions on disposal and in the use of insider information. It is noted that insider information does not include information prepared on the basis of publicly available information or derived from media. The subject and the subjective side of the considered corpus delict are allocated. The article discusses the European Union's approach to the legal regulation of market abuses, the establishment of strict administrative and criminal liability for insider dealing and market manipulation. The laws of some foreign countries on the subject are studied and suggestions for the improvement of certain provisions of the law are made. Keywords: Criminal offences; economic relations; stock market; insider information; financial instruments References Agarkov, M. M. (1994). The doctrine about securities. Moscow: BEK Press. Annon. (1994a). The civil code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dated 27.04.2015. Direct access: http://adilet.zan.kz/eng/docs/K940001000_ Annon. (1994b). The civil code of the Russian Federation. With the changes made to Federal laws of 29 December, 2014. № 476 // FL of March 8, 2015 № 42 FL. – Moscow: Statut, 2015. 816 p. Direct access: http://www.wipo.int/edocs/lexdocs/laws/en/ru/ru083en.pdf Annon. (1997). 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Government Measures for Economic Support in the Conditions of a Floating Exchange Rate of the National Currency. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2227-2237 Minbaleev, A. V. (2011). The concept and features of insider information as a special type of restricted information. Ural Federal District bulletin: Security in the information sphere, 1, 18-21. Timofeev, Y. A. (2011). Responsibility for fraud with the use of insider information and market manipulation according to the legislation of foreign countries. Udmurt Sate University bulletin: Economy and Law, 3, 150-154. Tridmas, T. (1991). Insider Trading: Law Reform. International Comparative Law Quarterly, 40, 926. Vozhakin, T. A. (2015). Experience of legal regulation of insider information. Ural Federal District bulletin: Security in the information sphere, 2(16), 25-30. Vozhakin, T. A., & Minbaleev, A. V. (2015). The concept of insider information: foreign experience. Russia and Europe: culture and economy: Materials of XII international scientific-practical conference, 18-20. |
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Fundamental Studies of Strength Physics – Methodology of Longevity Prediction of Materials under Arbitrary Thermally and Forced EffectsMark G. Petrov
pp. 10211-10227 | Article Number: ijese.2016.732
Abstract Thermally activated analysis of experimental data allows considering about the structure features of each material. By modelling the structural heterogeneity of materials by means of rheological models, general and local plastic flows in metals and alloys can be described over. Based on physical fundamentals of failure and deformation of materials that are revealed by thermally activated analysis of simple test data, the methodology of longevity prediction of materials under arbitrary thermally and forced effects is considered. The methods of thermally activated analysis of strength tests results of duralumin and boron plastic are considered with regard to low temperature effects of failure. The correcting for the effective temperature that take account of these features, is been refined values of activated parameters of the process. Thermally activated analysis of experimental data should also take into account the quantum features of low-temperature fracture kinetics. In processing the experimental data, temperature correction is necessary to insert as it takes into account the low-temperature features of fracture, and in some cases changes the method of processing. It specifies the value of activation parameters of the process, which are used later in equations of physical warping and fracture kinetics under durability and longevity prediction of materials in constructions. Keywords: Physics of condensable state, rheology, thermally activated analysis, cryogenic temperatures, longevity of materials References Bulat, P. V., & Volkov, K. N. (2016). Detonation Jet Engine. Part 1 – Thermodynamic Cycle. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(12), 5009-5019. Caner, F. C., Bažant, Z. P. (2014). Impact comminution of solids due to local kinetic energy of high shear stress rate: II–Microplane model and verification. Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 64, 236-248. Golovin, S. A. (1980). 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Democracy in Kazakhstan: Historical Fiction or RealityNurlykhan B. Adilzhanov, Svetlana B. Kozhirova, & Rouben Azizian
pp. 10229-10240 | Article Number: ijese.2016.733
Abstract An important issue in the development of transitional societies at the present stage of historical development is the impact of "global democracy" system of government. Trends of such influence in the post-Soviet space, in particular, are becoming more tangible in the context of globalization and especially after the so-called "color revolutions" that took place in Georgia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and which, of course, led to violation of the existing social-political balance. The main problem that arises due to associated with the fact that global democracy is now replaced by the Americanization. On this basis there are no guarantees that the system of democratic values, which polarized American society, and could be a priority within the global community. Issues examined on the basis of the democratic potential of Kazakhstan. To ensure the democratization of the state governance system in Kazakhstan, it is expedient to establish clear rules of fairness, such as the creation by citizens, civil society, the exclusion of the state from the private sphere of interests, ensure the rule of law, civil initiatives and human rights. These are the main criteria by which developing Western civilization, and they may be adapted to the realities of the development of any type of society, especially Kazakh. Keywords: Global democratization; politics of Kazakhstan; modernization of the state; democratic society; the system of social values References Ahmetova, K. S. (2014). Collective appeals (petitions) and national law-making initiative in democracy system in Kazakhstan and Russia. Constitutional and municipal law, 6, 37-42. Belispaev, A. M. (2010). Power decentralization Institutes. Perm University bulletin, 3, 45-50, Jurisprudence Series. Bhuiyan, S. H. (2010). 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Problem of Determining the Chance (Casus) in Criminal LawRoman V. Veresha
pp. 10241-10252 | Article Number: ijese.2016.734
Abstract The article considers a concept of chance (casus) in criminal law and its main features. A definition of chance (casus) was analyzed as faultless causing of harm from a perspective of delimitation of the concept from carelessness in the form of criminal negligence. Particular attention is paid to the legislative definition of faultless causing of harm, which is found in criminal codes of foreign countries. Based on the study, the author has identified characteristic features of the chance (casus), which included: special form of mental attitude of a person to his deeds (the absence of such attitude), faultless causing of harm, absence of fault, objectively random effects, commission of acts that resulted in socially dangerous consequences by a person who has all the features of the perpetrator. The concept of chance (casus) in criminal law was determined and substantiated. A chance (casus) is faultless causing of harm by a person who has all the features of the perpetrator when committing an act that led to socially dangerous consequences when the person was not aware of and could not recognize socially dangerous consequences of his actions or did not foresee the possibility of socially dangerous consequences and circumstances and should not have or could not foresee them. As a result of research, the author proves the necessity of legislative regulation of chance (casus) in domestic criminal law, on the basis of which it is proposed to include Article 25-1 "Chance (casus)" in the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Keywords: Casus (chance), faultless causing of harm, criminal negligence, perpetrator, foresight of socially dangerous consequences References Adamjan, A. S. (2014). Historical and legal aspects of regulation of faultless causing of harm (casus) category in Ukraine. Customs affairs: scientific and analytical journal, 5(95), 110-115. Badar, Mohamed E. 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Subjects of the State within the Russian Federation: Constitutional and Legal FrameworkDmitriy Yu. Tumanov, Rinat R. Sakhapov
pp. 10265-10277 | Article Number: ijese.2016.736
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the modern problems of federalism in the Russian Federation. In particular, the article examines the main provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which regulate the legal status of subjects in the Russian Federation, their rights and responsibilities, limits of autonomy and differentiation principles of conducting and mutual delegation of powers between the Federal bodies and regional bodies of state power and administration. The study is based on methods, such as systematic, formal-logical, concrete-historical method of comparative legal analysis. The complexity of the provisions’ implementation of the Constitution of Russia is dictated by several factors, one of which is the feature of formation and development of government forms. In our state, there are a lot of subjects with their national and cultural characteristics and distinctive history, significantly distinguishing the current situation - economic, political, and legal – of some subjects from others. This work deals with the topic of the legal status of republics (States) in Russia from the point of view of their characteristics as a state, relying primarily on provisions of the Russian Constitution and the constitutions of several subjects in Russia. Keywords: Delegation of authority, democratic state, the Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Russian Constitution, a legal state References Andrichenko, L. V., & Yurtaeva, E. A. (2013). The constitutional foundations of the Russian federalism. Journal of Russian law, 6, 5-16. The Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan. (1992). dated 06.11.1992 (edited 22.06.2012). Direct asses: http://tatarstan.ru/file/Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan.pdf. 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Value Orientations of Future Teachers-ResearchersOlga B. Botalova, Seraphima V. Osipova, Nazymgul S. Asenova, Marzhan A. Kenenbaeva, Aizhan Y. Kuderina, Gulnar Zholtaeva, Farzana Boribekova, Nazym Zhanatbekova, Elena A. Vedilina, & Gulnaz Azanbekova
pp. 10279-10288 | Article Number: ijese.2016.737
Abstract Values are keystones of society; they can vary depending on the professional activity. Teacher’s values play an important role, since they directly affect the formation of knowledge of students. The paper presents the characteristics of one of the structural components of future teachers’ active scientific position - pedagogic values such as “goal”, “means”, “knowledge”, “attitude”, “quality”. These values serve as an internal regulator, a guide of future teachers’ behaviour, determine preference of aspirations and desires, and promote the transformation of the norms and ideals of personal beliefs and life principles. The methodological basis of the work consists of methods of analysis, synthesis and summarizes the experience of researchers, who have considered this problematic. A study of “World Declaration on Higher Education for the Twenty-First Century”, which was adopted in the course of an international conference under the auspices of UNESCO is of particular concern. Formation of competence and professionalism would be the consequence of inculcate of these values to future teachers. It will be easier to teacher to find a common language with the students; he/she will be able to increase their interest in science. Keywords: Value orientations, pedagogic values, future teacher, active scientific position, system of values References Alekseev V. G. (2013). Valuable orientations of the person and the problem of their formation. M. Banks J. A. (2015). Cultural diversity and education. Routledge. Beck C. M., Crittenden B. S. & Sullivan E. (2016). Moral education. University of Toronto Press. Cohen L., Manion L. & Morrison K. (2013). Research methods in education. Routledge. Greene J. P., Kisida B. & Bowen D. H. (2014). The educational value of field trips. Education Next, 14(1). Kodzhaspirova G. M., Kodzhaspirov A. Yu. (2013). Pedagogical vocabulary. M .: Publishing Center “Academy”. Nazarbayev N. A. (2006). To the knowledge-driven economy through innovation and education: Message of the President of Kazakhstan. Astana. Nikitina N. N., Kislinskaya N. V. (2004). Introduction to the teaching activity: Theory and Practice. Moscow: Publishing Center “Academy”, Pearce J. L., Huang L. (2012). The decreasing value of our research to management education. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 11(2), 247-262. Philosophical Dictionary. (1990). Edited by Frolov I. T. 4th ed. M.: Politizdat. Rubchevsky K. V. (2003). Socialization of the person: internalization and social adaptation. Social studies and modernity, (3), 147-151. Salamanca. (2001). Shaping our Own Future in the European Higher Education Area. Convention of European Higher Education Institutions. 29-30 march. Sallis E. (2014). Total quality management in education. Routledge. Sandri O. J. (2013). Exploring the role and value of creativity in education for sustainability. Environmental Education Research, 19(6), 765-778. Schunk D. H., Meece J. R. & Pintrich P. R. (2012). Motivation in education: Theory, research, and applications. Pearson Higher Ed. Shadrikov V. D. (2012). The problem of genesis of systems in professional activity. M.: Prosveshhenie. Slastenin V.A., Isaev I.F. (1997) Pedagogics: Lesson book for students of pedagogical institutions. Moscow: School-Press. Spring J. (2014). Globalization of education: An introduction. Routledge. Stepin V. S. (2007). Philosophy of Science M.: Gardariki. Valerian F. G., Elvira G. G. & Olga V. Y. (2016). The Use of Problem-Based Technologies in Multicultural Education of Future Teachers. IEJME-Mathematics Education,11(4), 755-766. |
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University Students’ Giftedness Diagnosis and DevelopmentLora M. Narikbayeva
pp. 10289-10300 | Article Number: ijese.2016.738
Abstract This article deals with the problem of students’ giftedness development. Students’ test results (n=851) for "IQ level" and "creativity level" indicators demonstrated the need to improve the quality of work in reference to students’ professional giftedness development at the university. Designed complex of pedagogical conditions involves students’ giftedness development on organizational-pedagogical, psycho-pedagogical and didactic levels. Results can be used in educational practice of higher educational institutions of any type as methodological recommendations in work organization with gifted students, as well as in specialists training. Keywords: Giftedness diagnosis, students’ technical training, IQ level, psycho-pedagogical training conditions, the Republic of Kazakhstan References Baas, D., Castelijns, J., Vermeulen, M., Martens, R., & Segers, M. (2015). The relation between Assessment for Learning and elementary students' cognitive and metacognitive strategy use. 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The concept of identification, development and support of gifted children in the Republic of Kazakhstan (1999). Methodology collection, 3, 3–24. Almaty: Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn". Tunick, E. E. (2013). The best tests on creativity. Diagnosis of creative thinking. St. Petersburg: "Peter" Publishing House. |
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The Expertise in Working with Pedagogically Neglected Adolescents on the Example of German UniversitiesKatherine N. Pylypyk
pp. 10301-10309 | Article Number: ijese.2016.739
Abstract The article deals with the attitudes of German scientists towards the levels and identification methods of pedagogical neglect. The experience of German scientists in self-development and skills’ development of academic staff to conduct relationship with pedagogically neglected adolescents was studied for the first time. The aim of the study is to present the expertise in working with pedagogically neglected adolescents at some German universities. There were provided examples of various methodologies in working with pedagogically neglected adolescents at various German universities. Recommendations for teachers and practitioners on working with pedagogically neglected adolescents were described. The article analyzes the experience and basic conditions of work with pedagogically neglected adolescents. The study used mainly theoretical and empirical methods: analysis, gathering facts and studying. This study allows asserting critical thinking formation in future teachers, as well as enriching experience on the work with pedagogically neglected students, as important aspects. Keywords: Pedagogical neglect; social protection of teenagers; neglection; critical thinking References Andruschenko, V. P., Zyazyun, I. A., Kremen, V. G. et al. (2003). Continuous vocational education: philosophy, pedagogical paradigms, forecast: Monograph. Kiev: Scientific opinion. Bastian, P., Diepholz, A. & Lindner, E. (2008). Frühe Hilfen und soziale Frühwarnsysteme. Reihe Soziale Praxis. Münster: Waxmann. Bathke, S. A. (2008). Arbeitshilfe zur Umsetzung des Kinderschutzes in der Schule. Münster: Beiträge zur Qualitätsentwicklung. Heft 9. Bathke, S. A. (2009). Kinderschutz in gemeinsamer Verantwortung von Jugendhilfe und Schule am Beispiel der Ausgestaltung von Kooperationsvereinbarungen. Münster: Institut für soziale Arbeit (Hrsg.): ISA-Jahrbuch. Böttcher, W., Bastian, P. & Lenzmann, V. (2008). Soziale Frühwarnsysteme: Evaluation des Modellprojekts in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Münster: Reihe Soziale Praxis. Cartledge, G., Tam, K. Y. & Loe, S. A. (2002). Culturally and linguistically diverse students with behavioral disorders. Arlington, Va.: Council for exceptional children. Deegener, G. & Körner, W. (2008). Kindesmisshandlung und Vernachlässigung. Göttingen: Ein Handbuch. Deegener, G. & Körner, W. (2009). Risikoerfassung bei Kindesmisshandlung und Vernachlässigung. Theorie, Praxis, Materialien. Hamburg: Lengerich. Deegener, G., Spangler, G., Körner, W. & Becker, N. (2009). Eltern-Belastungs-Screening zur Kindeswohlgefährdung. Göttingen: Manual. Dewe, B., Ferchhoff, W., Scherr, A. & Stüwe G. (2001). Professionelles soziales Handeln im Spannungsfeld von Theorie und Praxis. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa. Ellis, A. (1989). Training der Gefühle. Hamburg: Lengerich. Fegert, J. M., Ziegenhain, U. & Fangerau, H. (2010). Problematische Kinderschutzverläufe. Mediale Skandalisierung, fachliche Fehleranalyse und Strategien zur Verbesserung des Kinderschutzes. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa. Jordan, E. (2008). Kindeswohlgefährdung. Rechtliche Neuregelungen und Konsequenzen für den Schutzauftrag der Kinder und Jugendhilfe. Weinheim und München: Auflage. Kraft, A. (1978). Neue Wege wagen. München: Monsenstein und Vannerdat. Leeb, R. T., Paulozzi, L., Melanson, C., Simon, T. & Arias I. (2009). Child Maltreatment Surveillance. Uniform Definitions for Public Health and Recommended Data Elements. Atlanta (GA): Center for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Lillig, S., Blüml, H., Meysen, Th., & Werner, A. Handbuch (2007). Kindeswohlgefährdung nach § 1666 BGB und Allgemeiner Sozialer Dienst (ASD). Retrived from: http://db.dji.de/asd/ASD_Inhalt.htm. Münder, J. (2007). Vereinbarungen zur Sicherstellung des Kinderschutzes nach. In Ergebnisse einer Dokumentenanalyse, edited by J. Münder & A. Smessaert. Münster: ISA-Jahrbuch zur Sozialen Arbeit. Nüsken, D. (2009). Regionale Disparitäten in der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe. Eine empirische Untersuchung zu den Hilfen zur Erziehung. Münster: Reihe Soziale Praxis. |
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Bulgar Factories (Trading Posts) in the Kama River Area as a Factor of Adjustment to FeudalismNatalia B. Krylasova, Andrei M. Belavin, & Yulia A. Podosenova
pp. 10311-10320 | Article Number: ijese.2016.740
Abstract At the start of the 2nd ML AD a number of trading posts, or factories, emerged in the Cis-Ural region with participation of Bulgar handicraftsmen and merchants. They were townships populated by various ethnic groups. Several centuries later similar factories were set up by natives of the Cis-Ural region in Western Siberia. These factories have become major industrial and economic centers, where the multinational population was dominating. These factories increased the exchange of cultures among different nations. The article discusses the influence of the Bulgar merchants on trade, culture and town planning. In order to achieve this goal, the principle of historicism was used and experience of domestic and foreign scientists was generalized, allowing objectively consider the role of the Bulgar trade and craft factories and their influence on the feudal system. The results of the study consider the reasons for trading posts foundation; also analyze how the geographical area affected on the appearance of factories. Trade and craft factories were large commercial and educational centers at their height. Their decline was influenced by medieval diseases and conquest of Turkic tribes. This work may be a theoretical source for social researches in the era of feudalism. Keywords: Trade, factories (trading posts), handicraft centers, Volga Bulgaria, Cis-Ural Region References Belavin, A.M. (2002). The Kama trade route: the medieval Cis-Ural region in its economic and ethnic-cultural ties. Perm: Perm State Pedagogical University. Belavin, A.M., Ivanov, V.A. & Krylasova N.B. (2009). The Ugric people of the Cis-Ural region in antiquity and in the Middle Ages. Ufa: Bashkir State Pedagogical University publishing. Friedman, J. B. & Figg K. M. (2013). Trade, travel, and exploration in the Middle Ages. London: Routledge. Gubanov, I.B. (2003). Ethnic culture of Scandinavia of the Viking epoch: thesis of a Doctor of Historical Sciences. PhD dissertation. St. Petersburg. Gunko., A.A. (2008). The investigation of copper mines of the 17th-19th centuries in Tatarstan. Peshchery. Perm: Perm State Pedagogical University. Halim, H., Yusoff, K. & Ghazalli, A. J. (2013). Relations between volga bulgaria and baghdad. International Business Management, 7(1). 21-30. Kazimov K. Sh., Novruzov R. M. & Veliyevab, Z. A. (2016). The Journey of Nikolaj Tikhonov along the Caucasus and the Representation of its Customs and Traditions in his Works. IEJME Mathematics Education., 11(6), 1557-1562. Lebedev, G.S. (2005). The epoch of Vikings in northern Europe and in Rus. St. Petersburg: Eurasia. Northrup, C. C. et al. (2015). Encyclopedia of World Trade: From Ancient Times to the Present. London: Routledge. Pirenne, H. (1937). Medieval cities of Belgium. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Podosenova, Yu.A. (2005). On some special aspects of the construction and ways of making temple rings with a pear-shaped charm in the Upper Kama region. Komi-Permyaks and the Finn-Ugric world. Proceedings of the international research to practice conference. Kudymkar. Komi-Permyak Department of Social Science of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Science. Pounds, N. J. G. (2014). An economic history of medieval Europe. London: Routledge. Rostovtsev, M.I. (1989). The state, religion and culture of Scythians and Sarmatians. Journal of ancient history, 11, 203. Sehoknecht, U. M. (1977). Ein frugeschichtnicher Handelsplatz an der Peene. Schwerin und Neubrandenburg, Berlin. Shpakovsky, V. & Nicolle D. (2013) Armies of the Volga Bulgars & Khanate of Kazan: 9th-16th centuries. Oxford: Osprey Publishing. Stenberger, M. (1977) Vorgeschichte Schwedens. Neumuster. Tizengauzen, V.G. (1884). Source book of materials on the history of the Golden Horde. St. Petersburg: Typography of Imperial Academy of Sciences. Tolochko, P.P. (1989). On the trade and handicraft way of establishment of Old Russian cities. History and Culture of an Old Russian city. Moscow: Moscow State University publisher. |
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Psychotherapeutic Function of the Kazakh Traditional MusicZere S. Shakerimova, Aizada S. Nussupova, Maryam N. Burambaeva, Zhanat R. Yermanov, Akmaral E. Emreyeva, & Sveta S. Janseitova
pp. 10321-10335 | Article Number: ijese.2016.741
Abstract This article considers the psychotherapeutic parameters of traditional Kazakh music, best practices that were achieved in practical psychology. From the one hand, it allows us to see the music features in a new light, and from the other hand - to identify the ethnic psychology of the Kazakh nation. An important step in the study of the psychotherapeutic nature of the Kazakh traditional music was the analysis of shamans’ syncretic ritual actions. We considered akyn and shaman’s activities as a creative comprehension of the world, which records and reflects the reality, as well as bears creative, form-building beginning, developing and reflecting the variability of culture and the reality mediated by it. We relate to it a healing art that includes psychotechniques of hypnosis, techniques of trance, assumed by baqsy and society as an interaction with spirits. It was found out that musical relaxation had not just an emotional but an intellectual nature. In addition to aesthetic needs, ritual shamanic music ensured a sense of peace, helped to cope with pain and raised above the level of everyday life to the higher spheres. Keywords: Psychotherapeutic method; national music; shamanistic ritual; ethnos; kui music References Al-Farabi, (1993). The big book of music. Treatises about music and poetry. Almaty: Qylym, Aristotle. (1976). Metaphysics. Collection of works. Ayazbekova, S. Sh. (2011). Ethnic world picture: Korkut ata and philosophy of Kazakh music. Astana: AST polygraph. Aytuarova, A. T. (2013). On the ethno-psychological parameters of studying Kazakh music. Almaty. Belukhin, D.А. (1992). Psychotherapeutic focus of activity. Moscow: Psychological-and-Social Institute Berger, L. H. (1989). The sound and music in the context of modern science and ancient cosmic beliefs. Tbilisi: Publishing house of Tbilisi University. Berry, B. L. (2012). Helio-geophysical and other processes, their oscillation periods and forecasts. Geophysical processes and biosphere, 9(4), 21-66. Elkаn, А.Р. (2012). Totemism in N.W. Australia. Oceania. Grof, S. (2013). Beyond the brain. New York: Stuny Press. Hills, P. & Argyle, M. (2001). The Oxford Happiness Project. School of Psychology. Oxford Brookes University. Hoppal, M. (2001). Cosmic Symbolism in Siberian Shamanhoo. Shamanhood Symbolism and Epic. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado. Kircher, A. (1673). Phonurgia nova. Nordlingen. Losev, А. F. (2000). History of antique aesthetics. Aristotle and later classics. Мoscow: Art. Merritt, D. J. (2016). Hippocrates and Socrates: Professional Obligations to Educate the Next Generation. Ohio State Public Law Working Paper. Petrushin, V. (2012). Music therapy. Theory and practice. Мoscow: Vlados. Plato. (1971). Works. Plato’s teachings about the state and laws. Мoscow: Thought. Rushel, B. (2014). Great healing book. Moscow: Vedy. Semenov, А.А. (1972). Central Asian treatise on the music of Dervish Ali (ХVII). Tashkent. Solanki, M. S., Zafar, M. & Rastogi, R. (2013). Music as a therapy: role in psychiatry. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 6(3), 193-199. Toropova, A. V., Gadzhieva, Z. Sh., & Malukhova, F. V. (2016). Musicality: A Phenomenon of Nature, Culture, and Identity. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(5), 1373-1382 Vygotsky, L. S. (1992). Psychology of art. Мoscow: Pedagogy. |
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The Significance of Learning Nicknames of Public Figures in Modern English and American Language Models of the WorldAlmira K. Garayeva, Ildar G. Akhmetzyanov & Lutsia G. Khismatullina
pp. 10337-10345 | Article Number: ijese.2016.745
Abstract The importance of the topic of this study is determined by several factors: increased interest of linguists to the problem of interaction between language and culture; the need to study the onomastic units as body language. The purpose of this article is to identify the types of motivational nick names of famous American and English public figures, describing their positive and negative connotations. The leading approach to the study of this problem is multidisciplinary, which requires the use of such sciences as sociology, psychology, cultural studies, ethnography, etc. This article presents the findings of linguistic and cultural research aimed at identifying the semantic features of public nicknames as the key characters in the conceptual spheres of contemporary British and American societies. The materials of this paper may be useful in studying linguocultural language aspects, as well as for contemporary public debates about the place of nicknames in the English language. Keywords: Linguistic model of the world, onomastics, semantics, nickname, public figures References Boersema, D. (2002). Peirce on Names and Reference. Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, vol. XXXVIII, 3, 351-362. Busse, Th.V. (1983). Nicknames Usage in an American High School. Names, 31(4), 300-307. Cassidy, F.G (1993). Note on Names and Censors. Names, 41(4), 262-266. Charles & Lucille Hoerr. (1951). Drama in First-naming Ceremonies. Journal of American Folklore 64, 11-35. Chichagov, V.K. (2009). Iz isrotii russkyx imen, otchestv i familii. Moscow: Uchpedgiz, 127 p. Di Leo, J.R. (1997). C.S. Peirce's Theory of Proper Names. Studies in the Logic of Charles S. Peirce, ed. N. Houser, D. Roberts and J. Van Evra. Indianapolis and Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 672 p. Elsdon, S. (1967). Treasury of Name Lore. New York: Harper & Row, 246 p. Feldman, H. (1959). The Problem of Personal Names as a Universal Element in Culture. American Imago, 16, 237-250. Fomenko O. (2003). Neofizialnye imena sobstvennie v sovremennom americanskom angliyskom yazike: PhD Thesis. Krasnodar, 196 p. Fox, K. (2004) Watching the English. The Hidden Rules of English Behaviour. London: Hobber and Stoughton, 424 p. Frank, R. (1980). Real Men. Excerpted in Esquire, 93, 38-44. Grigoryeva, E.V., Zakirova, R.M., Solovyeva, G.V., Balashova, L.S., Garayeva, A.K. & Usmanov, T.R. (2015). Features of Selecting and Structuring Foreign Language Teaching Content in Terms of Internattional Component. Asian Social Science, 11(1), 380-385. Jackson, B. (1967). Prison Nicknames. Western Folklore, 2, 48-54. Karaulov, J.N. (2004). Russkiy yazik I yazikovya lichnost. Moscow: Editorial URSS, 264 p. Klerk, V. & Bosh, B. (2000). Nicknames as Sex-Role Stereotypes. Women and Language, 23, 32-47. Kripke, S. (1980). Naming and Necessity. Oxford: B. Blackwell, 184 p. Lange, K. (2011). Perspectives on Intercultural Competence. A Textbook Analysis and an Empirical Study of Teacher’s and Students’ Attitudes: Master’s Thesis. Berlin: Freie Universitat, 126 p. Leonovich, O.A. (2007). Kratkiy slovar angliiskyx prozvisch. Moscow: Higher School, 183 p. Leslie, P.L. & Skipper, J.K. (1990) Toward a Theory of Nicknames: A Case for Socio-Onomastics. Names, 38(4), 273-283. Leveridge, A.N. (2008). The Relationship Between Language and Culture and the Implications for Language Teaching. Direct access: http://edition.teft.net. Levina, E.Y., Kamasheva, Y.L., Gazizova, F.S., Garayeva, A.K., Salpykova, J.M., Yusupova, G.F., Kuzmin, N.V. (2015). A Process Approach to Management of an Educational Organization. Review of European Studies, 7(4), 234-240. Maddalena, G. (2004). Peirce and Cantor on Metaphisical Realism. Semiotiche, 2, 137-149. Mehrabian, A. & Piercy, M. (1993). Differences in Positive and Negative Connotations of Nicknames and Given Names. Journal of Psychology, October 1, 156-168. Morgan, J., O'Neill, C. & Harre, R. (1979). Nicknames: Their Origins and Social Consequences. London: Routledge, 153 p. Plank, R. (1964). Names of Twins. Names, 12, 1-5. Skipper, J.K. (1990) Place names Used as Nicknames: A study of Major League Baseball Players. Names, 38(2), 1-20. Tsepkova, A.V. (2011). .Natsionalno-kulturnaya specifika prozvich: PhD Thesis. Novosibirsk, 209 p. |
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Formation of Network Model of Value Added Chain Based on Integration of Competitive Enterprises in Innovation-Oriented Cross-Sectorial ClustersAlexey I. Shinkevich, Tatiana V. Malysheva, Elina N. Ryabinina, Natalya V. Morozova, Galina N. Sokolova, Inessa A. Vasileva & Izida I. Ishmuradova
pp. 10347-10364 | Article Number: ijese.2016.746
Abstract The relevance of the research problem is conditioned by the fact that currently in the global economy the strengthening of integration processes, increasing of inter-sectorial cooperation and the internationalization of economic processes are observed. Relevant and promising in this case is the formation of the network model of value added chains’ creation based on the integration of competitive enterprises in innovation-oriented cross-sectorial clusters. The purpose of the paper is to develop model of competitive enterprises’ integration in innovation-oriented inter-industry clusters, the formation of the algorithm for cluster’s building and its capacity and activity strengthening, competitive enterprises’ bringing on the level of innovative development. Leading method to the study of this problem is the method of building a spatial network model that allows realizing of economic entities’ integration of different categories and types of activities in a generic inter-sectorial competitive cluster. To assess the effectiveness of the value chain creation the use analysis method is assumed based on value added, which allows to diagnose groups of competitive and non-competitive producers, to identify resource and innovative potential with further construction of development strategies. The research materials can be used in managing by the development of economic regional and cross-industry systems, clustering of the economy, as well as to assess the level of competitiveness of enterprises, the construction of strategies of innovation development. Keywords: Competitiveness, cluster, value added, production efficiency, innovative development References Alexey I. Shinkevich, Angelika A. Farrakhova, Marina V. Shinkevich, Adeliya V. Pavlova, Mikhail G. Vyukov (2016). Integrated Management of Flows in Petroleum Products Supply Chains in the Field of Hydrocarbons Deep Processing. International Review of Management and Marketing, VOL 6, NO 2, 523-528. Alexey I. Shinkevich, Alsu A. Lubnina, Alexey G. Koryakov, Vladimir G. Mikhailov, Ekaterina L. Vodolazhskaya (2016). Economic Aspects of Risk Management of Stakeholders Activities. INTERNATIONAL International Review of Management and Marketing. Vol. 6, NO 2, 328-332. Farida F. Galimulina, Alexey I. Shinkevich, Irina P. Komissarova, Albina N. Mayorova, Irina A. Astafyeva, Natalia V. Klimova, Karina R. Nabiullina, Irina V. Zhukovskaya (2016). Technology Platforms as an Efficient Tool to Modernize Russia’s Economy. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, Vol. 6 (1), р. 163-168. Federal service of state statistics (2016). Science and innovation in the Republic of Tatarstan. Kazan: The statistical compilation. 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Monotonic Derivative Correction for Calculation of Supersonic FlowsPavel V. Bulat & Konstantin N. Volkov
pp. 10365-10374 | Article Number: ijese.2016.747
Abstract Aim of the study. This study examines numerical methods for solving the problems in gas dynamics, which are based on an exact or approximate solution to the problem of breakdown of an arbitrary discontinuity (the Riemann problem). Results. Comparative analysis of finite difference schemes for the Euler equations integration is conducted on the basis of an exact or approximate solution to the problem of an arbitrary discontinuity breakdown. An approach to the numerical solution of the Euler equations governing inviscid compressible gas flow is developed on the basis of the finite volume method and finite difference schemes for flow calculation of various degrees of accuracy. Calculation results show that monotonic derivative correction provides numerical solution uniformity in the breakdown neighborhood. On one hand, it prevents the formation of new extremum points, thereby providing monotonicity, but on the other hand, it causes smoothing of existing minimums and maximums and accuracy loss. Conclusions. The developed numerical calculation method makes it possible to perform high-accuracy calculations of flows with strong non-stationary shock and detonation waves and no non-physical solution oscillations on the shock wave front. Keywords: Computational fluid dynamics, finite volume method, Riemann problem, finite difference scheme, laval nozzle References Bulat, P & Bulat, M. (2015). Definition of the Existence Region of the Solution to the problem of an Arbitrary Gas-dynamic Discontinuity Breakdown at Interaction of Flat Supersonic Jets with Formation of Two Outgoing Compression Shocks. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 9(1), 65–70. Bulat, P & Chernyshov, M (2016). Existence Regions of Shock Wave Triple Configurations. 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Practical Recommendations on Students’ Tolerant Behavior Formation in UniversitiesRuslan A. Kutuev, Marina G. Katicheva, Ilya M. Rassolov, Farida V. Derdizova, Olga G. Yevgrafova & Igor V. Kozhanov
pp. 10365-10376 | Article Number: ijese.2016.748
Abstract The relevance of the study is conditioned by the development of civil society and legal state, which are characterized by the observance of and respect for the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, a recognition of individual freedom and the values of each person. The purpose of this article is to develop practical recommendations on formation of students’ tolerant behavior in universities. The leading approach of the study is existential approach which allows to consider process of formation of tolerant behavior as personal development, who is conscious of the uniqueness of each person, understands the meaning of free choice and responsibility, recognizes the objectivity of the relationship with other people who searches for life values and understands the meaning of his or her own life. The study involved 400 teachers, 500 students, which revealed the criteria of tolerant behavior. Main results of the research consist in the characterization of tolerant behavior as a systemic integrity of qualities and abilities of the person providing the formation of orientation on the assimilation and implementation of social norm of mutual understanding and constructive cooperation with other people and formation of readiness to recognition, sustainability and conscious actions on the basis of consent and social partnership; identifying of situational-discrete and permanent-prolonged forms of education of students’ tolerant behavior, providing real assistance in specific problem situations and continuous support during the whole study at the University. The significance of the results obtained is that the compiled characteristics of tolerant behavior allows to allocate in its structure the subjectivity characterizing the person's ability to interact with others, constructive actions in the border situations and responsibility for their own choice; sociality, manifested in the models of social and steady behavior; being educated, which provides the process of purposeful influence on the person to form the active-effective state of acceptance of other people, and himself. The identified forms in upbringing of tolerant behavior contribute to the formation of focus on the model of tolerant behavior, determined by legal and social norms; effective social and professional interaction taking into account ethno-cultural and confessional differences. Keywords: Tolerant behavior, cooperation with others, readiness to sustainability References Abdurazakova, D.M. (2009). 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Philosophical Aspects of Global Environmental IssuesTatyana V. Lazutina & Vladimir N. Baksheev
pp. 10375-10385 | Article Number: ijese.2016.749
Abstract The relevance of this paper is determined by understanding of global environmental problems in the context of social ecology. The purpose of this paper is the analysis of main modern environmental global problems created by the equipment representing a public and social basis for the practical transformation of public relations and also the development of ways out of the crisis in culture. The principal approach to a research of this problem is the system approach allowing considering global environmental problems as a system object, and also an axiological approach, applied to the social ecology that promotes understanding of valuable components of relations in the system “person-equipment” and leads to understanding of the personality as a supreme value of culture. It is established that among global environmental problems the special value belongs to problems functioning at the “science-nature” level where the person creating techno-knowledge is a peculiar intermediary between these worlds that allows performing the forecasting of rates of instrument improvement. It leads in turn to the effective application of high technologies and implementation of resource-saving technologies, promoting progressive development of humanity. Materials of this paper can be useful to understanding of the nature of environmental global problems, and as well as development of the way out strategy in the situation of the ecological crisis in a modern civilization. Keywords: Philosophical aspects; environmental issues; public and social basis; axiological approach; person-equipment; science-nature; social ecology References Aplin, G. (2007). World Heritage cultural landscapes. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 13(6), 427–446. Bahtin, M.M. (2000) Avtor i geroj. K filosofskim osnovam gumanitarnyh nauk. StPetersburg, Azbuka, 362 p. Bakhtin, M.M. (1988). Estetika slovesnogo tvorchestva. Moskow: Iskusstvo, 462 p. Brudnyy, A.A. (1998). Psikhologicheskaya germenevtika. Moscow: Znaniye, 305 p. Derrida, J. (1967). Of Grammatology. Paris: Edition de Minuit, 315 p. Dilthey, W. (2010). Hermeneutics and the Study of History. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 290 p. Gaisina, L.M., Mikhaylovskaya, I.M., Khairullina, N.G., Ustinova, O.V. & Shakirova, E.V. (2015). The role of the media in the spiritual and moral evolution of society. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(5), 93–101. Golichenkov, A.K., Ispolinov, A.S. & Kadysheva, O.V. (2014). The WTO, ecology, and Russia: The time to make decisions. Russian Journal of Ecology, 45(5), 333–337. Huang, J. (2011). Swiss architecture education essays: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne (EPFL). Architecture and Urbanism, 484(1), 152–153. Ingarden, R. & McCormick, P.J. (1985). Selected works in the aesthetics. Munich: Philosophia Verlag, 362 p. Ivanter, E.V. & Kurhinen, J.P. (2015). Effect of anthropogenic transformation of forest landscapes on populations of small insectivores in eastern Fennoscandia. Russian Journal of Ecology, 46(3), 252–259. Karsavin, L.P. (1991). Gosudarstvo i krizis demokratii. Novyy mir, 1, 189-199. Keenan, R.J. (2015). Climate change impacts and adaptation in forest management: A review. Annals of Forest Science, 72(2), 145–167. Lazutina, T.V. & Lazutin, N.K. (2015). The Language of Music as a Specific Semiotic Structure. Canada. Asian Social Science, 11(7), 201-207. Lazutina, T.V., & Lazutin, N.K. (2016). The polyfunctionality of design language in the education system of the design-student. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 11(10), 3412–3422. Leontyev, A.N. (2005). Deyatelnost. Soznaniye. Lichnost. Moskva: Smysl, 264 p. Leontyev, D.A. (2007). Psikhologiya smysla: priroda. stroyeniye i dinamika smyslovoy realnosti. Moscow: Smysl, 363 p. Lotman, Yu.M. (2010). Semiosfera. Sankt-Peterburg: Iskusstvo-SPb, 456 p. Mel'nikova, O.N., & Pokazeev, K.V. (2014). Viscous drift current on the slopes of wind waves at the onset of acceleration. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 78(12), 1290–1294. Moiseenko, T.I. (2011). Stability of aquatic ecosystems and their variation under conditions of toxic pollution. Russian Journal of Ecology, 42(6), 485–492. Ozerskii, P.V. & Shchekanov, E.V. (2011). On generators of wing beating rate during flight and sound production in some insect species. Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology, 47(3), 299–301. Piaget, J. (1953). The Origins of Intelligence in Children. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 363 p. Tansley, A. (1935). Correct and misuse of botanical terms. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 327 p. Vygotskiy, L.S. (2012). Myshleniye i rech. Moscow: Labirint, 277 p. Zakirova, A.F. (2006). Pedagogicheskaya germenevtika. Moscow: Izdatelskiy dom Shalvy Amonashvil, 373 p. Zolotareva, N.V. & Podgaevskaya, E.N. (2012). Current state of mountain steppes in Sverdlovsk Oblast. Russian Journal of Ecology, 43(5), 358–366.
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Innovations in Hospitality IndustryElena A. Dzhandzhugazova, Ekaterina A. Blinova, Liubov N. Orlova & Marianna M. Romanova
pp. 10387-10400 | Article Number: ijese.2016.750
Abstract The article focuses on the study of the role and importance of innovation, its classification, the problems of its application in the hotel industry with emphasis on the application of sensory marketing tools in the development of the innovative marketing mix within the hospitality industry. The article provides an analysis of the "seven sensual notes of hospitality", i.e. "sight", "hearing", "smell", "taste", "touch", "intuition", "impression". The authors rely on the "sensual notes" in their consideration of an innovative hotel marketing mix, generalize and systematize the results of studies, practical examples from the experience of the world best hotels. The authors have conducted a comparative analysis of research findings pinpointing the impact of the innovative marketing mix on the performance of hospitality industry enterprises. Keywords: Hotel industry, hospitality, innovation, innovative hotel marketing mix, sensory marketing References Ambler, T. (1999). Practical marketing. St.Petersburg, Peter Publisher, 375 p. Aromamarketing. (2016). Direct access: http://aromamarketing.ru/aromarketing.html Aromaco. (2016). Manage emotions: http://aromaco.kz/ritz-carlton Aromagroup. (2016). Sensory branding. Statistics: http://www.ekbpromo.ru/ckfinder/userfiles/files/6aromagroup.pdf Best Hotels of the World. (2008) Moscow: EKSMO, 1073 p. Blinovа, E.A. (2007). Client-oriented strategies of Russian companies receiving incoming tourists from PRC. Moscow: Russian Academy of Economics, 286 p. Bulgarihotels. (2016). Direct access: http://www.bulgarihotels.com Dzhandzhugazova, E.A., Zaitseva, N.A., Larionova, A.A., Pervunin, S.N. (2015). The russian hotel market: Condition and development under the crisis. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 3, 289-296. Dzhandzhugazova, Е.A. (2013). Particularities of Creation and Promotion of New Ideas in Social Network Space. World Applied Sciences Journal, 1, 79-84. Dzhandzhugazova, E. A. (2013). New Forms and Possibilities for Promotion of Russian National Parks in the Internet Environment. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 16 (9), 1238-1244. Dzhandzhugazova, E.A. (2005). Marketing in the hospitality industry. Moscow, Academia Publishing House, 363 p. Dzhandzhugazova, E.A. (2015). Innovative marketing mix of hotels: Seven sensual notes of hospitality. Russian Regions: looking into the future, 3, 17–27. Dzhandzhugazova, E.A., Ilina, E.L., Latkin, A.N., Kosheleva, A.I. (2016). Development of creative potential of cinema tourism. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11, 4015-4024. Zaitseva, N.A. (2013). Management in service industry: tourism and hospitality. Moscow, Academia Publishing House, 288р. Ilyenkova, S.D. , Kuznetsov, V.I. (2009). Innovation Management. Moscow, Eurasian Open Institute, 183р. Joseph, B., II Pine and Gilmore J. H. (1999). The Experience Economy: Work Is Theatre and Every Business a Stage. Hardcover, 304p. Mobile Marketer. (2016). Alex Samuely, How mobile will transform hotel front desks next year: http://www.mobilemarketer.com/cms/sectors/travel/21943.html Orlova, L.N. (2016). Underlying principles and approaches to the management of sustainable innovation development of economic systems. Management in Russia and abroad, 3, 3-9. Orlova, L.N. (2014). Mechanisms to ensure sustainable innovative development of economic systems. Yaroslavl: Avers-plus LLC, 111p. Orekhov, S.A. (2014). The essence of latent competitive potential within entrepreneurial structures and the criteria of its detection. Innovations in science, 30-2, 39–45p. Frontdesk (2013). Article: http://www.frontdesk.ru/article/obzor-pyati-samyh-ekologichnyh-oteley-mira Prohotelia. (2016) Direct access: http://prohotelia.com.ua/2015/03/tripbarometer-2015 Radio-mall. (2016). Direct access: http://radio-mall.ru/research/ Romanova, M.M, & Chernova, A.A. (2015).Tendencies and features of innovation in services. Economy and Entrepreneurship, 3, 856–860. Schumpeter J.A. (2007). Theory of Economic Development. Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy. Moscow, EKSMO, 264 p. |
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Pedagogical Conditions of Interethnic Relations Correction in Educational EnvironmentLyutsia A. Shibankova, Natalia V. Dolganovskaya, Alfiya M. Ishmuradova, Elena S. Matveeva, Tatiana Vlasova & Alexey A. Chistyakov
pp. 10401-10412 | Article Number: ijese.2016.751
Abstract The research urgency is conditioned by the strengthening of the role of educational institutions in the process of interaction between representatives of different cultures and religions, by the creation of favorable socio-psychological climate. Within the study of the educational environment, the authors identify its properties, conditioning the warning of students to be involved in radical and extremist activities. The authors conducted a sociological study of the level of students’ ethnic tolerance (Kazan, Russia). The results of the study identify the need for correction of inter-ethnic relations that reduce their tension. The authors developed four levels of pedagogical conditions for correction of interethnic relations in educational environment (conceptual, contextual, technological, cadre). The paper is intended for researchers, teachers, psychologists, sociologists, dealing with the problems of preventive measures against ideology of extremism and for security in an educational environment. Keywords: Security educational environment, inter-ethnic relations, correction, pedagogical conditions References Lyutsia A. Shibankova - holds a PhD in science education, Senior Researcher, Federal State Scientific Establishment Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Problems, Kazan, Russia. Natalia V. Dolganovskaya - Lecturer of the Institute of Philology, Journalism and International Communication, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia. Alfiya M. Ishmuradova – PhD, Associate Professor in Education of the Department of Foreign Languages, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia. Elena S. Matveeva – PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship in Construction, Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Kazan, Russia. Tatiana Vlasova – Doctor of Education, Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Professional Education at Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia. Alexey A. Chistyakov – Doctor of Law, Professor at the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, People's Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia. References Afanaseva, A.B. (2009). Ethnocultural education in Russia: theory, history, conceptual foundations. St. Petersburg: University school district of St. Petersburg, 186 p. Asmolov, A.G. (2013). The strategy and methodology of sociocultural modernization of education. Moscow: The Federal Institute of Education Development, 73 p. Basargin, V.F. (2011). On measures for harmonization of interethnic relations and create conditions for ethnic and cultural development of the peoples of Russia. Questions of local government, 4, 90-93. Bashmakova, N.I. & Ryzhova N.I. (2014). Policultural educational environment: genesis and concept definition. Modern problems of science and education. Direct access: http://www.science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=12635 Bedzhanov, M.B. (2013). Ethnic Education and Ethnic Relations. Bulletin Adygei State University, 1, 15-119. Belikov, W.A. (2004). Philosophy of education personality: activity aspect. Moscow: Vlados, 357 p. Borgoyakov, S.A. (2016). Ethno-cultural (national) education in the Russian Federation. Ufa: publishing house of Bashkir state pedagogical University, 192 p. Doronin, S.P., Shibankova, L.A. & Gruskova, S.Y. (2015). Problem of readiness of the teacher to ensure the safety of the multicultural educational environment. Kazan Pedagogical Journal, (6), 61-65. Gabysheva, F.V. (2015). 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Kazan: Kazan Federal University, 150-158. Kunz, E.V. (2012). To a question on public danger of the crimes committed on the basis of ethnic conflict. Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk state University, 1, 71-74. Kupriyanov, B.W. (2001). Modern approaches to determination of essence of category "pedagogical conditions". Bulletin of Kostroma state University, 2, 101-104. Kusarbaev, R.I. (2012). Interethnic accord and harmonization of interethnic relations in the educational policy of the Russian Federation. Alma mater: Bulletin of high school, 8, 92-96. Lisenko, A.W. (2005). Psycho-pedagogical conditions of formation of professional value orientations of future music teacher. PhD Thesis. Maykop: Adygei state University, 203 p. Lysenko, I.S. (2011). Managing interethnic and international relations. Socio-philosophical analysis. Prospects of science, 21, 88-91. Markova, N.G. (2010). Formation of international relations students of culture in a multicultural educational environment of high school. PhD Thesis. Kazan: Tatar State University of Humanities and Education, 553 p. Mukhametzyanova, F.Sh. & Shaikhutdinova G.A. (2015). Planning of educational institutions on prevention of youth involvement in extremist organizations. Kazan Pedagogical Journal, 6, 48-51. Shibankova, L.A. & Gruskova, S.Y. (2015). Formation of tolerance and civic identity as a condition for the security of students in a multicultural educational environment. Journal of safety, 3(25), 81-86. Shibankova, L.A. (2015). The readiness of teachers to formation of culture of interethnic communication in the modern polycultural educational environment: problems, possible ways of their solution. Forms and methods of counteraction to distribution of ideology of extremism and terrorism among young people. the role and tasks of educational organizations: Proceedings of scientific works of the International scientific-practical conference. Moscow: The Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, 130-158. Shibankova, L.A. (2016). Concepts correction system of interethnic relations in educational environment. In F.Sh. Mukhametzyanova (Eds.). Modern professional education: problems, forecasts, solutions: Proceedings of scientific works of the International scientific-practical conference. Kazan: Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Problems, 188-195. Sverchkov, A.V. (2009). Organizational-pedagogical conditions of forming of professional-pedagogical culture of the future sports teachers. Young scientist, 4, 279-282. Tinkuev, M.N. (2012). The formation and regulation of inter-ethnic relations : the example of the Republic of Dagestan: PhD Thesis. Moscow: Russian Academy of national economy and state service under the President of the Russian Federation, 179 p. |
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Identity as an Element of Human and Language Universes: Axiological AspectMarina R. Zheltukhina, Larisa G. Vikulova, Evgenia F. Serebrennikova, Svetlana A. Gerasimova & Liudmila A. Borbotko
pp. 10413-10422 | Article Number: ijese.2016.753
Abstract Interest to axiosphere as the sphere of values and its correlation with the ever-progressive noosphere as sphere of knowledge of a person is due to comprehension of the modern period in the evolution of society. The aim of the article is to describe an axiological aspect of the research of identity as an element of human and language universes. The material of research is made by the term identity and the ways of its representation in Russian and French (nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives). For achievement of a goal of research, we use the cognitive, discursive and semantic approaches to the studying of the axiological aspect of the identity. The article deals with the modern linguistic axiological analysis and offers a detailed account of ‘ethnosemimetry’ as one of its possible implementations. The work specifies the principles and contexts of the method employment and features an axiological analysis of the lexeme “identity’ in the French and Russian languages. The term identity is in the spotlight of the modern anthropocentric vector of research. It is recommended that interdisciplinary development of research of identity should include complex methods of analysis of the identity as an element of human and language universes. Keywords: Identity, human and language universes, linguistic axiological analysis, ethnosemimetry References Augé, M. (1992). Non-Lieux: Introduction à une anthropologie de la surmodernité. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 158 p. Barreto, A. (2004). Exclusions et maladies d'âme. Paris: Éditions UNESCO, 545 p. Charaudeau, P. (2002). Identité. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 385 p. Dictionary of Foreign Words. (1988). Мoscow: The Russian Language, 608 p. Dictionnaire de l’altérité et des relations culturelles (2010). Paris: Armand Colin, 354 p. Dictionnaire historique de la langue française. (2006). Paris: Robert, 4304 p. Drapeau Contim, F. (2010). Qu’est-ce que l’identité? Paris: LIBRAIRIE PHILOSOPHIQUE, 128 p. Kulagina, О.А. (2012). Language Portrait of a Stranger as a Way of Representing Ethno-Cultural Dissonance in French. Мoscow: MCU, 201 p. Linguistics and Axiology: Ethnosemimetry of Evaluative Meanings (2011). Moscow: THESAURUS, 352 p. Mikhailova, S.V. (2012). Feminine Identity and the Means of its Objectification in the French Literature of the XVII Century. Moscow: MCU, 249 p. Noiriel, G. (2007). À quoi sert «l'identité nationale». Marseille: Agone, 154 p. Portella, E. (2004). La culture au XXIe siècle: clonage ou métissage? Paris: Éditions UNESCO, 321-327. Ricoeur, P. (2008). Self as Another. Moscow: Humanitarian Literature Publishing House, 416 p. Serebrennikova, E.F. (2008). Semimetry of the Word "Strange" within the Comparative Cultural Aspect of the Analysis. Irkutsk: ISLU, 558 p. Shayegan, D. (2004). Une «schizophrénie apprivoisée»? Paris: Éditions UNESCO, 227 p. Shevlyakova, D.А. (2011). Dominant Features of National Identity of the Italians. Мoscow: University book, 496 p. Skrelina, L.М. (2009). Guillaume's school: psychological systematics. Мoscow: The higher school, 367 p. Trunov, D.G. (2011). Phenomenology of Self-Cognition: Regions of Self-Existence. Perm: PSU, 318 p. Vikulova, L.G. & Kulagina, O.A. (2013). National İdentity in the Context of Otherness: Language Representation of the Oppositions "Personal – Others'" in the French Literature of the 20th Century. MCPU Bulletin. Vol. "Philology. Theory of Language. Language Education", 2(12), 33-42. Vikulova, L.G. & Serebrennikova, E.F. (2014). Structures of Modeling of Valuable Reference Points of a Social Reality Discourse in Mass Media Communicative Space. MCPU Bulletin. Vol. "Philology. Theory of Language. Language Education", 2(14), 55–63. Zheltukhina, M.R. (2014a). Interkulturelle semantische und pragmatische Parallelen im modernen Mediendiskurs: der funktionale Aspekt. Interkulturalität unter dem Blickwinkel von Semantik und Pragmatik. Csaba Földes. Beiträge zur interkulturellen Germanistik. Tübingen: Narr, 257-275 p. Zheltukhina, M.R. (2014b). Modern Media İnfluence: Human İdentity Manipulation. Moscow: Academia, 237 p. Zheltukhina, M.R. (2015). Institutional, Stereotypical and Mythological Media Markers of Modern Society. Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, 12(1), 913-920. Zheltukhina, M.R., Krasavsky, N.A., Slyshkin, G.G. & Ponomarenko, E.B. (2016a). Utilitarian and Aesthetic Values in the Modern German Society (Through the Example of Print Media Advertisements). IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(5), 1411-1418. Zheltukhina, M.R., Vikulova, L.G., Slyshkin, G.G. & Vasileva, E.G. (2016b). Naming as Instrument of Strengthening of the Dynastic Power in the Early Middle Ages (France, England, Vth–XIth Centuries). International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(14), 7195-7205. Zheltukhina, M.R., Zinkovskaya, A.V., Katermina, V.V. & Shershneva, N.B. (2016c). Dialogue as a Constıtuent Resource for Dramatıc Dıscourse: Language, Person And Culture. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(15), 7408-7420. |
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Ion Beam Diagnostics Planar Epitaxial Structures Nanophotonics, Nanoelectronics and Microsystems TechnologySergey A. Afanasiev, Mikhail S. Afanasiev, Alexander O. Zhukov, Vladimir K. Egorov & Evgeniy V. Egorov
pp. 10423-10434 | Article Number: ijese.2016.754
Abstract The background of the study is that the planar film heterostructures are nowadays the most common objects nanophotonic and nanoelectronic technologies. The authors noted that, among such objects found so-called quantum wells, which are formed by a complex series of nanoscale layers are deposited with differing elemental composition, and simple single-layer coatings. Test heterostructure may be polycrystalline or amorphous sequentially deposited layers, but can be provided epitaxial objects. In addition to the interest in the composition, structure and thickness of the layers of heterostructure itself, it is important and knowing the width and the quality of the interlayer boundaries, as well as the presence-absence of their mutual diffuse infiltration. The results of the article is that of the operating experience of experts are usually quite clearly represent technological equipment, what type of heterostructures and the distribution of elemental composition therein can be expected. However, the intended routing is always in need of an objective independent confirmation. For planar nanoheterostructures most effective method of non-destructive testing of the objective distribution of elements over the depth of the target and the presence-absence is epitaxially ion beam diagnostics. Keywords: Heterostructure layer, nano, control and distribution References Amsel, G., Nadai, J.P. & D'artemare, E. (1971). Microanalysis by the direct observation of nuclear reactions using a 2 MeV Van de Graaff. Nuclear instruments and methods, 92, 481-498. Bird, J.R. & Williams, J.S. (1989). Ion beams for material analysis. Sidney: Academic Press, 721 p. Cahill, T.A. (1980). Proton microprobs and particles induced X-ray analytical system. 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Ensuring human Rights and the Development of Legal Awareness of Juvenile Offenders in Closed InstitutionsElena A. Pevtsova, Vladimir M. Sapogov, Stanislav V. Timofeev & Elena Y. Knyazeva
pp. 10435-10444 | Article Number: ijese.2016.755
Abstract The relevance of the investigated problem is caused by the need to study the negative effects of the of juvenile offenders placement in places of social exclusion, violations of their social and legal development and effective methods of formation of socio-legal competence of students of closed type institutions. In this regard, this article aims to identify the causes of distortion of legal concepts, guidelines and settings of this category of children and methods for correcting the components of their legal consciousness. The leading approach to research of this problem is the method of projects allowing to consider this problem in a complex way as a purposeful and organized process of application of a person focused and active techniques of legal training and education for effective implementation of legal educational activity in establishments for minor offenders by a teacher. In this article the reasons of emergence of a distortion of components of legal consciousness of pupils in establishments of closed type are opened, the qualitative personal characteristics of pupils and socio-pedagogical prerequisites allowing to create the threshold level of social and legal competence of minors in the conditions of isolation from society are revealed, ways of increase of efficiency of right educational activity in establishments of closed type by means of technology of design training are presented. Materials of the article are of practical value for teachers, psychologists and other experts working with minor offenders. Keywords: Minor offenders, legal education, instruction in law, project technology, custodial institutions References Biziev, Т. М. (2002). Violations of Behavior by Pupils of a Special Professional School of Closed Type and the Rehabilitation Work Directions: PhD Abstract. St. Petersburg, 20 p. Dewey, J. (1938). Experience & Education. 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Psycho-Pedagogical Measuring Bases of Educational Competences of StudentsKulush K. Kenzhegaliev, Aisulu A. Shayakhmetova, Zhamila A. Zulkarnayeva, Balzhan K. Iksatova & Bakytgul A. Shonova
pp. 10445-10454 | Article Number: ijese.2016.756
Abstract The relevance of the research problem is conditioned by the weak development of measurement, assessment of educational competences at an operational level, at the level of actions, by insufficient applications of psycho-pedagogical theories and methods of mathematical statistics. The aim of the work is to develop through teaching experiments the content and structure of the educational competencies at the operational level and actions to measure accurately the educational competencies of students. Research methods: questionnaires, ranking, self-evaluation method – rating, content analysis of educational material, modeling of the content and structure of educational competences in the context of skills for a specific section of the physics course, statistical processing of the data. The result of the research is the realization of the ideas of measurement, assessment of educational competences by creating a model of the content and structure of abilities and skills for a specific section of the course at the level of operations, actions. Measurement of abilities and skills at the level of operations and actions is a more accurate measurement of educational competences in comparison with the existing methods. The proposed model of educational competences’ structure allows one to see the content of the material at the level of actions, as the knowledge is solid when it is evidenced by the execution of actions (solving of equations, tasks, etc.). Keywords: Measurement, educational competences, the model, theory of gradual formation of actions, psychological and pedagogical foundations References Atutov, P.R. (1976). The Polytechnical principle in teaching children. Moscow: Pedagogika, Atutov, P.R. (1978). The formation of students polytechnic knowledge and skills in the process of learning basic Sciences. Moscow: Pedagogika Avanesov, V.S. (2004). Fundamentals of theories of pedagogical measurements. Jour. Pedagogical dimension, 1, 5-10 Baidenko, V.I. (2004). Bologna process. A course of lectures. Moscow: "Logos". Comenius, J.A. (1989). Pedagogical legacy. Moscow: Pedagogika, Engels, F. (1987). Dialectics of nature. Ed-tion "Political literature". Moscow: Logos. Galperin, P.Y. (1998). Psychology as an objective science. M.: Publishing house "Institute of practical psychology". Voronezh: "MODEK". Galperin, P.Ya. & Talyzina, N.F. (1980). The theory of gradual formation of mental actions. Electronic resource". Wikipedia – the free encyclopedia. Moscow: Science Glazunov, A.T. (2003). Educational research: content, organization and processing of the results. Moscow: Publishing center APE. Grabar, M.I. & Krasnyanskaya, K.A. (1977). The application of mathematical statistics in educational research. Non-parametric methods. Moscow: "Pedagogika", 136 p. Herbert, I.F. (2007). Psychology. St.Petersburg: "Territory of the future". Khutorskoy, A.V. (2003). Key competences as a component of personality-oriented education. Journal People's education, 2, 17-22. Kovalev, G.A. & Radzikhovsky, L.A. (1985). Communication and the problem of interiorization. Questions of psychology, 1, 110-120. Kuteinikov, A.N. (2008). Mathematical methods in psychology. St.Petersburg: Speech. Leont'ev, A.N. (2005). Activity. Consciousness. Personality. Moscow: Meaning. Lerner, P.S. (1999). Generic skills - action as a system forming technological component of self-determination of growing personality. Theses of the report. Moscow: Science. Lord, F.M. & Novick, M. (1968). Statistical Theories of Mental Test Scores. New York. Melnik, M. (1983). Fundamentals of applied statistics. Transl. from English. Moscow: Energoatomizdat. Podlasiy, I.P. (1990). Let us judge the computer. National education, 8, 49-54 Razumovsky, V.G. (1977). The formation of abilities and skills, development of creative abilities. In the book Improving the teaching of physics in secondary school. Moscow: Science. Shitov, S.E. & Kalney, V.A. (2000). School: monitoring of education. Moscow: Logos. Usova, A.V. (1980). On the criteria and levels of formation of cognitive abilities and skills. Soviet pedagogy, 12, 45-49. Vygotsky, L.S. (1984). The history of development of higher mental functions. Moscow: Pedagogy. |
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Current Problems in Developing the Natural Resource Potential of the Russian Exclave in the BalticGennady M. Fedorov, Vladimir A. Gritsenko, Viktor P. Dedkov, Sergey I. Zotov & Pavel P. Chernyshkov
pp. 10455-10467 | Article Number: ijese.2016.757
Abstract The compact Kaliningrad region boasts relatively favourable environmental conditions and a remarkable diversity of natural resources. This article seeks to compare the natural resources of the exclave and other Russian regions. The authors examine recent statistical data to estimate the region’s natural and resource potential, analyse its development in different areas of the economy (agriculture, tourism, extractive industry, etc.), and describe avenues of economic growth based on a more efficient use of the region’s potential. Keywords: Environmental conditions, natural resource, sustainable nature management, Kaliningrad region References Aleksandrova, E.S. & Kononova, L.A. (2016). The Kaliningrad region in numbers. Kaliningrad: Kaliningradstat, 375 p. Aleksandrova, E.S., Kononova, L.A. & Grishina, I.I. (2015). The Kaliningrad region in numbers. Kaliningrad: Kaliningradstat, 164 p. Eurostat. (2016). Direct access: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat Fedorov, G.M. (2009). Are you familiar with the Kaliningrad region? Kaliningrad: Kant Russian State University Press, 277 p. Gimbitsky, K.K., Kuznetsova, A.L. & Fedorov, G.M. (2014). The development of Kaliningrad regional economy: A new stage of restructuring. Baltic region, 1(19), 56-71. Government of the Kaliningrad region. Fishery Agency (2016). Direct access: http://ryba39.ru/tekuwaya_deyatelnost_agentstva Gurevich, G.I. & Kazanov, Yu.V. (1976), Mineral and organic resources of the Kaliningrad region. Kaliningrad: Knizhnoe izdatelstvo, 322 p. International and interregional relations agency of the Kaliningrad region (2014a). Lithuania – Poland – Russia cross-border cooperation programme. The list of approved projects. Direct access: http://id.gov39.ru/projects/projects_2014_rus.pdf International and interregional relations agency of the Kaliningrad region (2014b). Litahunia – Russia and Poland – Russia European Neighbourhood cross-border cooperation programmes for 2014 – 2020. Direct access: http://www.id.gov39.ru/programs/program2014-2020.php Kaliningradstat (2016). Kaliningrad region in figures. Kaliningrad: Kaliningradstat, 278 p. Klemeshev, А. & Mau, V. (2007). Strategy for the Development of the Kaliningrad Region. Kaliningrad: IKSUR Press, 186 p. Krasnov, E., & Fedorov, G. (2012). Agriculture in Kaliningrad. Sustainable Agriculture. Uppsala: Uppsala University, 473 p. Kropinova, E.G., Zaitseva, N.A. & Moroz, M. (2015). Approaches to the assessment of the contribution of tourism into the regional surplus product. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(3), 275-282. Litvin, V.M. (1999). The Kaliningrad region. Essays on nature. Kaliningrad: Yantarnyy skaz, 205 p. Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Kaliningrad region (2016). 2015 Kaliningrad region national environmental report. Kaliningrad: Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Kaliningrad region Press, 372 p. Oksenoyt, G.K., Bulgakova, N.S., Gelvanovsky, M.I., Glisin, F.F., Goryacheva, I.P., Gokhberg, L.M., Zhutkov, V.B., Klimanov, V.V., Kuznetsova, O.V., Kulibina, I.F., Skatershchikova, E.E. & Kharlamova, I.V. (2015). Regions of Russia. Social and economic indicators. Moscow: Rosstat, 246 p. Orlenok, V. & Fedorov, G. (2005), Regional geography of Russia. Kaliningrad Oblast. Kaliningrad: IKSUR Press, Kant, 375 p. PRIME. Economic information agency. (2016). Direct access: http://1prime.ru/regions/20-160125/823177001.html Rostat. Federal state statistics service. (2016). Direct access: http://www.gks.ru Samson, I. (1998). Kaliningrad region: The diagnosis of a crisis. Grеnoble: University Pierre Mendes, 161 p. Samson, I. (2000). Kaliningrad 2010: Concepts, prospects and recommendations for a global development plan. Grenoble: Universite Pierre Mendes France, 226 p. Semenova, L., Kropinova, K., Zaitseva, N., Gumenyuk, I., Dragileva, I. (2013). Scientific and methodological approaches to the development of a strategy for tourism development in the Kaliningrad region on the basis of cluster approach. Kaliningrad: IKBFU Press, 269 p. Status and prospects of the mineral resource base of the Kaliningrad region. (2016). VSEGEI. Direct access: http://pandia.org/text/77/348/73543.php Zagorodnykh, V.А. & Kunaeva, T.А. (2005). Geology and minerals of the Kaliningrad region. Kaliningrad: Yantarny skaz, 363 p. Zverev, Yu., Klemeshev, A. & Fedorov, G. (2005). Strategy of development of the Kaliningrad region: expert opinion. Cosmopolis, 3(13), 182-187. Zytner, Yu.I., Grigoryev, G.А. & Оtmas, А.А. (2008). Geological and economic aspects of development of carbohydrates in the Kaliningrad region. Direct access: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/6/5_2008.pdf |
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Education and Research Laboratories as a Means of Enhancing the Quality of Professional Engineering Education in Design and Production of Composite PartsValentin I. Khaliulin & Elena M. Gershtein
pp. 10469-10483 | Article Number: ijese.2016.758
Abstract Relevance of this research is determined by quality improvement of professional engineering education. The purpose of this paper is to offer practical recommendations for those interested in establishment of education and research laboratories as a means of enhancing the quality of professional engineering education in design and production of composite parts. Structure and function analysis was the main approach within this research used to identify the functions and structure of the Center of Composite Technology as well as the purposes of education and research laboratories. Structure and function analysis approach, the main one within this research, was used to identify the purposes of education and research laboratories that all together provide synergetic effect in adaptation of a future professional to industrial conditions and make him or her able to meet competition in the labor market. Purposes of education and research laboratories were defined by 75 academics and 250 students at Kazan National Research Technical University n.a. A.N. Tupolev that took part in this study. Main results of the research are identification of the functions (professional and educational) and structure of the Center of Composite Technology as well as the purposes of education and research laboratories (design and simulation, material science, tooling manufacturing, preforms and prelaminates, molding, quality control, assembly and joining, equipment manufacturing). Significance of these results is that identified functions of the Center of Composite Technology allow considering the center an innovative component of the material and technical support of engineering education, providing practical training of students. Identified purposes of these laboratories set practical trends in engineering education as provided by industrial strategy of a region. Keywords: Center of composite technology, education and research laboratories, engineering education References Baker, A., Dutton, S. & Kelly, D. (2004). Composite Materials for Aircraft Structures. Reston American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 599 p. Gerdeen, J.C., Lord, H.W. & Rorrer, R.A. (2005). Engineering Design with Polymers and Composites. New York: Taylor & Francis Group, 368 p. Kerber, M.L., Vinogradov, V.M., Golovkin, G.S., Gorbatkina, Yu.A., Kryzhanovskiy, V.K., Kuperman, A.M., Simonov-Yemelyanov, I.D., Khaliulin, V.I. & Bunakov, V.A. (2008). Polymer Composite Materials: Structure, Properties, Technology. Saint-Petersburg: Professiya Publishing House, 560 p. Khaliulin V.I., Shabalin, L.P., Gorelov, A.V., Sidorov, I.N. & Dvoyeglazov, I.V. (2012). Calculation of the parameters of stress-strain and ultimate states of composite foldcores under transverse compression and shear. Mechanics of Composite Materials, 48(4), 415-426. Khaliulin, V., Batrakov, V. & Danilov, Y. (2013). Method and apparatus with relief drum for producing a core for a composite structural panel. Patent No. WO 2013009203. Khaliulin, V.I. & Dvoeglazov, I.V. (2013). A study of Z-crimp structural parameters impact on strength under transverse compression and longitudinal shear. Russian Aeronautics, 56(1), 15-21. Khaliulin, V.I. & Gershtein, E.M. (2016a). A Folded Core for Sandwich Panel, patent of Russian Federation No. 163959. Khaliulin, V.I. & Gershtein, E.M. (2016b). A Folded Core for Sandwich Panel, patent of Russian Federation No. 161617. Khaliulin, V.I. & Gershtein, E.M. (2016c). A Folded Core for Sandwich Panel, patent of Russian Federation No. 161615. Khaliulin, V.I. & Gershtein, E.M. (2016d). A Ribbed Integral Panel, patent of Russian Federation No. 163288. Khaliulin, V.I. & Inkin, V.A. (2012). Calculation of process variables at composite Z-crimp shaping using the folding method. Russian Aeronautics, 55(4), 417-423. 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Introduction to Plastics and Composites: Mechanical Properties and Engineering Applications. London: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 448 p. Niu, M. (2002). Airframe Structural Design. Second Edition. Hong Kong. Hong Kong Conmilit Press Ltd, 612 p. Niu, M. (2005). Composite Airframe Structures. Practical Design Information and Data. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Conmilit Press Ltd, 664 p. |
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Dialogue of the borderland: from Euro Regions to Local Border Traffic. Political and geographical aspectsGennady V. Kretinin, Denis A. Mironyuk, Ilya N. Tarasov &Tatyana Yu. Kuznetsova
pp. 10485-10492 | Article Number: ijese.2016.759
Abstract The article discusses the evolution of the main forms of inter-regional cooperation of Kaliningrad oblast of the Russian Federation with the regions of Lithuania and Poland in the period from 1992 to 2014. The aim of the work is to identify the main results of cooperation between Russia and the EU. A brief analysis and an assessment of the current state of affairs in the sphere of external relations is made from the standpoint of the functional approach. Particular attention is paid to the institute of Euroregions and local border traffic as the most significant and actually existing forms of cooperation under consideration. Keywords: Baltic region, Kaliningrad oblast, local border traffic, Euroregion, Russia, Poland References Anisevich, R. & Palmovsky, T. (2014). Polish-Russian local border traffic: the experience of two years of operation. Science and tourism: cooperation strategy, 1, 26-31. Anisevich, R. Palmovsky, T. & Dragileva, I.I. (2013). Influence of local border traffic on the development of cross-border tourism between the Republic of Poland and the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation. Science and tourism: cooperation strategy, 3, 65-73. Bolychev, O.N., Gumenyuk, I.S., & Kuznetsova, T.Y. (2015). The role of the local border traffic in retail development in the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation and the border regions of the Republic of Poland. Baltic region, 4(26), 135-149. Davidov, D.M. (2009). Border regions and cross-border regionalism. Region Cooperation, 2, 6-11. Deutsche, W. (2010). Moscow and Warsaw called on the EU to open its borders with Kaliningrad region. Direct access: http://rus.delfi.ee/daily/abroad/moskva-i-varshava-prizvali-es-otkryt-granicy-s-kaliningradskoj-oblastyu.d?id=30297729 (last retrieved: 12.06.2016). Gomółka, K. (2014). Benefits adoption of the Agreement between Poland and the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation on the procedure local border traffic. 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Psychological Characteristics of Adolescents Orphans with Different Experience of Living in a FamilyTatyana I. Shulga, Daria D. Savchenko & Evgeniya B. Filinkova
pp. 10493-10504 | Article Number: ijese.2016.760
Abstract The complexity of settling adolescents-orphans in foster families and significant number of break-downs in these families are the problems which determine the relevance of current research. Many adolescent orphans get in social institutions repeatedly, because their psychological features lead to difficulties that their foster parents are unable to cope with. These features hereby need to be thoroughly studied. This article presents the study of psychological features of adolescents with different experiences of living in a family. Research complex of 17 psycho-diagnostic methods allowed to reveal specific differences in psychology of adolescents-orphans without experience of living in a family, compared with adolescents who live in orphan institutions, but have the experience of living in a family and with adolescents living in a family since their birth. It was found that family deprivation violates psychological development of adolescents. The violation manifests itself in the specificity of their emotional intelligence and regulatory functions, reduction of social intelligence and level of sociability, as well as in specific self-image (negative self-attitude, uncertainty, distrust of the world, particular attitude to the future and the prospects of life, etc.) and perception of the other (distorted attitude towards the family and its members, negative view of parent-child relationship and child functions, etc.). The results obtained are of interest for children psychologists and social workers. Keywords: Adolescents, orphans, psychological characteristics, family deprivation References Bardyshevskaya, M.K. & Lebedinsky, V. (2003). Diagnosis of emotional disturbances in children: a tutorial. Moscow: Moscow State University, 320 p. Chuprova, M.A. (2007). Violations of interpersonal relationships and emotional development of children-orphans with no experience of life in the family. 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Method for Assessing of the Level of National Innovation Systems Openness from the Institutional Approach PerspectiveAlexey I. Shinkevich, Svetlana S. Kudryavtseva, Evgeny N. Razdrokov, Irina V. Lushchik, Ekaterina L. Vodolazhskaya, Sofia Sh. Ostanina & Mariya M. Sharafutdinova
pp. 10505-10515 | Article Number: ijese.2016.761
Abstract The relevance of the presented problem is conditioned by the fact that the rapid acceleration of changes in existing economic and institutional environment raises the need to develop new theoretical-methodological and practical approaches to solve problems to achieve sustainable economic growth. The purpose of the paper is to develop methods for the assessment of open national innovation systems based on the use of the institutional approach. The paper suggests methodology to estimate the level of openness of national innovation systems (NIS) based on formal and informal institutions of innovative development. The ranking is built of EU countries and Russia under the integrated indicator of the openness of the NIS. Main characteristics of NIS from the perspective of the institutional approach are allocated. The paper presents the theoretical and practical significance for the development of models to manage open innovations, and for the development of strategy of the state innovative policy. Keywords: National innovation system, open innovations, assessment of the level of the NIS openness, institutional approach, formal and informal institutions, innovative development References Chesbrough, H. (2007). Open innovation: creating profitable technologies. Мoskow: Generation. Hofstede, G. (2008). Culture's consequences: International differences in work-related values. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications. Kingston, W. (1984). The Political Economy of Innovation. New York: Springer. Kristensen, K. & Skott, E. (2008). What is the next? Theory of innovation as a tool for the prediction of industry changes. Мoskow: Alpina business book. Kudryavtseva, S., Shinkevich, A., Pavlova, A., Chudnovskiy, A., Nikolayeva, A., Garipova, G., Doronina, F. & Ishmuradova, I. (2016a). Econometric Methods for Evaluating of Open National Innovative Systems. International Journal Of Economics And Financial Issues, 6(2), 640-645. Kudryavtseva, S., Shinkevich, A., Sirazetdinov, R., Volov, V., Yusupova, G., Torkunova, J., Khairullina, E., Klimova, N. & Litvin, I. (2015). A Design of Innovative Development in the Industrial Types of Economic Activityю International Review of Management and Marketing, 5(4), 265-270. Kudryavtseva, S., Shinkevich, A., Ostanina, S., Vodolazhskaya, E., Chikisheva, N., Lushchik, I., Shirokova, L. & Khairullina, E.. (2016b). The Methods of National Innovation Systems Assessing. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(2), 225-230. Lundvall, B.A., Intaracumnerd P. & Vang J. (2006). Asia’a innovation system in transition. Washington: Edward Elgar. Malysheva, Т., Shinkevich, A., Kharisova, G., Nuretdinova, Y., Khasyanov, O., Nuretdinov, I., Zaitseva, N., Kudryavtseva, S. (2016). The Sustainable Development of Competitive Enterprises through the Implementation of Innovative Development Strategy. International Journal of Economics and Financial, 6(1), 185-191. Medovnikov, D.S. & Rozmirovich, S.D. (2011). Technological corridors in the industry of consumer’s goods and servises. Foresight, (1)5, 26-39. Metcalfe, S. (1995). The Economic Foundations of Technology Policy: Equilibrium and Evolutionary Perspectives. In P. Stoneman (Eds.). Handbook of the Economics of Innovation and Technological Change. Cambridge: Blackwell Publishers. Patel, P. & Pavitt, K. (1994). The Nature and Economic Importance of National Innovation Systems. Paris: STI Review OECD. Romer, P. (1992). Increasing Returns and New Developments in the Theory of Growth. NBER Working paper, 30-98. Shinkevich, A.I. & Kudryavtseva, S.S. (2014). Management of open national innovation systems in the knowledge economy. Kazan: Kazan national research technological university.
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A Metaphorical Strategy: the Formation of the Semantics of Derived AdjectivesAida G. Sadikova, Diana F. Kajumova, Diana N. Davletbaeva, Oxana V. Khasanova, Anna A. Karimova & Gulnaz F. Valiullina
pp. 10517-10527 | Article Number: ijese.2016.762
Abstract The relevance of the presented problems due to the fact that reinterpreted the values producing the foundations and formation of the lexical meaning of the derived adjective occurs according to the laws of associative thinking and it should be explained through semantic-cognitive analysis. The goal of the article is the description and comparison of metaphorical processes of formation of the semantics of derived adjectives derivational meaning "likeness" in English and Russian languages. A leading approach to the study of this problem is the functional-semantic approach, in which is given the possibility of word formation, the correct interpretation of the values of derived word, and the ability to explain the logical connections of the associations underlying the derivation of words. The main result of this article is that of metaphorization of derived adjectives derivational meaning "likeness" are characterized by different correlation of emotional and rational types of thinking inherent in different hemispheres of the brain. Derivative adjectives derivational meaning "likeness" as the result of the interaction of lexical meaning making basis and values derivational affix can relate to sensory monoreceptive synesthesiology and rational-emotive type of metaphorical transfers. The presence of a common typological traits and the selection of the types of metaphorical and synesthetical transfers due to the commonality of human perception and thinking in general. The presence of unique traits and lacunar types of metaphorical transfers said about the peculiarities of English and Russian perception. Comparative researches carried out on the material of different systems, typologically and genetically unrelated languages, it indicates the presence of common metaphors, which are due to common mental processes of perception of the surrounding world. The results of the research may find application in the development of lectures and practical sessions on contrastive word-formation, semantics, psycholinguistics and cognitive semantics, in teaching English and Russian as foreign languages, as well as the creation of an English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries correlative component composition semantics of derived adjectives of the derivational meaning "likeness". Keywords: Derivational semantics, sensory metaphor, synesthetical metaphor, rational-emotive type of metaphor, the interaction between two conceptual systems, metaphorical strategy References Arutyunova, N.D. (1990). Discourse. Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary. Moscow: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1073 p. Black, M. (1962). 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Concept “Medical Museum” as a Sociocultural PhenomenonNina V. Chizh, Gennady G. Slyshkin, Marina R. Zheltukhina, Irina V. Privalova & Olga A. Kravchenko
pp. 10529-10538 | Article Number: ijese.2016.763
Abstract The article examines the concept “medical museum” as a sociocultural phenomenon. The register of medical museums in Russia makes the material of research. The complex methods of analysis of the concept “medical museum” are used. The philosophical, historical, cultural, structural, communicative and semantic analysis is carried out. Polycentric approach shows the medical museum as an integral system that consists of autonomous fields with their own aims and tasks. In article, we realize the aim of the study. We identify medical collections, preserve historical and medical heritage of Russia to organize works to support and develop further these activities in the Russian Federation. The ways of analysis are useful for development of museology, history of medicine, communication theory, conceptology, sociolinguistics, cultural linguistics. 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Application of Andrew’s Plots to Visualization of Multidimensional DataVadim Grinshpun
pp. 10539-10551 | Article Number: ijese.2016.764
Abstract Importance: The article raises a point of visual representation of big data, recently considered to be demanded for many scientific and real-life applications, and analyzes particulars for visualization of multi-dimensional data, giving examples of the visual analytics-related problems. Objectives: The purpose of this paper is to study application of Andrews plots to visualization of multidimensional data. Methods: Application of Andrews plots to multidimensional data visualization is investigated herein by means of analysis, logical generalization, scientific abstraction. Results: The direct interaction between the analyst and the visualization system projecting the multi-dimensional data into spaces with fewer dimensions, supporting formulation and testing of the hypotheses regarding the nature and the data structure have been researched. The article seems to be useful for working with multidimensional dataset to optimize the process. 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Features of Socio-Economic Development of the Republic of Tatarstan and Conditions for the Implementation of the Investment and Cluster Policies of the RegionGulnara M. Kvon, Nailya M. Yakupova, Liliya.I Fatykhova, Svetlana J. Levachkova & Andrey. V. Puris
pp. 10553-10567 | Article Number: ijese.2016.765
Abstract The relevance of the problems studied in this article due to the fact, that the conversion of business conditions in modern markets environment imposed the need for the development of new long-term engagement forms between subjects of the regional economy, aimed at their effective functioning. This is primarily due to the unevenness in this process and the weakness of the generative force of the regional base. There is a need for developing directions of a holistic and long-term impact on the investment processes in the region. All the foregoing necessitates a complex analyzing, a socio-economic analyzing of the Republic of Tatarstan and identifying conditions of realization of the investment and cluster policies. The purpose of the article consists in the identification of the preconditions for the realization of the investment and cluster policies of the region based on an analysis of the socio-economic dynamic of the development of the Republic of Tatarstan. The leading method for the researching of this issue is the statistical method, which is a method of the quantitative analysis of set of homogeneous facts that lead to the conversion of quantitative modifications to qualitative. In this article is presented a characteristic of socio-economic development of the Republic of Tatarstan for the period 2011-2015, trends in the indicators characterizing the investment activity in the region. Also here are considered the main clusters of the Republic, score of the investment activity of the region; conditions for the realization of the investment and cluster policies of the region are identified through the analyze. Sound methods of the need to cluster activation in the region are made on findings of the research. Materials of the article are providing the practical value for specialists involved in monitoring process of conditions of realization of the investment and cluster policies in the region. Keywords: Region, investment and cluster policies, socio-economic development References Fatykhova, L.I. (2010). Tatarstan: how to create effective innovative system? a condition of innovative and investment appeal of national economy on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan. Russian entrepreneurship, 10(2), 159-163. Fatykhova, L.I. (2013). Problems of perfection of the tools of innovation development of Russian regions. Vestnik of the Kazan State Technical University by named AN Tupolev, 4, 308-312. Khasanova, A.Sh., Kvon, G.M, Muhametzyanova, F.G. (2015a). Cluster approach to investment development in the region. Vestnik of Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law, 3 (55), 137-142. Khasanova, A.Sh. & Kvon, G.M. (2014). Analysis of investment management system in the region (on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan). Kazan LLC "RPK" Omega ", 116 p. Khasanova, A.Sh., Kvon, G.M., Mukhametzyanova, F.G. (2015b). 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Methods of Psychological and Pedagogical Accompaniment of First-Year Students in Process of Adapting to Learning at UniversityTatyana P. Maralova, Olesya G. Filipenkova, Elena O. Galitskikh, Tatiana I. Shulga, Natalya V. Sidyacheva & Olga A. Ovsyanik
pp. 10569-10579 | Article Number: ijese.2016.766
Abstract The relevance of the study is conditioned by the complexity of students’ adaptation to learning at University due to the change of social environment, an alarming feelings about the precise self-determination, lack of knowledge in opportunities for self-expression in art, science, sport and public life. The purpose of the paper is to identify methods of psychological and pedagogical accompaniment of first-year students in process of adapting to learning at University. The leading principle of the study is the dialogic principle, which allows the considering of the psycho-pedagogical accompaniment as a specially organized interaction of entities of educational process with the aim to develop the inner potential of students and to engage them in goal-setting, planning, organization and adjustment of learning at the University. The study involved 350 teachers, 450 students, by whom the criteria were identified for the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical accompaniment of first-year students in process of adapting to learning at University. The main results of the study are to identify organizationally-administrative, psychologically-pedagogical, preventively-adaptive, professionally-network, normatively-legal methods of psychological and pedagogical accompaniment of first-year students in process of adapting to learning at University. The significance of the results obtained is that the set of identified methods of psychological and pedagogical accompaniment ensures the formation of students’ reflexive thinking; formation of the attitude to constructive social and professional interaction with others; mastering the abilities and skills of psychological stability in situations of risk. 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Role of Media Rumors in the Modern SocietyMarina R. Zheltukhina, Gennady G. Slyshkin, Elena B. Ponomarenko, Maryana V. Busygina & Anatoly V. Omelchenko
pp. 10581-10589 | Article Number: ijese.2016.767
Abstract The article examines the using of media rumors as pragmatic influence mechanism in the modern communication. The printed and electronic messages with rumors make the material of research. The complex methods of analysis of the rumors role in the modern society are used. The inductive, descriptive and comparative, cognitive and discursive, semantic, definitional, functional and stylistic analysis is carried out. For the complex analysis of rumors in the modern media discourse, verbal means of rumors impact on the addressee in modern foreign-language and Russian mass media linguacultural, linguapragmatic, discursive approaches are applied. In the article, we realize the aim of the study. We identify the role of media rumors in the modern society. The ways of analysis are useful for development of rumorology, communication theory, linguapragmatics, sociolinguistics, cultural linguistics, media linguistics. In the article, we establish that mass media trying to realize the function of estimation and critics create and spread rumors themselves, use actively pseudo arguments and lie instead of exposure of various rumors, pseudo arguments, lies. Keywords: Rumors, rumorology, functions, information, influence, communicative strategies and tactics, verbal means, media discourse, mass media, culture, society References Borodina, S.N. & Zheltukhina, M.R. (2013). Rumors and their Function in the Modern Media Discourse. Person. Language. Culture: Scientific Articles Coll. Kiev: Print. House D. Burago, 622-632. Borodina, S.N. & Zheltukhina, M.R. (2015a). Grammatical Means of Rumors’ Influence in Russian and English Mass Media. Bulletin of the Moscow City Teacher Training University. Series: Philology. Theory of Language. Language Education, 2(18), 65-74. Borodina, S.N. & Zheltukhina, M.R. (2015b). Strategies and Tactics of Rumour Realization in Foreign Mass Media. 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Legal Implications for Delimitation of the Turkestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist RepublicErnur Ongdashuly, Ainur O. Ongdash, Binur M. Balaubayeva, Zhazira K. Idrysheva, Bakyt Z. Byuzheyeva & Zhan Kosherbayev
pp. 10591-10598 | Article Number: ijese.2016.768
Abstract Importance: One of the most essential and traditional problems associated with development of the Russian statehood is an ethnic issue. Taking into consideration historically established multinational composition of the population in the Russian state, constructive solution of problems of international relations is one of the most significant factors for its stable and progressive development. On the contrary, the inconsistent state policy in an ethnic issue resulted in collapse of the whole state system as in 1917 and in 1991. In connection with the above, to develop an effective state policy for an ethnic issue is an extremely urgent strategic task for the current government. Undoubtedly, to solve it is hardly possible if the historical experience is not considered. In this regard not only to develop an effective strategy for the national policy is important, but also to estimate possible risks connected with "national-territorial" building. Objectives: The article is focused upon analysis of legal implications for the Turkestan ASSR delimitation, representing the complicated national composition, most likely the artificial state formation arisen on the ashes of the Russian empire in the Central Asia. Keywords: legal implications; delimitation; national-territorial delimitation; the Turkestan Soviet republic; reorganization. References Adshead, S.A.M. (1993) Central Asia in World History. NY: Macmillan. 72 р. Allison, R. (1996) Challenges for the Former Soviet South. Washington DC: Brookings Institution Anderson, J. (1997) The International Politics of Central Asia. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 69 р. Azamhocayev, S. (2000) Türkistan Muhtariyati. Tashkent: Manaviyat. 171 р. Bartold, V.V. (2010) On national delimitation in Central Asia. Direct access: http://kungrad.com/history/sssr/barthold Beyoğlu, A. (2000) Türkmen Boylarının Tarih ve Etnografyası. İstanbul: İstak. 218 р. Congresses of Councils in documents. (1959) Moscow: Politizdat. 456p. Gleason, G. (1997) The Central Asian States: Discovering Independence. NY: Westview Press. 64 р. Golden, P. (1992) An Introduction to the History of the Turkic Tribes. Weisbaden: Otto Harrassowitz. 183 р. Hayit, B. (1995) Türkistan Devletlerinin Milli Mücadeleleri Tarihi. Ankara: TTK. 144 р. Hunter, S. (1996) Central Asia Since Independence. Westport: Praeger. 48 р. Ishchanova, G. T. (2008) Kazakhstan - Uzbekistan: Historical-legal aspects of the national-state delimitation. History of the state and law, 12, 12-18. Koçar, Ç. (1991) Türkistan ile ilgili Makaleler. Ankara: Kültür Bakanlığı yayınları/1272. 86 р. Kudelya-Odabashyan, M. L. (2001) Turkestan as a part of the Soviet Russia: problems of the social and economic аnd political development: PhD thesis. Мoscow. 436p. Kutjina, G. A., Mulukayev, R. S. & Novitskaya T. Ye. (2002) History of the national state and law. Мoscow: Lawyer. 544p. Manz, B. (1994) Central Asia in Historical Perspective. Boulder: Westview Press. 168 р. Olcott, M. (1996) Central Asia's New States: Independence, Foreign Policy and Regional Security. Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace Press. 82 р. P’yankov, I.V. (1997) Srednyaya Aziya v antichnoy geograficheskoy traditsii: istochnikovebcheskiy analiz. Moscow: Izdatel’skaya firma Vostochnaya literature, RAN. 137 р. Paksoy, H. (1989) Alpamysh: Central Asian Identity under Russian Rule. NY: Association for the Advancement of Central Asian Research Monograph Series. 94 р. Parrott, B. (1997) Conflict, Cleavage and Change in Central Asia and the Caucasus. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 58 р. Rahul, R. (1997) Central Asia: An Outline History. New Delhi: Concept Publishing Group173 р. Roy, O. (2000) The New Central Asia: The Creation of Nations. London: I.B. Turis. 87 р. Sarsembayev, M. A. (1993) International legal questions in the history of Kazakhstan and Central Asia: PhD abstract. Мoscow. 37p. Soucek, S. A (2000) History of Inner Asia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 126 р. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia. (2001) Direct access: //dic.academic.ru/dic.-nsf/bse/112792/%D0%9D%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%BE |
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Tourism in a Globalizing WorldElena V. Yudina, Tatiana V. Uhina, Irina V. Bushueva & Natalia T. Pirozhenko
pp. 10599-10608 | Article Number: ijese.2016.769
Abstract The relevance of the investigated problem is caused by the fact that virtually no comprehensive research on issues related to tourism as an integrative multidimensional phenomenon in the socio-cultural environment in the context of globalization has been made by now. The purpose of this article is based on sociological and cultural approach to analyze tourism as a social phenomenon in the context of globalization and multipolarity of the world social system. The leading methods of investigation of this problem are the analysis and synthesis enabling to consider tourism as a complex and global phenomenon. The article presents a systematization of knowledge about tourism as a social phenomenon; also theoretical basis has been expanded for a comprehensive analysis of the socio-cultural aspects of tourism in the era of globalization. The main provisions and conclusions presented in the paper can be used for the further development of methodological approaches in the research of international tourism as a social process for the regulation of tourist flows and the training of specialists in the field of tourism. Keywords: Tourism, globalization, culture, space References Ashkerov, A. (2007). The twilight of globalization. Moscow: АСТ publishing, 348 p. Benhabib, S. (2003). Claims of culture. Equality and variety in a global era. Moscow: Logos publishing, 289 p. Dzhafari, D. (2008). Phenomenology of tourism: site “tourist review”. Direct access: http://www.tourvest.ru/articles/article0003. Hantington, S. (2007). Collision of civilizations. Moscow: АСТ publishing, 603 p. Harris, G. & Katz, М. (2000). Stimulation of the international tourism in the 21st century. Moscow: Finance and statistics, 240 p. International Tourism. (1999). A Global Perspective. Madrid: WTO, 85 p. Kirabaev, N.S. (2005). Globalization and multiculturalism. Moscow: Russian People’s Friendship University of Russia, 332 p. Koksharov, N.V. (2007). Interaction of cultures: the cultural dialogue. Direct access: http://credonew.ru/content/view/352/28/ Minaev, V.A. & Bushueva, I.V. (2014). Network-centric destinations models. World Applied Sciences Journal, 30, 185-186. Nikolaenko, D.V. (2003). Recreation geography. Moscow: Vlados publishing, 287 p. Petrova, E.V. (2008). Tourism as subject of the sociological analysis. Bulletin of the Moscow state regional university. Series: Philosophical sciences, 3, 104-110. Petrova, E.V. (2009a). Sociocultural aspects of tourism in modern Russia: PhD Thesis. Moscow: Russian state social university, 173 p. Petrova, E.V. (2009b). Tourism as factor of the international sociocultural communication. Social policy and sociology, 2(44), 365-373. Pokrovsky, N.E. & Tchernyaeva, T.I. (2008). Tourism: from the social theory to practice of management. Moscow: University book; Logos publishing, 424 p. Snegovaya, O.A. (2007). Globalization as sociocultural process: PhD Thesis. Rostov-on-Don, 24 p. Sokolova, M.V. (2006). Sociocultural aspects of tourism. Moscow: Moscow state pedagogical university, 78 p. Sokolova, M.V. (2007). Tourism as cultural and historical phenomenon: Doctoral Thesis. Moscow, 55 p. Tchaban, V.S. (2006). Sociocultural motivations and practice of various social groups of the modernized Russia in the sphere of leisure and tourism. Rostov-on-Don: Rostov state pedagogical university, 66 p. Aleksandrova A.Yu. (2014). Tourism statictics. Мoscow: Federal tourism agency, 464 p. Uhina, T.V. (2016). Psychological aspects in business negotiations. Economy and entrepreneurship, 3, 101-110. UNWTO World Tourism Barometer (2016). Direct access: http://mkt.unwto.org/ru/barometer Yarskaya, V. (1998). Sociocultural problems of the habitat. Human resources, 4, 10-12. Yudina, E.V. (2014). Tourism as a search of "Lost paradise". In the collection: Modern city: sociality, cultures, life of people. Files of XVII International scientific-practical conference. Editorial board: L.A. Zaks, L.A. Myasnilova and others, 452-455. Yudina, E.V. (2015). Tourism in the multipolar world. Bulletin: Vestnik RIAT, 3, 28-31. Zorin, I.V. & Kvartal’nov, V.A. (2003). Encyclopedia of tourism. Moscow: Finance and statistics, 364 p. |
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Substantive (Content-Related) Characteristics of Deviant Behavior as a Social and Psychological PhenomenonValentina B. Salakhova, Aleksandr V. Bulgakov, Irina E. Sokolovskaya Rina S. Khammatova & Mikhail N. Mikhaylovsky
pp. 10609-10622 | Article Number: ijese.2016.770
Abstract The article is dedicated to an important social problem of contemporary Russian society - to deviant behavior in the system of social relations. Deviant manifestations are not unique and new, however their study becomes especially important now, during a critical period of the Russian society development. In contemporary society the interaction of a personality, family and society is performed in the context of high-quality transformation of public relations which cause not only positive, but also negative changes in various spheres of social life. Various difficulties arising in the course of adaptation of representatives of these or those social groups to market economy generate deformation of interpersonal communications, dissociation of generations, loss of traditions. The diverse forms of social pathology increasing on a great scale, criminalization of social milieu, sharp weakening of standard and moral regulation of public relations, – these and other negative tendencies in the development of contemporary society set an extremely important task for psychological science on studying the nature, objective laws of deviant behavior and its subjects - the deviant personality (deviant) and anti-social communities. In this regard, the article is directed towards the study of a concept, essence and experience of researches of deviant behavior both in domestic, and in foreign psychological science. The leading approach to the study of this problem is a holistic, systemic and dialectic approaches which provide an integrity and comprehensiveness of the research relying on a holistic personal development, considering the history of a personality. The results of theoretical analysis of deviant behavior are considered in the article. The overview of development of this concept is provided from ancient times to the present. The conclusions have been made on substantive characteristics of deviant behavior as a social and psychological phenomenon. Materials of the article are of practical importance to psychologists, social workers and the staff of educational institutions. Keywords: Deviant behavior, reformation and correction of the personality, domestic and foreign researches on a problem of deviant behavior, personality and society References Adler, F. (1991). Criminolodgi. New York : McGraw-Hill, 595 p. Ageeva, L.G. (2005). Defective socialization of pupils of secondary school. Journal of Social Work, 6, 113-119. Bandura, A. (2000). Teenage aggression: study of the influence of education and family relations. Moscow April Press: Eksmo-Press, 509 p. Baron, R. (2000). Aggression. St.Petersburg: Peter, 351 p. Becker, G. (1961). Modern sociological theory. Moscow: Foreign Literature, 325 p. Belicheva, S.A. (1994). 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Gippenreiter, Y.B. (1982). Psychology of individual differences. Moscow: MGU, 319 p. Gobbs, T. (1989). Works in 2 vols. Moscow: Thought, 129 p. Guseinov, A.A. (2002). Ethics. Moscow: Gardarika, 472 p. Harre R. (1977). The ethogenetic approach: Theory and practice. Experimenal social psychology. NY.; L. 10, 283-314. Heider, F. (1982). The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations. London: Psychology Press, 336 p. Hoffman, I. (1984). Presentation of Self. Modern foreign social psychology. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 188-196. Horny K. (1942). Self-Analysis. N.Y.: W.W.Norton & Co. 283 p. Kelley, H.H. (1986). The social Psychology of Groups. New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, 339 p. Kernberg, O.F. (2001). Aggression in personality disorders and perversions. Moscow: Class, 367 p. Kon, I.S. (1989). Psychology of early adolescence. Moscow: Education, 255 p. Kraihy, B. (2003). The social psychology of aggression. St.Petersburg: Peter, 336 p. Kravchenko, E.I. & Dobrenkova, V.I. (1996). 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(1953). An Approach to the Study of Communicative Acts. Psychological Review, 60, 393–404. Osgood, C.E. (1955). The Principle of Congruity in the Prediction of Attitude Change. Psychological Review, 62, 42–55. Pareto V. (2011). Transformation of Democracy / translate Italy. M. Yushima. Moscow: "The territory of the future" Publishing House, 208 p. Platonov, Yu.P. (2006). Social psychology of behavior: Proc. manual for students enrolled in the direction of psychology and specialties. St.Petersburg: Peter, 459 p. Rabinovich V.L. (1992). Augustine of Hippo (Blessed). Confession. History of my distress. Moscow: Institute of Human Sciences of the USSR, 335 p. Ritzer, G. (2002). Modern sociological theory. St.Petersburg: Peter, 686 p. Rubinstein, S.L. (2007). Fundamentals of general psychology. St.Petersburg: Peter, 720 p. Salakhova, V.B., Oschepkov A.A., Lipatova N.V., Popov P.V., Mkrtumova I.V. (2016a). Features of Social Attitudes and Value Orientations of Youths and Adolescents Prone to Auto-Aggressive Behavior. International journal of environmental & science education, 11(16), 9017-9025. Salakhova, V.B., Ovsyanik O.A., Shmeleva N.B., Lvova E.N., Shabanova O.V. (2016b). The Problem of Higher Education in the Executive System of Russian Government. International journal of environmental & science education, 11(4), 9883-9889. Shibutani, T. (1999). Social pskhologiya. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 540 p. Skripnik, A.P. (1992). Moral evil in the history of ethics and culture (something to work on, what they think the philosophers). Moscow: Politizdat, 351 p. Stepanova, S.E. (2004). The moral consciousness and behavior of young people in modern conditions: PhD Thesis. Cheboksary, 25 p. Titarenko, A.I. (1984). Antiidei: the experience of sociological and ethical analysis. Moscow: Politizdat, 478 p. Tolstykh, A.A. (1988). Adults and children: the paradoxes of communication. Moscow: Education, 125 p. Vygotsky, L.S. (2000). Psychology. Moscow April Press: Eksmo-Press, 1007 p. Zakharova, E.A. (2005). Humanistic approaches to the process of overcoming the deviant behavior of teenagers in educational research in Russia, USA: PhD Thesis. Moscow, 190 p. Zmanovskaya, E.V. (2004). Deviancy. Moscow: Academy, 288 p. |
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Legislative Regulation of Information SpaceKairatbek K. Shadiyev, Zhanna A. Khamzina, Yerazak M. Tileubergenov, Kalamkas Nadirova, Irina S. Tokmambetova & Yermek A. Buribayev
pp. 10623-10633 | Article Number: ijese.2016.771
Abstract The urgency of the stated in the article the problem stems from the fact that in modern conditions when the information has become not only a means of knowledge, the subject of communication but also a means of control, impact on the socio-economic relations, the issues of formation and state regulation of the information space occur. The purpose of the article is to determine the mechanism of legal regulation of information and the creation of structures of information law. On the basis of various scientific approaches category information space is regarded as a universal sphere of information circulation, as a set of objects of information relations and as a system of information relations, which are the subject of special legal regulation. The main object of the study is mechanism of information relations legal regulation, its consistency and specificity. The leading method of this issue investigation is the simulation method which allows to reconstruct a model of social relations legal regulation, chosen by the legislator by examining the reasons that prompted the legislator to take a decision and identify main ideas laid the basis for the legislator legal model. Subjecting the study of the Kazakhstan information legislation, the authors seek to identify inherent in any development of the modern state legal ideas that underlie the regulation of the information space. As a result, the features of the mechanisms in information space legal regulation are revealed, the stages of information legislation development are evaluated. The authors studied different scientific definitions of information, information society, common information space, information resources, information infrastructure, legal and informational relationships and information law. In order to justify the need for the provision of information law the analysis of national legal system was conducted. There was proposed a system of information law. Keywords: Information law, information rights, legislative regulation of information References Ackerman, J.M. & Sandoval-Ballesteros, I.E. (2006). The global explosion of freedom of information laws. Administrative Law Review, 58, 85-130. Bachilo, I.L., Lopatin, V.N. & Fedotov, M.A. (2001). Information Law. Sankt-Petersburg: Legal Center Press, 789 p. Bently, L. & Sherman, B. (2014). Intellectual property law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1440 p. Birkinshaw, P. (2010). Freedom of Information: the Law, the Practice and the Ideal. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 578 p. Bradbury, J., Beaumont, J. & Barlow, T. (2016). An Evolving Landscape: From Information Gatekeeper to Knowledge Professional. Legal Information Management, 16(3), 124-130. Brent K., McGee, J., McDonald, J. (2015). The Governance of Geoengineering An Emerging Challenge for International and Domestic Legal Systems. Journal of Law, Information and Science, 24(1), 1-33. Coppel, P. (2014). Information rights: Law and practice. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 342 p. Cornish, W., Llewelyn, G.I. & Aplin, T. (2013). Intellectual Property: Patents, Copyright, Trade Marks and Allied Rights. London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1008 p. Dahiyat, E.A. (2016). The legal recognition of online brokerage in UAE: is a conceptual rethink imperative? Information and Communications Technology Law, 25(2), 173-189. Dietz, T. (2014). Global Order Beyond Law: How Information and Communication Technologies Facilitate Relational Contracting in International Trade. London: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, 270 p. Ehrett, J.S. (2016). E-judiciaries: a model for community policing in cyberspace. Information and Communications Technology Law, 25(3), 272-291. Gorodov, O.A. (2009). Information Law. Moscow: Prospect, 454 p. Isaac-Henry, K. & Barnes, С. (2000). Information and Communication Technologies: Assessing Public Attitude and Local Government Resolve. Public Policy and Administration, 15(3), 20-31. Ivanets, G.I. & Chervonyuk, V.I. (2003). Globalization. State. Law. State and Law, 8, 87-94. Kobersy, I.S., Karyagina, A.V., Karyagina, O.V. & Shkurkin, D. (2015). Law as a social regulator of advertisement and advertising activity in the modern Russian information space. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(3), 9-18. Leoni, B. (2012). Freedom and the Law. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 420 p. Lloyd, I. (2014). Information Technology Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 600 p. Mendel, T. (2003). Freedom of information as an internationally protected human right. Comparative Media Law Journal, 1(1), 39-70. Pollitt, C. (2011). Mainstreaming Technological Change in the Study of Public Management. Public Policy and Administration, 26(4), 377-397. Rassolov, I.M. (2010). Information Law. Moscow: Lawyer, 72 p. Roberts, A.S. (2000). Less government, more secrecy: Reinvention and the weakening of freedom of information law. Public Administration Review, 60(4), 308-320. Sharma, A. (2013). State Transparency after the Neoliberal Turn: The Politics, Limits, and Paradoxes of India's Right to Information Law. PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review, 36(2), 308-325. Sokolova, S.N. & Seniv, J.M. (2013). Information Law and State Regulation of Information Security. Information Law, 2(33), 3-7. Spahiu, I. (2015). Between the right to know and the right to forget: looking beyond the Google case. European Journal of Law and Technology, 6(2), 1-25. Ward, J. (1986). The Impact of Freedom of Information Legislation on Senior Civil Servants. Public Policy and Administration, 1(3), 11-19. |
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Modeling of the Gross Regional Product on the Basis of Production FunctionsNikolay S. Sadovin, Tatiana N. Kokotkina, Tatiana G. Barkalova & Evgeny I. Tsaregorodsev
pp. 10635-10650 | Article Number: ijese.2016.772
Abstract The article is devoted to elaboration and construction of a static model of macroeconomics in which economics is considered as an unstructured holistic unit, the input of which receives the resources, and the output is the result of the functioning of economics in the form of gross domestic product or gross regional product. Resources are considered as arguments, and gross output – as function. Simulation is carried out using the production function for Russian Federation in general and for its eighty-three regions and eight federal districts. For building the models there were selected such macroeconomic indicators as gross regional product, value of fixed production assets, population, number of people employed in the economy, number of economically active population. For each region the model was built in current and comparable prices, with and without allowance for technological progress. Macroeconomic models used statistical data for 15 years (2000 – 2014) and the number of built models is 2208. The appropriate software "EGRMod" was engineered to work under Windows operating systems using MS Access or under control of Access Runtime library. External Access database is used to collect data. Numerical calculations are performed in SQL language using VBA. Keywords: Economical-mathematical modeling, gross regional product, production function, technological progress References Abakumov, V.G., Krylov, V.N. & Antoshchuk, S.G., (2000). Detection and identification of attributes of objects using a spherical model of the visual analyzer .Electronics and Communications, 8(2), 211-212. Antipova, E.A., Alyunova, T.I., Belov, G.L., Vasilyeva, L.G., Nikolaev, I.P., Nikolaeva, A.N., Kokotkina, T.N. & Tsaregorodtsev, E.I. (2016). The Role of Human Capital in the Development of the Region. The Social Sciences, 11, 1641-1646. DOI: 10.3923/sscience.2016.1641.1646. Aukucionek, S.P. (1984). Modern bourgeois theories and models: a critical analysis loop. Moscow: Nauka, 223 p. Becker, G.S. (2003). Human behavior: an economic approach. Selected papers on economic theory. Moscow: Moscow State University .Higher School of Economics, 39p. Dayneko, V.G. (2011). The growth of intellectual capital in the transition to an economy based on knowledge: political and economic aspect. Journal of Economic Theory, 4, 45-58. Easterly, W. & Fisher, S. (1995). The Soviet economic decline: Historical and republican data, 9(3), 341-371 Federal state statistics service (2016). Direct access: http://www.gks.ru free. Grishin, I.U. (2010). Actual problems of optimizing the management of technical and economic systems. Yalta: RIO KSU, 210p. Gurban, I.A. & Myzin, A.L. (2011). Theoretical and methodological approaches to the assessment of the human capital of Russia. Journal of Economic Theory, 2, 21-31. Harrod, R.F. (1973). Towards a Dynamic Economics. Some Recent Developments of Economic Theory and Their Application to Policy. London: Rutledge, 124 p. Klochko, E., Fomenko, N. & Nekrasova, V. (2016). Modelling of Network Mechanisms of Management in the Conditions of Organizational Development Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6, 101-106 Kokotkina, T.N., Sadovin, N.S., Bespalov, D.E., Borisov, V.A., Tsaregorodtsev, E.I., Malinina, A.A., Vasilyeva, E.O. (2015). A Dynamic Model of Regional Economic Growth. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6, 139-148. DOI:10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s7p139 Kokotkina, T.N. & Sadovin, N.S. (2014). Analysis of the impact of human development on the housing market of the Republic of Mari El. Proceedings of the Free Economic Society of Russia, 189, 363-368. Kolemaev, V.A. (1998). Mathematical Economics. Moscow, UNITI, 240 p. Kulalaeva, I.V., Kreneva, S.G. & Kanyugin, O.I. (2016). Theoretical aspects of influence of the share of savings to the trend of economic growth at the institutional turbulent macroeconomic environment. Innovative science, 1(13), 108-111. Malykh, O., Polyanskaya, I. & Lebedev, I. (2015). Resources of Innovative Development of Region in the Conditions of Formation of Knowledge Economy Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(3), 345-350 doi:10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s7p345 Mosunova, T.G. & Tsaregorodtsev, E.I. (2006). Modeling of a Securities Market. Review of applied and industrial mathematics, 6, 1099-1110. Nikolaeva, A.N., Antipova, E.A., Belov, G.L., Malova, E.A., Tsaregorodtsev, E.I. (2015). Innovative Development of Region in the Conditions of Formation of Knowledge Economy. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(3), 297-305 doi:10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s7p297 Sadovin, N.S. & Kokotkina, T.N. (2014). Analysis of human potential influence on housing market of the Republic of Mari El. Proceedings of the free economic society of Russia, 189, 363-368. Sadovin, N.S. & Koroleva, E.L. (2010). Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting model of social and economic development of the region. Proceedings of the Free Economic Society of Russia, 137, 451-455. Solow, R.M. (1974). The Economic of Resources and the Resources of Economics. The American Economic Review, 64(2), 1-14. Timirgaleeva, R.R. & Grishin, I.U., (2013). Information and logistics of multi-level governance process of organizational and economic systems. Simferopol: IT Ariana, 248 p. Tsaregorodsev, E.I. & Sarycheva, T.V. (2009). Formation of system of indicators characterizing the economic activity of the region's population. Regional economy: theory and practice, 42, 18-21. Tsaregorodtsev E.I. & Sajranova M.V. (2015). The economic development potential of socio-economic systems in the region. Yoshkar-Ola: MarGU. 178 p. Tsaregorodtsev, E.I., Semagin, I.A. & Mosunova, T.G. (2009). Interest rate policy as a factor of sustainable growth of economy - Herald of the Volga State Technological University, 3, 47-54. |
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Factors of Intensification in the Hops Cluster of ChuvashiaAnatoly I. Zakharov, Oleg V. Evgrafov, Dmitry A. Zakharov, Elena V. Ivanova, Marija L. Tolstova & Evgeny I. Tsaregorodtsev
pp. 10651-10659 | Article Number: ijese.2016.773
Abstract The complex analysis of development of hop-growing for 1971 - 2015 is carried out. In the conditions of the field experiment made in the Chuvash Republic hop-growing intensification elements – technology of its cultivation, mechanization are fulfilled. Based on researches it is established that the main internal allowance of increase in efficiency of hop-growing is transition to resource-saving low-cost technology of cultivation of hop now. The resource-saving technology of cultivation of hop using a complex of machines allows to reduce labor costs from 500-600 to 180 people - days by 1 hectare, promotes increase in productivity of cones for 30-40% and quality for 15-20%. Keywords: Hops, production efficiency, alpha acid, productivity, assessment References Altukhov, A.I., Agafonov, V.P. & Gavrilov, Yu.A. (2009). Economics and organization of raw base of the brewing industry. Nizhny Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod state agricultural Academy, 134 p. 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Challenges and Opportunities of Using Simulation Models in Forecasting Socio-economic Development of the RegionTatjana G. Barkalova, Tatjana N. Kokotkina & Evgeny I. Tsaregorodtsev
pp. 10661-10671 | Article Number: ijese.2016.774
Abstract The article is devoted to simulation modeling as a forecasting tool of socio-economic development of the region. It highlights the main advantages and disadvantages of the method, analyses the existing approaches and the constructed models, compares the results and draws conclusions about the applicability of simulation models. On the basis of this study there are assumptions about the future usage of simulation modeling for forecasting of socio-economic development of the region. Keywords: Forecasting, programming models, econometric software References Abakumov, V.G., Krylov, V.N. & Antoshchuk, S.G., (2000). Detection and identification of attributes of objects using a spherical model of the visual analyzer. Electronics and Communications, 8(2), 211-212. Chernysheva, N.N. (2010). Imitation modeling of business processes. Nizhni Novgorod: Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod, 28 p. Dream-Valley (2015). Advanced Systems Analysis. Direct access: http://www.iiasa.ac.at/web/ho-me/research/researchPrograms Gafarova, E.A. (2013). Imitation models of complex regional development. Large-scale Systems Control, 45, 206-221. Grishin, I.U. (2010). Actual problems of optimizing the management of technical and economic systems. Yalta: RIO KSU, 210 p. Hasaev, G.R. & Tsibatov V.A. (2002). The forecasting technology of regional development: the implementation experience and use. Studies on Russian Economic Development, 3, 64-82. Ilyin, A.A. (2007). Simulation modeling of economic processes, Tula: Tula University of management and business, 121 p. Klochko, E., Fomenko, N. & Nekrasova, V. (2016). Modelling of Network Mechanisms of Management in the Conditions of Organizational Development. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(1), 101-106 Kokotkina, T.N., Sadovin, N.S., Bespalov, D.E., Borisov, V.A., Tsaregorodtsev, E.I., Malinina, A.A., Vasilyeva, E.O. (2015). A Dynamic Model of Regional Economic Growth. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(3), 139-148. DOI:10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s7p139 Kolemaev, V.A. (1998). Mathematical Economics. Moscow, UNITI, 240 p. Korovin, A.M. (2012). The analysis of approaches and software for the simulation of social and economic systems. Vestnik of SUSU, 35, 98-100. Lehtonen, H., Bärlund, I., Tattari, S. & Hilden, M. (2007). Combining dynamic economic analysis and environmental impact modeling: addressing uncertainty and complexity of agricultural development. Environmental modeling & software, 22(5), 710-718. Lychkina, N.N. (2000). Modern technologies of simulation modeling and its use in Business Information Systems, 9, 60-63. Lychkina, N.N. (2013). Dynamic simulation of socio-economic systems and its application in information-analytical solutions for strategic management. Business strategies, 2, 44-49. Malykh, O., Polyanskaya, I. & Lebedev, I. (2015). Resources of Innovative Development of Region in the Conditions of Formation of Knowledge Economy. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(3), 345-350 doi:10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s7p345 Mosunova, T.G. & Tsaregorodtsev, E.I. (2006). Modeling of a Securities Market. Review of applied and industrial mathematics, 13(6), 1099-1110. Rvantsov, Y.A (2011). Comparative analysis of simulation systems business processes by criterion of functional completeness. Vestnik of Don State Technical University, 1(52), 69-73. Sadovin, N.S. & Koroleva, E.L. (2010). Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting model of social and economic development of the region. Proceedings of the Free Economic Society of Russia, 137, 451-455. Sorokin, D.E. (2015). Aivika: imitation modeling in terms of computing. IMMOD, 11, 262-266. Timirgaleeva, R.R. & Grishin, I.U. (2013). Information and logistics of multi-level governance process of organizational and economic systems. Simferopol: Ariana, 248 p. Tsaregorodtsev, E.I. (1998). Organization and economic efficiency of adaptive management in the agrarian sector (Doctoral dissertation). Yoshkar-Ola: Mari State University, 363 p. Tsaregorodtsev, E.I., Semagin, I.A. & Mosunova, T.G. (2009). Interest rate policy as a factor of sustainable growth of economy. Herald of the Volga State Technological University, 3, 47-54. Tsaregorodtsev, E.I. & Sajranova, M.V. (2015). The economic development potential of socio-economic systems in the region. Yoshkar-Ola: Mari State University, 178 p. Zhuravlev, S.S. (2009). A brief overview of the methods and tools for simulation modeling of production systems. Problems of Informatics, 3, 47-53 |
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Museum Pedagogics as a Means of Formation of Ethnocultural Competency of Future EducatorsValentina V. Konstantinova & Elena V. Alexeyeva
pp. 10673-10682 | Article Number: ijese.2016.775
Abstract The subject of our research is of great relevance due to the fact that in the current context, when educational environment is marked by its multicultural and multiethnic features, the issue of formation of ethno cultural competency is very important. Thus the goal of this article is to discover the potential of museum pedagogics and its role in the formation of ethno cultural competency of future educators. The principal methods of the research are theoretical and practical ones, which allow to have a comprehensive look at the formation of ethno cultural competency of future educators. The article introduces the viewpoints of scholars and experts regarding such concepts as “multicultural educational environment”, “museum pedagogics”, “ethno cultural competency”; it detects common approaches, as well as differing ones, to the potential of museum pedagogics and its role in the formation of ethno cultural competency of future educators. The results of the research - which help to identify the level of ethno cultural competency among the students of the department of psychology and pedagogics – will help to make corrections in our efforts to use the potential of the museums of Yoshkar-Ola and Mari State University in the process of training of future educators. Keywords: Ethno cultural competency, future educator, museum pedagogics, multicultural educational environment References Akhunov, V.M. (2008). Museum pedagogics as an academic discipline: about the history of formation. Pedagogical education, 4, 36-44. Bakhtin, M.M. (2002). The artwork and legacy of M.M. Bakhtin in the context of world culture. St-Petersburg: RHGI, 658 p. Bakushinskiy, A.V. (1981). Art and museums. Contemporary art museums and museums of the future. Research and articles. Selected works of art criticism. Moscow: AST, 136 p. Bakushinskiy, A.V. (1992). Artwork and upbringing: research on the basis of graphic arts. Moscow: Kultura I Prosveschenie, 66 p. Belyakova, L.M. (2006). Museum pedagogics: a fresh approach to education. Supplementary education and upbringing, 5, 17-21. Borovikov, L.I. (1993). Ethnocultural competence of a social care teacher and a social worker: methodological materials of L.I. Borovikov. Moscow: Nauka, 19 p. Fedorova, S.N. (2004). Educational activity in the context of ethnocultural analysis (competence-based approach): study guide for teachers and students of higher educational. Yoshkar-Ola: LLC “String”, 245 p. Fedorova, S.N. (2008). System approach to ethnocultural training of future educators. Yoshkar-Ola: State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Mari State University, 63 p. Gamburg, E.Y. (2009). Civic and patriotic formation of schoolchildren by the means of an elective course on regional history. Education of schoolchildren, 9, 24-26. Gukalenko, O.V. (2003). Multicultural education: theory and practice. Rostov-on-Don: RGPU, 512 p. Ivashkina, N.A. (2007) Patriotic education in the primary school. Nachalnaya shkola, 7, 29-33. Komarovskaya, E.P. (2009). Cultural and educational activity of museums and museum pedagogics. Moscow University Herald. Ed. 20, Pedagogical Education, 1, 69-72. Lotman, Y.M. (1998). About art. St-Petersburg: Piter, 220 p. Mysheva, T.P. (2007). Museum pedagogics in the modern sociocultural educational context: PhD Thesis. Taganrog, 194 p. Nagorskiy, N.V. (2005). Museum pedagogics and museum-pedagogical space. Pedagogika, 5, 3-12. Nekrasova, A.N. (1992). The culture of international communication among the youth: condition and formation (Doctoral dissertation). Moscow, 363 p. Panteleyeva, L.V. (2000). Museum and children. Moscow, Karapuz, 287 p. Poshtareva, T.V. (2009). Formation of ethnocultural competency of students in polyethnic educational environment (Doctoral dissertation). Stavropol, 393 p. Pugacheva, E.A. (2008). Formation of tolerance of students in multicultural environment of a university: PhD Abstract. Nizhny Novgorod, 27 p. Sapanzha, O.S. (2007). Foundations of museum communications. St-Petersburg: Peter, 95 p. Seryakova, S.B. (2002). Formation of ethnocultural competency of an extended education teacher: PhD Abstract. Novosibirsk. p. 19 Sotnikov, S.I. (2004). Museology: study guide for universities. Moscow: Drofa, 190 p. Stolyarov, B.A. (2002). Pedagogics of an art museum — in history and at present. Education of schoolchildren, 7, 37-42 Vanslova, E.G. (2003). Museum pedagogicsа – a great power. Vneshkolnik, 6, 30-42. Vasyutkin, D.V. (2001). School museum as a means of patriotic education of schoolchildren. Modern problems of education: experience and perspectives. Stavropol State University Publishers, 209-211 |
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Theoretical model of professional competence development in dual-specialty students (On the example of the “History, Religious Studies” specialty)A.E. Karimova , A.S. Amanova , A.M. Sadykova , N.E. Kuzembaev A.T. Makisheva , G. Zh. Kurmangazina & Janat Sakenov
pp. 10683-10693 | Article Number: ijese.2016.776
Abstract The article explores the significant problem of developing a theoretical model of professional competence development in dual-specialty students (on the example of the “History, Religious studies” specialty). In order to validate the specifics of the professional competence development in dual-specialty students (on the example of the “History, Religious studies” specialty), we conducted the analysis of the establishment of the “professional competencies” concept. We provide theoretical validation of the structure and content of the professional competence in dual-specialty students (on the example of the “History, Religious studies” specialty). We studied, methodologically validated and developed a structure of a theoretical model of the professional competence development in dual-specialty students (on the example of the “History, Religious studies” specialty), which includes blocks, criterions, levels, methods, means and conditions for the efficiency of this process. Theoretical model of the professional competence development in dual-specialty students (on the example of the “History, Religious studies” specialty) is recommended for use during the development of the standards for dual specialties and educational programs in the higher school. Keywords: Dual specialty, theoretical model, development, professional competencies, students, history, religious studies. References Astakhova, Y.V. (2003). Sociological characteristics of the human potential of higher education: the Ukrainian version. Innovations in Education, 1, 27-51. Berkimbaev, K.M., S.T. Nyshanova, B.T. Kerimbaeva & Meyrbekova, G.P. (2012). The formation of professional competencies of future specialists New Educational Review. Poland: Thomson Reuters Journal Impact Factor 0.149, 271-281. Brown-Rice, K.A., & Furr, S. (2013). Preservice Counselors' Knowledge of Classmates' Problems of Professional Competency. Journal of Counseling & Development, 91 (2), 224-233. Carr, D., & Skinner, D. 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The research of the personality qualities of future educational psychologistsV.I. Dolgova, A.A. Salamatov, M.V. Potapova, N.O. Yakovleva & E.V. Yakovlev
pp. 10695-10700 | Article Number: ijese.2016.776
Abstract In this article, the authors substantiate the existence of the personality qualities of future educational psychologists (PQFEP) that are, in fact, a sum of knowledge, skills, abilities, socially required qualities of personality allowing the psychologist to solve problems in all the fields of professional activities. A model of PQFEP predicts the formation of emotion-based, communicative, gnostical, motivational, practical and reflexive components. The achievement of the goal is provided by the realization of functions of propaedeutic, adaptive, prophylactic, correctional development nature, as well as by the program of PQFEP formation in which the interconnection of all forms of psychologist’s work (lectures, seminars, trainings, correction psychology work, etc.) along with the further controlling on four levels (inadmissible level, critical level, acceptable level and desirable level) is included. The process of the PQFEP-formation is provided in five stages: targeting, positive attitude formation, theoretical prerequisites formation, trial and frontal adoption. The task of each stage is decomposition of the general goal of the whole process. The result of work is an increase of the formation level of the PQFEP-components which are the following: communicative level (leadership, communication ability), gnostical level (knowledge of psychologist’s professional activity; the ability of creative usage of professional experience; psychologist’s abilities and skills; intellectual power, smart mind and creative thinking), emotion-based level (empathy; emotional resistance; independent decision-making ability), reflexive level (ability for adequate self-rating and self-regulation), motivational level (aggressiveness) and practical level (task-oriented mind). 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